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"Tumultuous Offseason"

The major disconnect with this is where the fault lies. Consistent lack of execution and lack of attention to detail (which begets stupid mistakes) is a coaching issue. Period. If it's short-lived or more of an early season thing, then it's easier to see it otherwise. If your guys aren't executing and are constantly putting themselves in position to lose, that's the head man's fault.
I do see your point, but in my opinion it’s flipped. Early mistakes, coach and fix. Long term mistakes, it’s ok the player. I always think of math in this situation. I’m miserable at math, specifically algebra. I just don’t get it. Best math teacher in the world could sit me down for hours and teach and odds are i still wouldn’t get it. Sams thing here in my opinion, at some point player just has to do what he’s taught. Have a hard time believing any coach, including Frost, teaches their players the wrong things
yeah, but it's year 3. Or more specifically to this year....the last game of the season is today. Isn't it a little late to just 'rep and fix'?

Even if you're right and that is true, isn't it also just a unacceptable answer?
I think that’s always a continued process until something becomes second nature
What happened to the “necessary gayness” reaction?
I do see your point, but in my opinion it’s flipped. Early mistakes, coach and fix. Long term mistakes, it’s ok the player. I always think of math in this situation. I’m miserable at math, specifically algebra. I just don’t get it. Best math teacher in the world could sit me down for hours and teach and odds are i still wouldn’t get it. Sams thing here in my opinion, at some point player just has to do what he’s taught. Have a hard time believing any coach, including Frost, teaches their players the wrong things
But your math teacher isn't the one who thought you were good enough to pass the class. Your math teacher also can't replace you with a student who can get the math.

No matter the subject, there are still teachers who are effective and those who are not. Our program has the resources and want-to to get an effective teacher. So far, the evidence suggests we don't currently have one. Not an effective teacher. Not an effective principal. The school is in disarray.
One of the realities is we usually never know what the deal is and when we do it’s into the successor coach’s tenure.

I think we heard about the shit show the Riley years were only a couple months into the SF tenure. Part of me always wondered how much of that was a PR push and how much was accurate. I’m sure much of it was, but squatgate always sounded ridiculous.

No program is free of friction behind the scenes. Hopefully whatever is up in North Stadium pales in comparisons to staffs past. Need Frost to be successful.
Squat gate was ridiculous to anyone who has powerlifted. In hindsight, all the hubris about that has been symbolic of the Frost era so far.
There's being the smartest guy in the room and then being an effective smartest guy in the room. The effective one turns over every stone to try to change his status of being the smartest guy in the room. Otherwise, he just ends up shitting all over himself and doesn't realize how much the room smells like shit...and all of a sudden all his smarts don't matter and have gone to great waste...er, shit.
Had a guy that worked for me that was a genius. About every couple of months I had to call him into my office after a meeting. The message was “It’s ok to be the smartest guy in the room. You just don’t need to rub it in people’s faces.” Hopefully that’s not Scott.
But your math teacher isn't the one who thought you were good enough to pass the class. Your math teacher also can't replace you with a student who can get the math.

No matter the subject, there are still teachers who are effective and those who are not. Our program has the resources and want-to to get an effective teacher. So far, the evidence suggests we don't currently have one. Not an effective teacher. Not an effective principal. The school is in disarray.
In a world full of crummy analogies, I finally found a good one. Well done, amigo.
I agree with this. If there are occasional lack of execution. I get the, we need to execute better. But when it’s consistent lack of execution. Which we hear about everyweek. Then from my experience. You’ve got to figure out what’s the issue that’s causing it and what to do in practice to fix it. I’m not saying they aren’t doing that and are blind. Because they most certainly are. They’re professional coaches. They get paid a lot of money to coach. I don’t doubt for a second that all of them are toiling over the lack of execution and trying things to fix those issues. But that’s where the really good coaches come into play. And some years are easier than others.

Coaches are supremely confident in their abilities and to teach their scheme and techniques. And then you get humbled when you’ve put in too much, made things too complex, taught things that didn’t stick and have to figure it out to get your guys to execute. I’ve been in that boat numerous times.

In all reality. I’m a cocky arrogant fuck when it comes to football, and in the grand scheme of things, I know very little. But I’m sure it’s no different with them. Hell you probably have to be to get to that level of coaching. But when they say they’re trying to pare shit down and working on fixing issues. I don’t doubt it. But can they actually get it done.
Not sure if this question is even relevant due to the differences in overall offensive approach but how complicated were the OL assignments/ schemes in the 80s/90s compared to what we have now??

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I would gladly road trip to KS for an afternoon of education & frivolity. Gotta swing by Scottsbluff & grab @Elizabeth Reed’s credit card 1st.
The only way you get the card is if I’m yore wingman.....😎

I have a feeling that watching the game with @slattimer would be eye opening for my uneducated ass but the real juice would come from 2-3 hours in the film room the day after the game, sans the booze......

Just wish I understood the “technical” part of this game, on both sides of the ball. Shit, I have no idea what “Cover 2” means.....😔

Not sure if this question is even relevant due to the differences in overall offensive approach but how complicated were the OL assignments/ schemes in the 80s/90s compared to what we have now??

Zone is zone. Doesn’t matter what era it came from. The teaching is relatively similar IMO. Landmarks may be slightly different based on the team and the type of zone they’re running. But most are going to use covered/uncovered principles just like Milt did. Then it’s just aim point and steps to get there. That’s what makes the different between tight zone all the way to wide zone.

I think today Nebraska runs more run scheme in terms of number of schemes compared to 90s Nebraska.
Zone is zone. Doesn’t matter what era it came from. The teaching is relatively similar IMO. Landmarks may be slightly different based on the team and the type of zone they’re running. But most are going to use covered/uncovered principles just like Milt did. Then it’s just aim point and steps to get there. That’s what makes the different between tight zone all the way to wide zone.

I think today Nebraska runs more run scheme in terms of number of schemes compared to 90s Nebraska.
Has anyone come away from a game in the past 2 years being impressed by the OL play? We can’t block IZ/OZ. Whatever you think of Frost, that’s a big indictment on OL coaching and development.
Like the user name FWIW... I have a KSG concert shirt from Flog Gnaw
I was told it's fundamental disagreements between Frost and Austin.. Also heard Lubick might not be back either.....but my understanding was that was less definite.
I could see that with Austin. He seems to be a good coach, but not a yes man. I remember him dropping some nuggets in press conferences about disagreements.

I also know after a loss this year (iirc Minnesota)Frost had the opportunity to back the bus up on Austin in the post game press conference, but stood up for him.

I like Austin as I think he is a good recruiter and coach.

I was told Lubick was back on a trial basis more so. Damon and Mike'l were talking about this on there morning show. He isn't sure if he wants to be back in on the daily grind of D1 football.
Considering there was the promotion to run game coordinator and the article about Austin wanting to have some identity runs. That’s not a stretch. Austin is a good recruiter. And I think he’s a solid coach from my limited time seeing him in action at the coaches clinics.
Well prior to this year I think you could point to his unit and say they got better as the year went on. Not saying they were ever great, but they got better.

That is what I always thought was a good indicator he was probably a good coach.

Until Rutgers it felt like you never knew what you were going to get with our run game.

Austin, Beckton, Held and the defensive staff are the only coaches I really want to stay. Others I wouldn't be too sad if they left.
Some of that IMO comes from the top down. The OL coach is going to block up the design of the play based on what the offense is designed around.

But it is concerning obviously not being great at IZ. And their OZ isn’t really and OZ IMO. It’s more mid zone based on the tracks of the OL and where the RB typically cuts.

plus they run a shit ton of schemes. That’s a lot to teach and try and be proficient at. IMO it’s the most technical position with the most variance and variables in any given play. The shear amount of shit a single OL has to deal with would probably blow most peoples minds. Then having to apply the rules. Execute with fundamentals. And then remember any specific play variance that requires a few OL to do a different job compared to what they normally do within the scheme. All of the sudden you’ve got more schemes essentially in a world where typically less is more. It’s be different if they ran 2-3 schemes and had tags to change a job. But they have a ton. IZ, MZ, draw, power, P&P, Down/G, Short Trap. That’s 7 run schemes. Plus the variances on power and IZ. Plus the slow screen. Plus the pass pro schemes. If Austin is frustrated by this. It’s definitely warranted.
I would be really happy if they got really good at IZ MZ and a gap scheme off of it.

Especially with an OL who is going to be very young next year. You have physically ready guys upfront don't make it mentally more complicated than it needs to be.

Keep it simple for your linemen and then tag it with a read, an rpo, a motion to get a look, etc....

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