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"Tumultuous Offseason"

Some of that IMO comes from the top down. The OL coach is going to block up the design of the play based on what the offense is designed around.

But it is concerning obviously not being great at IZ. And their OZ isn’t really and OZ IMO. It’s more mid zone based on the tracks of the OL and where the RB typically cuts.

plus they run a shit ton of schemes. That’s a lot to teach and try and be proficient at. IMO it’s the most technical position with the most variance and variables in any given play. The shear amount of shit a single OL has to deal with would probably blow most peoples minds. Then having to apply the rules. Execute with fundamentals. And then remember any specific play variance that requires a few OL to do a different job compared to what they normally do within the scheme. All of the sudden you’ve got more schemes essentially in a world where typically less is more. It’s be different if they ran 2-3 schemes and had tags to change a job. But they have a ton. IZ, MZ, draw, power, P&P, Down/G, Short Trap. That’s 7 run schemes. Plus the variances on power and IZ. Plus the slow screen. Plus the pass pro schemes. If Austin is frustrated by this. It’s definitely warranted.
I'm not necessarily expecting you to know the answer to this question, so it's more of a rhetorical one, but I can't help but wonder how much of that is new or incremental since this staff was at UCF? I remember reading your post last week indicating that the Oregon offenses typically relied on 2-3 blocking schemes, but if Frost's offense has always been this multiple then Austin should've known exactly what he was getting into when he followed Frost to Lincoln.
Frost's staff when he got here in 2018:
QB Mario - Coached at Rutgers for a few years, otherwise coached at FCS schools before UCF
RB Held - Coached junior college and division 2 before UCF
WR/OC Walters - WR coach at some power 5 schools before UCF
TE Beckton - Coached in the arena league or something before UCF
OL Austin - GA at Oregon, assistant OL coach at Philadelphia Eagles before UCF
DL Dawson - quite a few stops, including the Philadelphia Eagles before UCF
OLB Dewitt - coached at a bunch of division 2 schools and at Army before UCF
ILB Ruud - hadn't been an assistant anywhere before Nebraska
DB Fisher - coached at SE Missouri State, then UCF
DC Chinander - linebackers coach at Oregon, assistant DL for the Eagles, then UCF DC

Current staff:
DL Tuioti - coached at Hawaii, coached for the Cleveland Browns, coached at Cal, spent a year at Michigan
OC/WR Lubick - coached at Colorado State, Oregon State, Duke, Ole Miss, Arizona State, Oregon, and Washington before coming to Nebraska

Our coaching staff is beyond mediocre.
So essentially what you're saying is, the scheme and the offense is just too much?
IMO. Their run game can be really diverse. And I think I forgot to mention they run dart too. 8 run schemes they have in their pocket. They won’t carry every one. Every game. But that’s a ton.

I don’t think the offense is too much. I just feel like they have so much variation they can attack you with. That it can cause some errors in execution. Yeah. It all looks awesome on paper. But it doesn’t mean a hill of shit what the coaches know.
I'm not necessarily expecting you to know the answer to this question, so it's more of a rhetorical one, but I can't help but wonder how much of that is new or incremental since this staff was at UCF? I remember reading your post last week indicating that the Oregon offenses typically relied on 2-3 blocking schemes, but if Frost's offense has always been this multiple then Austin should've known exactly what he was getting into when he followed Frost to Lincoln.
Yeah. That could be correct. I don’t know how much run game stuff they ran at UCF. It would take a little digging. Ucf all22s are out there.
I am always of the train of thought that things aren’t ever as interesting as they seem. I’m really not of the opinion there are vast conspiracies going on in Lincoln and any riffs between people are likely overblown and not really a big deal. I’ve left bosses that I enjoyed working for to be in what I considered at the time a better situation. Could some of what has been alleged simply be just that? Of course. There’s not always this giant conspiracy and whether we like to hear it or not, not everybody thinks this is the best place in the world to be.

As of last Friday, Scott “wasn’t ready to get into any of that” when I asked about potential changes to the staff. So I don’t think that many people know what’s going to happen. I do, however, believe there will be changes.
I am inclined to believe that:

1. Frost probably is the smartest guy in the room
2. Part of the reason why Frost is the smartest guy in the room is because most of his assistants are mediocre
3. Frost genuinely cares about his assistants
4. Frost knows that they aren't capable of getting it done and he has to shit can them
5. Frost probably regrets bringing them here and he is mad at himself for the fucked situation he has put himself
6. Combine the above with the immense pressure of his job and all of the other shit that has transpired and he is probably losing his mind
You know this take is prolly much more accurate than one would want to believe.
IMO. Their run game can be really diverse. And I think I forgot to mention they run dart too. 8 run schemes they have in their pocket. They won’t carry every one. Every game. But that’s a ton.

I don’t think the offense is too much. I just feel like they have so much variation they can attack you with. That it can cause some errors in execution. Yeah. It all looks awesome on paper. But it doesn’t mean a hill of shit what the coaches know.
Honestly I 100% believe him when he says it's just a lack of execution and needing to get better at details. I'm sure there's just some stuff that they're just not very good at yet and need to continue to rep and fix.
Honestly I 100% believe him when he says it's just a lack of execution and needing to get better at details. I'm sure there's just some stuff that they're just not very good at yet and need to continue to rep and fix.
The major disconnect with this is where the fault lies. Consistent lack of execution and lack of attention to detail (which begets stupid mistakes) is a coaching issue. Period. If it's short-lived or more of an early season thing, then it's easier to see it otherwise. If your guys aren't executing and are constantly putting themselves in position to lose, that's the head man's fault.
Honestly I 100% believe him when he says it's just a lack of execution and needing to get better at details. I'm sure there's just some stuff that they're just not very good at yet and need to continue to rep and fix.
yeah, but it's year 3. Or more specifically to this year....the last game of the season is today. Isn't it a little late to just 'rep and fix'?

Even if you're right and that is true, isn't it also just a unacceptable answer?
The major disconnect with this is where the fault lies. Consistent lack of execution and lack of attention to detail (which begets stupid mistakes) is a coaching issue. Period. If it's short-lived or more of an early season thing, then it's easier to see it otherwise. If your guys aren't executing and are constantly putting themselves in position to lose, that's the head man's fault.
I agree with this. If there are occasional lack of execution. I get the, we need to execute better. But when it’s consistent lack of execution. Which we hear about everyweek. Then from my experience. You’ve got to figure out what’s the issue that’s causing it and what to do in practice to fix it. I’m not saying they aren’t doing that and are blind. Because they most certainly are. They’re professional coaches. They get paid a lot of money to coach. I don’t doubt for a second that all of them are toiling over the lack of execution and trying things to fix those issues. But that’s where the really good coaches come into play. And some years are easier than others.

Coaches are supremely confident in their abilities and to teach their scheme and techniques. And then you get humbled when you’ve put in too much, made things too complex, taught things that didn’t stick and have to figure it out to get your guys to execute. I’ve been in that boat numerous times.

In all reality. I’m a cocky arrogant fuck when it comes to football, and in the grand scheme of things, I know very little. But I’m sure it’s no different with them. Hell you probably have to be to get to that level of coaching. But when they say they’re trying to pare shit down and working on fixing issues. I don’t doubt it. But can they actually get it done.
I agree with this. If there are occasional lack of execution. I get the, we need to execute better. But when it’s consistent lack of execution. Which we hear about everyweek. Then from my experience. You’ve got to figure out what’s the issue that’s causing it and what to do in practice to fix it. I’m not saying they aren’t doing that and are blind. Because they most certainly are. They’re professional coaches. They get paid a lot of money to coach. I don’t doubt for a second that all of them are toiling over the lack of execution and trying things to fix those issues. But that’s where the really good coaches come into play. And some years are easier than others.

Coaches are supremely confident in their abilities and to teach their scheme and techniques. And then you get humbled when you’ve put in too much, made things too complex, taught things that didn’t stick and have to figure it out to get your guys to execute. I’ve been in that boat numerous times.

In all reality. I’m a cocky arrogant fuck when it comes to football, and in the grand scheme of things, I know very little. But I’m sure it’s no different with them. Hell you probably have to be to get to that level of coaching. But when they say they’re trying to pare shit down and working on fixing issues. I don’t doubt it. But can they actually get it done.
Thanks for expounding so eloquently and relevantly on the point. I think this is one of those things that gets lost in online banter and people who can't handle others "trashing" or critiquing their guy. Of course they're trying and wanting to turn the train around. That's inferred. The ultimate question is if they have the ability beyond just the effort. Evidence. We need evidence.
I agree with this. If there are occasional lack of execution. I get the, we need to execute better. But when it’s consistent lack of execution. Which we hear about everyweek. Then from my experience. You’ve got to figure out what’s the issue that’s causing it and what to do in practice to fix it. I’m not saying they aren’t doing that and are blind. Because they most certainly are. They’re professional coaches. They get paid a lot of money to coach. I don’t doubt for a second that all of them are toiling over the lack of execution and trying things to fix those issues. But that’s where the really good coaches come into play. And some years are easier than others.

Coaches are supremely confident in their abilities and to teach their scheme and techniques. And then you get humbled when you’ve put in too much, made things too complex, taught things that didn’t stick and have to figure it out to get your guys to execute. I’ve been in that boat numerous times.

In all reality. I’m a cocky arrogant fuck when it comes to football, and in the grand scheme of things, I know very little. But I’m sure it’s no different with them. Hell you probably have to be to get to that level of coaching. But when they say they’re trying to pare shit down and working on fixing issues. I don’t doubt it. But can they actually get it done.
Some day, I'd love to watch a football game with you simply to "see" the game unfold before your eyes vs. mine. I'm sure there's a great deal of disparity between what a coach observes during a game and what a fan sees (clutches red balloon patiently waiting to release it). I'd probably learn a lot about football, and I guarantee I'd make you laugh at least once per quarter.
Some day, I'd love to watch a football game with you simply to "see" the game unfold before your eyes vs. mine. I'm sure there's a great deal of disparity between what a coach observes during a game and what a fan sees (clutches red balloon patiently waiting to release it). I'd probably learn a lot about football, and I guarantee I'd make you laugh at least once per quarter.
Some day, I'd love to watch a football game with you simply to "see" the game unfold before your eyes vs. mine. I'm sure there's a great deal of disparity between what a coach observes during a game and what a fan sees (clutches red balloon patiently waiting to release it). I'd probably learn a lot about football, and I guarantee I'd make you laugh at least once per quarter.
A lot depends how much I drink during a game. Lol. Offensively. You can diagnose a lot pretty quickly based the the OL. But yeah. There’s probably a pretty big disparity between a fan. Even an avid fan and a seasoned coach. I’m not particularly seasoned. 16 years under my belt now. But the more you learn the easier it is to diagnose things quickly. I’m much more in tune to offensive concepts than defensive concepts.

Need to have a bar meet up and drink and watch a game.
I agree with this. If there are occasional lack of execution. I get the, we need to execute better. But when it’s consistent lack of execution. Which we hear about everyweek. Then from my experience. You’ve got to figure out what’s the issue that’s causing it and what to do in practice to fix it. I’m not saying they aren’t doing that and are blind. Because they most certainly are. They’re professional coaches. They get paid a lot of money to coach. I don’t doubt for a second that all of them are toiling over the lack of execution and trying things to fix those issues. But that’s where the really good coaches come into play. And some years are easier than others.

Coaches are supremely confident in their abilities and to teach their scheme and techniques. And then you get humbled when you’ve put in too much, made things too complex, taught things that didn’t stick and have to figure it out to get your guys to execute. I’ve been in that boat numerous times.

In all reality. I’m a cocky arrogant fuck when it comes to football, and in the grand scheme of things, I know very little. But I’m sure it’s no different with them. Hell you probably have to be to get to that level of coaching. But when they say they’re trying to pare shit down and working on fixing issues. I don’t doubt it. But can they actually get it done.

This post here sums up why I get pissed over on Tater Island pretty quickly. Coaches aren’t morons and the average knuckle-dragger making 40k a year over there can’t see issues that coaches don’t.
A lot depends how much I drink during a game. Lol. Offensively. You can diagnose a lot pretty quickly based the the OL. But yeah. There’s probably a pretty big disparity between a fan. Even an avid fan and a seasoned coach. I’m not particularly seasoned. 16 years under my belt now. But the more you learn the easier it is to diagnose things quickly. I’m much more in tune to offensive concepts than defensive concepts.

Need to have a bar meet up and drink and watch a game.
I would gladly road trip to KS for an afternoon of education & frivolity. Gotta swing by Scottsbluff & grab @Elizabeth Reed’s credit card 1st.

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