That's the thing though. Harbaugh is in charge of everyone on his staff and whatever they do. Institutional Control is what the NCAA refers to on that one.
I have no doubt the Michigan has a compliance office dedicated to what they do agains the B1G, NCAA, and other laws and see what is right versus what is wrong. Continuously sending and paying for people to go to these games and then dissecting signals to use in your advantage had to be something that a compliance officer or lawyer would have said, 'stop that.'
How Harbaugh didn't know this was going on or anyone on his staff tell him otherwise is bullshit.
I'm sorry, but if you're going to 'grey area' the rules on advance scouting with recordings for so long, you're going to get caught. I think I read Stalions sent 65 people to do these recordings. It was a matter of time for that much.
It's like speeding around town. You can probably get away with going five over every once in awhile, but if you're constantly going five over all the time, then one day, you're going to get that zone and officer that is going to get you pulled over.