With "good" coaching? what is "good" coaching? Pretty sure we'll see some coaching changes in the off season (Verdu, Austin, some GAs) I think we have to realize that the coaches can't play and make decisions on the field. If anyone thinks the coaches aren't as frustrated as we are, I think you're wrong. Some of them may not be coaching at the level they need to, that is pretty evident, but I don't believe Turd is going to make changes in season.
how do you know the team is more talented than at least half of the teams they've played? Don't get me wrong, I think coaching has A LOT to do with what the product is on the field BUT the kids have to...HAVE TO execute what they are taught and know.
The OL play has been suspect all year, they've played way better than they have all year the past couple of games. Penalties are down. Pass blocking is still suspect, Benhart is NOT a B1G Guard, he needs to shift inside.
Defense has been WAY better this year...ST still sucks but Pryztup has been better punting.