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Stock Market/Investing/Day Trading/Speculative Trading Thread

You'd have to be an insane person to believe this.

Tsk tsk, show us your work Bingo.

In every measurable economic statistic Russia is in a better place then they were prior to invasion.

Politically their only loss is a potential for Sweden and Finland to officially join NATO but they haven’t been under Moscow’s thumb for 30+ years.

Now, be a brave lad and stand up and tell the class what analysis led to your extremist stance you just presented.
Tsk tsk, show us your work Bingo.

In every measurable economic statistic Russia is in a better place then they were prior to invasion.

Politically their only loss is a potential for Sweden and Finland to officially join NATO but they haven’t been under Moscow’s thumb for 30+ years.

Now, be a brave lad and stand up and tell the class what analysis led to your extremist stance you just presented.
Show my work? Russia literally defaulted on foreign debt last week, lol. Nearly every economic indicator from rates to spreads to aggregate growth measures are in a significantly worse place(and worsening) than pre-invasion for Russia...and that isn't even discussing debt financing restrictions. What argument can possibly be made to say that Russia is in a better economic situation than before invasion?
Show my work? Russia literally defaulted on foreign debt last week, lol. Nearly every economic indicator from rates to spreads to aggregate growth measures are in a significantly worse place(and worsening) than pre-invasion for Russia...and that isn't even discussing debt financing restrictions. What argument can possibly be made to say that Russia is in a better economic situation than before invasion?

Currency stronger than before invasion.

Trading power stronger than before invasion.

Exporting more oil and at higher prices than before invasion. (with potential for even more after the G7 circus)

Strictest and hardest sanctions in history (Biden’s words) and yet Russia’s economy post invasion almost mirrors the NASDAQ.

Russian agriculture stronger and more lucrative than before invasion
(Ex: foreign counties using rubles to buy grain)

Other counties (non Western Europe or USA) increasing their purchasing of Russian natural resources. (Even building more pipelines/ports/etc to accommodate this drastic new influx)

Political power (minus the aforementioned possibility of Finland/Sweden joining NATO) is now stronger than before the invasion.

I think that’s enough examples, but I have more if you need them.

But let’s “circle back” to the heart of your butt hurt regarding my post… what upset you so much? The NY Times, CNN and Wash Post are even now public ally saying/publishing that Biden’s faux proxy war and “harshest sanctions ever” has done nothing but bring the USA down and make Russian profits sore to levels prior to invasion.

Look… I get it man, this is a safe space. We all cheer for a 3-9 football team…we understand you don’t want to admit you might have been wrong in the past and are in a cult. But just know there is still hope and
Currency stronger than before invasion.

Trading power stronger than before invasion.

Exporting more oil and at higher prices than before invasion. (with potential for even more after the G7 circus)

Strictest and hardest sanctions in history (Biden’s words) and yet Russia’s economy post invasion almost mirrors the NASDAQ.

Russian agriculture stronger and more lucrative than before invasion
(Ex: foreign counties using rubles to buy grain)

Other counties (non Western Europe or USA) increasing their purchasing of Russian natural resources. (Even building more pipelines/ports/etc to accommodate this drastic new influx)

Political power (minus the aforementioned possibility of Finland/Sweden joining NATO) is now stronger than before the invasion.

I think that’s enough examples, but I have more if you need them.

But let’s “circle back” to the heart of your butt hurt regarding my post… what upset you so much? The NY Times, CNN and Wash Post are even now public ally saying/publishing that Biden’s faux proxy war and “harshest sanctions ever” has done nothing but bring the USA down and make Russian profits sore to levels prior to invasion.

Look… I get it man, this is a safe space. We all cheer for a 3-9 football team…we understand you don’t want to admit you might have been wrong in the past and are in a cult. But just know there is still hope and
Yeah, Russian GDP will fall 4-8% this year, 2%+ in '23. Inflation jumped 16%. Industrial production has fallen 2%+ every month(!!) since the invasion. Foreign investment down almost 30%. Imports plummeting nearly 60%. Capital investment down 35%. That's not even discussing the Swift/Sovereign Debt/Export controls. Oh...and they are defaulting on foreign debt. But yeah, we should believe you because what...the ruble is "strong" and you believe Russia has a great trade position for whatever dumb reason? Brilliant stuff... definitely looks so much stronger than pre-invasion.
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Yeah, Russian GDP will fall 4-8% this year, 2%+ in '23. Inflation jumped 16%. Industrial production has fallen 2%+ every month(!!) since the invasion. Foreign investment down almost 30%. Imports plummeting nearly 60%. Capital investment down 35%. That's not even discussing the Swift/Sovereign Debt/Export controls. Oh...and they are defaulting on foreign debt. But yeah, we should believe you because what...the ruble is "strong" and you believe Russia has a great trade position for whatever dumb reason? Brilliant stuff... definitely looks so much stronger than pre-invasion.

It’s ok Bingo, we are here for you while you process this and Biden puts medals on people backwards.

Much like the war in Ukraine, it was going badly for Russia at first, but at this point things are looking much better for them.
B/c Elon overpaid and is desperately trying to get out.

Well yeah, but he should just do it already.

Did you guys see that Elon knocked up an exec and she had twins last month.

I think he might now have double digit kids and almost all with different moms.

The man just does not pull out.
And now it's official: Musk is weaseling out of buying Twitter, and Twitter is suing. (Just let this one slide, boys. You're better off without him.)

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