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From the RSS Chat Today... (3 Viewers)

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
It will be less than Mike Riley level excitement
Hope will be completely gone
Stadium will be 75% full (at best) probably half empty most weeks
“hot G5” coaches will be less likely to leave in the future once the playoff expands to 12. Good coaches in G5 will know they can annually have a great shot at a playoff berth. Stepping up to a P5 program that is “down” is basically putting ur career on the clock
Everyone said the “right way” to get us back is build thru the lines. It seems that is happening. We need to see wins this yr bc it seems everyone is ready to pull the plug before we get to see that process thru. Sucks it really all comes down to Adrian not getting hurt & not sucking. Frost hitched his wagon to him with no realistic other option. The biggest loss in the frost tenure may turn out to be Vedral. They really fucked that situation up in 2019 playing musical QBs against Indiana & not using Vedral against Purdue (after Adrian injured his shoulder) & giving him no snaps in the Maryland blowout
I know I will virtually not care about too much until fall Saturdays if Frost is let go. It's amazing how hindsight is 20/20 with the whole Vedral thing. He may not have been as athletic as Luke, but the guy gives a shit about Nebraska and would have fought his tail off every chance he got to play. Kind of ironic how Frost uses the Osborne blue print in using veteran guys to play until younger guys have the experience, yet gave Luke the chance over Vedral to keep Luke happy, and now we're in this situation.
I wanna see the Frost plan to its fullest extent no matter how many games we lose. To me, the fullest extent, at minimum, is the end of 2022.
Frost is doing everything right, in my opinion, except of the record. I know that's the most important part. But, amazing how the 1 or 2 mistakes a game, massive mistakes, have changed the entire narrative.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
To get Matt Campbell, you’d have to pay Frost’s buy out and Matt Campbell’s. For the sake of the discussion. Let’s say Frost goes 4-8 this year and gets fired. You’re talking about spending 25 million to buy Frost out and roughly 12 million to buy Campbell out.

That’s not happening. We barely got the money raised to break ground on the new facility.

The notion we’ve got this endless supply of money is simply not factual.

A few things. 1. (I get this is hypothetical) You'd be paying Frost regardless at that point. 2. Facility money was as you said, raised. 3. It could be someone other than Matt Campbell.

I didn't say it was an endless supply of money...of course that isn't factual. You're good at twisting words, I'll give you that. I do think you could fire Frost and hire someone else and make it work. The idea the university would ride it out with a coach they don't want simply because of financial optics seems silly.

Also, just looked up the basics of Scott Frost's contract. That extension he got makes zero sense. That's a head scratcher.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I think there are 2 issues there:

1. Fan support: Including myself, I think a lot of fans will simply just check out if Frost fails. Still tune in on Saturdays, sure, but just won't be as big of a deal to people anymore. Like Mike Riley level excitement.

2. very slim chance you get Matt Campbell. He's an Ohio guy apparently. So, without him you're looking at hiring another hot G5 coach trying to work their way up? Great, just did that with Frost. Reality is if Frost fails, Nebraska becomes a Power 5 stepping stone program on the way to an elite school after an 8-4/9-3 season.

1. Fans are checking out right now. Tuning in on Saturday's isn't as big of a deal right now.

2. That's your reality. I don't see it that way.

I get it though. You're prospective is the Frost side. Mine is the non-Frost side. Granted, I'd be happy if he turned it around. What's interesting there is either one of whatever happens isn't going to be happy UNLESS Scott starts winning.


Pick'Em Champion
Handing out that extension to Frost was a mistake, I understand the reasoning. Moos had to instill some confidence in his coach despite an underwhelming performance thus far. Like everyone said above, buying out Frost with our current financial situation is almost impossible unless you were to go after an under-the-radar coach. That's sure to make the fans happy :ROFLMAO:

We're stuck with Frost, even with a shit season I believe. Hopefully he can squeeze out 8 wins and avoid a meltdown...
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Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
1. Fans are checking out right now. Tuning in on Saturday's isn't as big of a deal right now.

2. That's your reality. I don't see it that way.

I get it though. You're prospective is the Frost side. Mine is the non-Frost side. Granted, I'd be happy if he turned it around. What's interesting there is either one of whatever happens isn't going to be happy UNLESS Scott starts winning.
Were you a fan of the Frost hire from the start?

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
But everyone needs to pull together bc like it or not our wagons are hitched to Frost.

By "everyone" do you mean University Leadership, or fans? Because what the fans think doesn't make a damn bit of difference in how the coaching staff and team performs. And most people that I know who are critical of Frost are still going to go to the games and screams their heads off. I am as critical of Frost as anyone, but I still contribute a lot to the program and I contributed to the GO BIG campaign. You can be a fan and supporter of the program AND be critical of the coaching staff.

CornFed Gregger

Offensive Lineman
If Frost loses AGAIN this year isn't it already burning at that point? Cockeyes State can hire a coach and pull themselves out of the of bottom of their conference but Nebraska can't? Indiana can become relevant but Nebraska could never be relevant again? #CoachingMatters

Nebraska has a bunch of money and support, will have a brand new shiny athletic facility to recruit to, the B1G conference (I don't enjoy it but it's a Power 5 revenue generator), and low expectations to win big right away. Seems like a pretty attractive job to me. Until that support (money) goes away Nebraska has advantages a lot of other places don't have.

Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it. Could you get Billy Napier? I'd say yes. (depending what SEC jobs open) Billy Napier coming from the Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney coaching tree has appeal and fans could get behind that. If it did go south and we hired Billy Napier it would not have the feeling that the program has ended. There's other names sure, I'm just throwing out the first two I thought of.
Yea Cockeye State will have the same ceiling we’ve seen from Tech, Kansas, Kstate, & WVU. They’ve had a good window where teams have struggled/lost coaches & the conference has produced only 2-3 legit teams each year.

I’ve heard he loves the area for the fam but if he’s smart career wise, he’s gotta know Ames wont let him be Gundy & make a jump. Its unlikely even with a CFP appearance, they start out-recruiting everyone in our footprint. I don’t think we gotta chance but ISU would lose their minds if we pulled him & Fred

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
Frost is doing everything right, in my opinion, except of the record.

LOL. Riley said the exact same thing in 2017. Nebraska football will exist and be supported long after Scott Frost. You know what really gets people excited? WINNING. Who ever heard of Ryan Day before he was hired to be the OC. and then HC, at Ohio State? He was a not a "name" like Urban, and had no connection to tOSU. But he's winning at a rate even better than Urban and he's recruiting out of his mind. Point being: The best coach for Nebraska Football is the one that wins...native son or not.


Elite Member
Were you a fan of the Frost hire from the start?
He wasn't my first choice. I wanted them to go after:
1. Chris Peterson
2. Dan Mullen
3. Scott Frost

I was very excited we got Frost but quickly became very concerned after his first press conference. I've done years of Business Consulting including taking over businesses that were struggling or working with new owners/managers. His Press Conference speech made me cringe as he hit on so many things we tell leaders not to do if they want to build unity in transition. I know he was playing to the Nebraska Fans who were excited but the way he worded things did not come across as inviting at all to returning players. I immediately thought it would create a bit of a division on the team between returning players and incoming players, plus put the thoughts of transferring in many of the returning players heads. This became even a bigger issue when he quickly vaulted his new recruits like Greg Bell to the Top of the Depth Chart over proven returning players like Devine Izigbo who then dropped down to start the season out as 3rd String. Also was concerned about his inexperienced staff as the B1G is not somewhere for Asst Coaches to learn on the job. I really hope Frost proves me wrong this year and I would love to eat some crow but so far I have yet to see anything that leads me to believe that he is a Natural Leader or that he has the openness to make the necessary changes to grow as a Leader. Humility is not necessarily a sign of weakness. Most great leaders pull together and motivate while learning from their mistakes plus also not being afraid to admit when they are wrong.


Elite Member
By "everyone" do you mean University Leadership, or fans? Because what the fans think doesn't make a damn bit of difference in how the coaching staff and team performs. And most people that I know who are critical of Frost are still going to go to the games and screams their heads off. I am as critical of Frost as anyone, but I still contribute a lot to the program and I contributed to the GO BIG campaign. You can be a fan and supporter of the program AND be critical of the coaching staff.
I agree with this
I know there are rumors going around that “ultimatums were given this yr”, but I believe those are toothless & just saying what everyone knows, we have to start winning. Not even win big just get to .500 & get to a bowl.
Leadership & boosters want it to work with Frost, I don’t think anyone has a real plan if the losing streak continues this year.
3-0 to start is a must & it’s going to lift a lot of pressure. I’d love to see what we can do if every season didnt start with some kind of drama.


Graduate Assistant
A few things. 1. (I get this is hypothetical) You'd be paying Frost regardless at that point. 2. Facility money was as you said, raised. 3. It could be someone other than Matt Campbell.

I didn't say it was an endless supply of money...of course that isn't factual. You're good at twisting words, I'll give you that. I do think you could fire Frost and hire someone else and make it work. The idea the university would ride it out with a coach they don't want simply because of financial optics seems silly.

Also, just looked up the basics of Scott Frost's contract. That extension he got makes zero sense. That's a head scratcher.

1) My point in bringing up the money that was raised was to underscore the idea it wasn’t easy to get private donations to get that money and it would be even harder if you think the boosters would buy out Frost through more donations if in the hypothetical scenario he’s fired.

2) You said:

“Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it.”

Yes it’s insane to think we could get Matt Campbell. Nobody at the university right now is willing to write a 40 million dollar check for a new football coach. This thought process leads me to believe that you think NU has an endless supply of money. That isn’t me twisting words and you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to see how I got there.

Coming off a Covid year, it’s absolutely insane to believe that in the fiscal year following a 60 million dollar(?) shortfall that NU would be willing to spend 40 million on a new football coach.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Coming off a Covid year, it’s absolutely insane to believe that in the fiscal year following a 60 million dollar(?) shortfall that NU would be willing to spend 40 million on a new football coach.
So you're saying the university has no ability to make a move IF Frost fails this year?


Graduate Assistant
So you're saying the university has no ability to make a move IF Frost fails this year?

I’m saying it’s insane to believe the University will be spending $40 million before anyone thinks about a coaches annual salary and assistant pool in the event a change is needed. Throw in the idea we just went through a year where there was a massive shortfall due to Covid approaching $60 million dollars and it’s simply a bad idea to spend that level of money.

I thought I stated it pretty clearly the first time.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I’m saying it’s insane to believe the University will be spending $40 million before anyone thinks about a coaches annual salary and assistant pool in the event a change is needed. Throw in the idea we just went through a year where there was a massive shortfall due to Covid approaching $60 million dollars and it’s simply a bad idea to spend that level of money.

I thought I stated it pretty clearly the first time.

That's not answering the question I asked you.

You're pulling the 40 million dollar number from where? I'm not sure how you're getting there.

Plus, I did say earlier it doesn't have to be Matt Campbell money...which I assume is where the 40 million dollar number is coming from. Also...it isn't like they are paying $40 million (or whatever number it is) upfront.

There were 17 Division 1 head coaching changes in that covid year during a shortfall as well. Granted a few were reactionary. Examples would be UCF, their coach leaves and they have to make a hire. Or Boise State has to make a hire because their coach leaves for Auburn.

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