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From the RSS Chat Today... (2 Viewers)


Running Back
Elite Member
Really year 2 was the fail putting too much on JD, Mo & Adrian to be the focal point of the team & none of them could handle it (all for different reasons
Nobody should judge anything from last years COVID weirdness & the fact Frost was fighting off multiple personal issues (hopefully those are resolved but he looks like shit, so maybe not)
This is a really important 1-2 point. Last year's face-planting would have been much more forgivable if it wasn't such a continuance from the year before. Same issues, none resolved, some even got worse somehow. Context can only explain so much.


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Biggest Booster I know has climbed to the other side of the fence after 3 years of making excuses for Frost on everything from recruiting to his inexperienced coaching hires to poor in game management to how poorly coached we look. His comment was "Scott's just too stubborn and thinks he knows it all, just like his dad". Questions his ability to be the true leader we need after all of the blunders that have happened under his watch. To him this is the "Shit or get off the Pot Year" for Scott and his coaches.
I have a good story about Frost and his dad from back when Frost was a recruit himself. I won’t jack this thread so maybe I’ll write it up the best I can remember and start a new thread one of these days.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Biggest Booster I know has climbed to the other side of the fence after 3 years of making excuses for Frost on everything from recruiting to his inexperienced coaching hires to poor in game management to how poorly coached we look. His comment was "Scott's just too stubborn and thinks he knows it all, just like his dad". Questions his ability to be the true leader we need after all of the blunders that have happened under his watch. To him this is the "Shit or get off the Pot Year" for Scott and his coaches.
I'm not sure how to exactly word the question but is there an opinion amongst those who know Frost, based on his alleged stubbornness, that he doesn't make bigger adjustments to his offense based on the results so far because of this?

I remember reading from one of of NUFan's posts that people close to him wanted to basically "run the damn ball" more but other posters followed that up saying Frost wants no part of the conversation when approached about it.


Graduate Assistant
Can anyone actually name more than 3 BOR without googling?

Im finding it extremely hard to believe that someone was able to solicit and gather these peoples opinions on this matter.

Like everything else, the AD is just another place of employment where people talk trash on their bosses with their co-workers, talk about how much they hate their jobs, gossip amongst their peers, and talk about how so-n-so shouldn’t be in the position he is.


Elite Member
Biggest Booster I know has climbed to the other side of the fence after 3 years of making excuses for Frost on everything from recruiting to his inexperienced coaching hires to poor in game management to how poorly coached we look. His comment was "Scott's just too stubborn and thinks he knows it all, just like his dad". Questions his ability to be the true leader we need after all of the blunders that have happened under his watch. To him this is the "Shit or get off the Pot Year" for Scott and his coaches.
There may be some of this out there but this same person would have blown Frost & swallowed in 2017 when we were courting him from UCF.
The “he thinks he knows it all & won’t listen talk”. is part of the issue. Too many want to stick their fingers in the program bc they think they know best. It’s been this way since Osborne retired. Has Frost made mistakes, yes, but anyone saying they are “tired of Frosts attitude” should have known this prior to bending over & opening their buttholes to him.
Frost needs to win this yr. But everyone needs to pull together bc like it or not our wagons are hitched to Frost. Burning the program down again ends it forever & I don’t think anyone wants that. Matt Campbell or any other “up & coming” coach would laugh in our face regardless of the $s we put in front of them (which we don’t have). Expanding the playoffs to 12 is going to keep lots of coaches where they are bc there’s no need to jump out of weaker leagues bc the playoff path will be easier where they are.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I did google the BOR members......and did not know Jack Stark was on there.....also have no idea who anyone else is on there. That's pretty cool. Fun fact for everyone's day.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
They certainly look like football is their top priority.
If I had a guess....Pillen and Phares look like their feathers could get ruffled. Pillen looks like a guy who would get pissed at the Minnesota and Illinois game from last year, and Phares looks like a Run the Damn Ball kinda guy. However, Pillen is the only one that strikes me as the kind to openly share his opinion after a couple jack n cokes and a looser neck tie.


Graduate Assistant
If I had a guess....Pillen and Phares look like their feathers could get ruffled. Pillen looks like a guy who would get pissed at the Minnesota and Illinois game from last year, and Phares looks like a Run the Damn Ball kinda guy. However, Pillen is the only one that strikes me as the kind to openly share his opinion after a couple jack n cokes and a looser neck tie.

I think Barbara ties one on and mother fucks Scott Frost up and down at the Christmas party.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
But everyone needs to pull together bc like it or not our wagons are hitched to Frost. Burning the program down again ends it forever & I don’t think anyone wants that.
If Frost loses AGAIN this year isn't it already burning at that point? Cockeye State can hire a coach and pull themselves out of the of bottom of their conference but Nebraska can't? Indiana can become relevant but Nebraska could never be relevant again? #CoachingMatters

Nebraska has a bunch of money and support, will have a brand new shiny athletic facility to recruit to, the B1G conference (I don't enjoy it but it's a Power 5 revenue generator), and low expectations to win big right away. Seems like a pretty attractive job to me. Until that support (money) goes away Nebraska has advantages a lot of other places don't have.

Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it. Could you get Billy Napier? I'd say yes. (depending what SEC jobs open) Billy Napier coming from the Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney coaching tree has appeal and fans could get behind that. If it did go south and we hired Billy Napier it would not have the feeling that the program has ended. There's other names sure, I'm just throwing out the first two I thought of.


Graduate Assistant
If Frost loses AGAIN this year isn't it already burning at that point? Cockeyes State can hire a coach and pull themselves out of the of bottom of their conference but Nebraska can't? Indiana can become relevant but Nebraska could never be relevant again? #CoachingMatters

Nebraska has a bunch of money and support, will have a brand new shiny athletic facility to recruit to, the B1G conference (I don't enjoy it but it's a Power 5 revenue generator), and low expectations to win big right away. Seems like a pretty attractive job to me. Until that support (money) goes away Nebraska has advantages a lot of other places don't have.

Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it. Could you get Billy Napier? I'd say yes. (depending what SEC jobs open) Billy Napier coming from the Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney coaching tree has appeal and fans could get behind that. If it did go south and we hired Billy Napier it would not have the feeling that the program has ended. There's other names sure, I'm just throwing out the first two I thought of.

To get Matt Campbell, you’d have to pay Frost’s buy out and Matt Campbell’s. For the sake of the discussion. Let’s say Frost goes 4-8 this year and gets fired. You’re talking about spending 25 million to buy Frost out and roughly 12 million to buy Campbell out.

That’s not happening. We barely got the money raised to break ground on the new facility.

The notion we’ve got this endless supply of money is simply not factual.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
If Frost loses AGAIN this year isn't it already burning at that point? Cockeyes State can hire a coach and pull themselves out of the of bottom of their conference but Nebraska can't? Indiana can become relevant but Nebraska could never be relevant again? #CoachingMatters

Nebraska has a bunch of money and support, will have a brand new shiny athletic facility to recruit to, the B1G conference (I don't enjoy it but it's a Power 5 revenue generator), and low expectations to win big right away. Seems like a pretty attractive job to me. Until that support (money) goes away Nebraska has advantages a lot of other places don't have.

Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it. Could you get Billy Napier? I'd say yes. (depending what SEC jobs open) Billy Napier coming from the Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney coaching tree has appeal and fans could get behind that. If it did go south and we hired Billy Napier it would not have the feeling that the program has ended. There's other names sure, I'm just throwing out the first two I thought of.
I think there are 2 issues there:

1. Fan support: Including myself, I think a lot of fans will simply just check out if Frost fails. Still tune in on Saturdays, sure, but just won't be as big of a deal to people anymore. Like Mike Riley level excitement.

2. very slim chance you get Matt Campbell. He's an Ohio guy apparently. So, without him you're looking at hiring another hot G5 coach trying to work their way up? Great, just did that with Frost. Reality is if Frost fails, Nebraska becomes a Power 5 stepping stone program on the way to an elite school after an 8-4/9-3 season.


Elite Member
If Frost loses AGAIN this year isn't it already burning at that point? Cockeyes State can hire a coach and pull themselves out of the of bottom of their conference but Nebraska can't? Indiana can become relevant but Nebraska could never be relevant again? #CoachingMatters

Nebraska has a bunch of money and support, will have a brand new shiny athletic facility to recruit to, the B1G conference (I don't enjoy it but it's a Power 5 revenue generator), and low expectations to win big right away. Seems like a pretty attractive job to me. Until that support (money) goes away Nebraska has advantages a lot of other places don't have.

Could you get Matt Campbell? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think it's insane to think that you could. Money talks and Nebraska has a lot of it. Could you get Billy Napier? I'd say yes. (depending what SEC jobs open) Billy Napier coming from the Nick Saban and Dabo Sweeney coaching tree has appeal and fans could get behind that. If it did go south and we hired Billy Napier it would not have the feeling that the program has ended. There's other names sure, I'm just throwing out the first two I thought of.
Nebraska isn’t Cockeye St or Indiana where football is irrelevant & goes unnoticed. Cockeye St is benefitting from playing in the Big12 which other than OU is not a very good conference. Even OU has been far away from dominating (seems they lose focus once a year losing to someone they have no business losing to bc the conference is very mediocre overall)
Indiana seems to have just gotten lucky. I thought they had a good coach in Kevin Wilson & had Allen on staff as DC for 1 season before Wilson resigned out of the blue. Allen turns out elevated Indiana even further
Doubtful Nebraska would ever be as patient as they were with Wilson & doubtful they would elevate a guy from an existing staff who wasn’t already knocking it out of the park.
Those places have the benefit of football being pretty obscure until they actually do something on the field & even then not many care
Frost has made mistakes but I’d like to see what he’s been trying to build thru. Sadly an injury to Adrian pretty much ends us this yr. I wish they wouldn’t have screwed over Vedral in 2019 to keep Luke happy. We’d have had probably made a bowl game in 19 if they just started Vedral & stuck with him after Martinez’s injury & I’d feel pretty good about our QB depth with a guy in his 5th year in Frosts system backing up Adrian


Elite Member
I think there are 2 issues there:

1. Fan support: Including myself, I think a lot of fans will simply just check out if Frost fails. Still tune in on Saturdays, sure, but just won't be as big of a deal to people anymore. Like Mike Riley level excitement.

2. very slim chance you get Matt Campbell. He's an Ohio guy apparently. So, without him you're looking at hiring another hot G5 coach trying to work their way up? Great, just did that with Frost. Reality is if Frost fails, Nebraska becomes a Power 5 stepping stone program on the way to an elite school after an 8-4/9-3 season.
It will be less than Mike Riley level excitement
Hope will be completely gone
Stadium will be 75% full (at best) probably half empty most weeks
“hot G5” coaches will be less likely to leave in the future once the playoff expands to 12. Good coaches in G5 will know they can annually have a great shot at a playoff berth. Stepping up to a P5 program that is “down” is basically putting ur career on the clock
Everyone said the “right way” to get us back is build thru the lines. It seems that is happening. We need to see wins this yr bc it seems everyone is ready to pull the plug before we get to see that process thru. Sucks it really all comes down to Adrian not getting hurt & not sucking. Frost hitched his wagon to him with no realistic other option. The biggest loss in the frost tenure may turn out to be Vedral. They really fucked that situation up in 2019 playing musical QBs against Indiana & not using Vedral against Purdue (after Adrian injured his shoulder) & giving him no snaps in the Maryland blowout

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