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From the RSS Chat Today... (1 Viewer)

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
You can tell with the media there's a political element to this. They get their marching orders. That's obviously not true Deab. I have a good bud who's around a regent all the time....that regent isn't "fully supporting" Frost anymore, or at least that was my understanding a few months ago. Things can change obviously so I can't say that's still the same story today.

The Moos thing is as obvious as it gets for me. The OU sitch really helped bring that to light. It told us Frost is above Moos essentially, which is bonkers to me. It also told you people above Moos were willing to change the rules in order to help their guy have a better chance to be retained. I never thought I'd see something like that in regards to Nebraska football.

You are correct on all of the above. The OU debacle really clipped Moos's nuts, and showed him ultimately where he stood.

@Pipe Line - It all comes down to W's and L's....and how we look in the games we do lose. The Illinois and Minnesota losses last year were inexcusable, and we looked completely unprepared in both. It's not a style of play issue, or certain aspects of the team look good vs. others...it really comes down to wins and losses.

Driveway Jordan

Wide Receiver
Lincoln, NE
Also, I feel like I have to add this to the end of a lot of my posts just to be clear: I am actually rooting for Frost to succeed! I badly want it to happen and will be a depressed shell of myself if we have to declare this era a failure and move on to yet another new coach. So maybe some of these higher ups are like me: I'm firmly rooting for Frost -AND- I think he's underachieved badly so far -AND- I think he could still work out -AND- I think he's almost out of time to prove it.

This is sooo true. People act like everything related to the football program is mutually exclusive. You CAN be a fan of the program AND still be pissed about Frost's tenure so far.


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Financially they (the school) should be all in on whomever is coaching. But I would think anybody that is on that board that doesn’t have some doubt is lying.
I fully support the coach all the time but is there some doubt that he’s the guy? Um ya he has a losing record lol


Offensive Lineman
Haha I picture him "handling" Dean like a mobster.

GERROD: "I'm not tellin you what to do Dean, you know dat right? I would nevah tell a big man like YOU what to do"
DEAN: "No, no of course not, I'm my own man! I've risen to power all on my own!"
GERROD: "Dat's right dat's right, we just... we see tings the same way, don't we? You're one of us..."
DEAN: "Yeah!"
GERROD: "What?"
DEAN: "I mean- yes sir."
FROST: "Hey Dean... how many scholarships do you think we have to give out this year?"
DEAN: "15! I mean... 15 by my calculations sir..."
FROST: "And how many higher ups are after my job?"
DEAN: "Absolutely none sir..."
FROST: "...He's alright."

*Gerrod throws a wad of cash in Dean's face and they drive off*
I would just change the cash being thrown at Sean part... more like Gerrod lets him keep his press badge and the opportunity to "talk" to Scott, no cash given.

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Offensive Coordinator
Elite Member
From a personal standpoint, not good. Professionally, it will depend which way the wind is blowing during the course of the season. He has already tried to up the ante publicly by saying we should win 8 or 9. Long story short, it's not a case where Frost has "full support" of his AD. But it probably doesn't matter anyway because Moos will be gone before Frost.
Whose idea was it to give Frost the extension?


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
Reading the tea leaves here guys:

-Sean is a sunshine pumper and is willing to keep things exciting to keep the money coming into HOL
-Frost is a good coach, but his recruiting the first years on the offensive side of the ball is making the offense look horrible
-Verdu needs to be moved on. Held needs to stay as recruiting coordinator because his running back philosophy is all over the place
-Offensive line is coming along, but years of crappy recruiting by last staff is not helping Austin
-Frost wants to succeed and bypassed Moos, thus Moos is not happy about it. But Moos success always ties to the football coach, so he needs to have Frost succeed for him to retire on a good note.
-Moos is a drunk, but he’s adequate in his job so he stays until he ‘steps down’.
-We need, including BOR, to have Frost to succeed.


Offensive Coordinator
Elite Member
Reading the tea leaves here guys:

-Sean is a sunshine pumper and is willing to keep things exciting to keep the money coming into HOL
-Frost is a good coach, but his recruiting the first years on the offensive side of the ball is making the offense look horrible
-Verdu needs to be moved on. Held needs to stay as recruiting coordinator because his running back philosophy is all over the place
-Offensive line is coming along, but years of crappy recruiting by last staff is not helping Austin
-Frost wants to succeed and bypassed Moos, thus Moos is not happy about it. But Moos success always ties to the football coach, so he needs to have Frost succeed for him to retire on a good note.
-Moos is a drunk, but he’s adequate in his job so he stays until he ‘steps down’.
-We need, including BOR, to have Frost to succeed.
Honestly how can anyone consider Frost a good power 5 coach today? Any quality coach would have got us to a bowl by now.


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
Yeah Dean and some others really seem to view everything about Frost and the current situation in black and white. Just because he doesn't have higher ups actively plotting against him doesn't mean he has a free 7-year pass, or that nobody is concerned in the least. I have zero inside info or access to boosters/board of regents/whoever, but common sense says that they're not a group of identical starry-eyed Frost worshippers who are willing to follow him anywhere he goes.

Going into year four, the higher ups have clearly given incredible patience and leeway for Frost. I understand why, and I hope it pays off. But that doesn't mean that they will just keep perpetually giving him more patience and leeway for the rest of time, or for another losing season for that matter. I just don't get the point of pretending that the way someone feels in June 2021 automatically dictates the way they will feel in late November 2021 if things are circling the drain for the fourth straight year.

Also, I feel like I have to add this to the end of a lot of my posts just to be clear: I am actually rooting for Frost to succeed! I badly want it to happen and will be a depressed shell of myself if we have to declare this era a failure and move on to yet another new coach. So maybe some of these higher ups are like me: I'm firmly rooting for Frost -AND- I think he's underachieved badly so far -AND- I think he could still work out -AND- I think he's almost out of time to prove it.

Verbatim my thoughts. Glad I come into these threads late so I can parrot the geniuses. :cool:


Elite Member
Dean stated Frost has "Full Support of the President, Chancellor, AD, and Board of Regents.

I can tell you that is inaccurate. He does not have full support from Moos anymore, and a few on the BOR. There are a couple more on the BOR that are on the fence and have concerns about the direction on the program.

That is all.
Everyone knows we need to win this yr (get to a bowl) but honestly do we really believe Frost will be fired outside of a complete meltdown?
Hope is the only thing left & I don’t believe Frost has completely failed building the roster (the QB depth leaves us very exposed tho)
If we fire frost, 1) who does it bc it won’t be Moos 2) where are the funds coming from to do it (the football facility isn’t even fully funded & it took Frost backers just to get enough $ to break ground) 3) who could we even realistically target that would want to be a part of this revolving door that ate their savior & spit him out?
Seems like there may be “tough talk being whispered” but in reality unless Frost kills a prostitute & leaves the body on the 50 yard line of memorial stadium, nothing is happening
I do think we go 7-5 this year & if Adrian comes back they will be talking division title in 2022.
It’s been an odd 3 years
Really year 2 was the fail putting too much on JD, Mo & Adrian to be the focal point of the team & none of them could handle it (all for different reasons
Nobody should judge anything from last years COVID weirdness & the fact Frost was fighting off multiple personal issues (hopefully those are resolved but he looks like shit, so maybe not)


Elite Member
Biggest Booster I know has climbed to the other side of the fence after 3 years of making excuses for Frost on everything from recruiting to his inexperienced coaching hires to poor in game management to how poorly coached we look. His comment was "Scott's just too stubborn and thinks he knows it all, just like his dad". Questions his ability to be the true leader we need after all of the blunders that have happened under his watch. To him this is the "Shit or get off the Pot Year" for Scott and his coaches.

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