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Stock Market/Investing/Day Trading/Speculative Trading Thread

Major Psaki energy bruh

You seriously asking?

For starters:

- stop with this bullshit vaccine mandate, --> vaccination helps the vaccinated survive Covid, it doesn't stop them from getting Covid or spreading it. Why is proof of vaccine superior than a negative covid test? Answer: its not, it makes no sense because it isn't meant to make sense. The mandate is meant to be the stick that gets the unvaccinated to want to vaccinate. End it because according to literally every scientific study/definition ever the USA has reached herd immunity with vaccines and thats not even including the unvaccinated who have natural immunity via previous infection. The mandate is insane right now, it would have made sense in early Spring but now its overkill.

- get the ports opened again, ending the mandate and telling Newsom to get his shit together (remind him that he owes you one for helping him stay Gov)

- get all schools opened fully again, how the fuck can the economy return when tons of places have schools still shut down OR have schools randomly shutting down for days or weeks at a time. Kids under 18 have a better chance of getting raped by Catholic priest whilst getting hit by a car than dying from Covid

- allow fracking again, JESUS christ how do people not understand this is literally the best thing we have right now re: oil/gas. Until you can have some realistic alternative there is no reason to ban fracking. Importing oil/gas is better? Nord Stream 2 being a mega pipeline/political gun to the head of western Europe is ok but fracking in North Dakota is terrible? What the fuck are we even talking about.

- allow for oil/gas leases on Fed land again (like we always have since most of the oil ground in the US is under federal land/water)

- either end the faux Climate shit that is blocking tons of industry OR if you really do believe the earth is melting at “alarming” levels fucking finally do something about it like Obama did and cut those checks for credits to build wind and/or tell the animal rights people to shove it up their ass and allow for hydro projects again and then tell the Greens to shove it up their ass and build Nuclear power plants again (France is 80% in a country smaller than Texas, it’s not Chernobyl 24/7) right now Biden says he wants 0 emissions and is banning oil/gas but isn’t doing anything to build renewables to meet the demand that he is creating

- if you want your 30 in 30 plan just give a bigger carrot (higher CRP per acre prices and no cap on number of acres) you will probably be able to get damn close to the 30% target without having to ever use a stick. Biden can literally today order the USDA to increase CRP payments and end the acre cap = tomorrow he would have thousands of land owners signing up thousands of acres into CRP.

- stop lying about nobody under $400,000 will have their taxes go up, we all know this isn’t true based on the tiny bits of information released. Billionaires and mega corporations paying their fair share? Why not have the Corp tax revert to 35% why not have more tax brackets instead of stopping at 523,000? Why are you mandating reporting for every transaction over $600? Time and energy will be wasted collecting this MASSIVE amount of data that the IRS doesn’t need. Stop with the bullshit saying you are going to tax unrealized gains. No, no you will not be doing that because it would literally end the US economy overnight. Bezos/Buffet/Musk/etc having to pay unrealized gains on their wealth would mean they would have to sell at a level that would tank their stock price and domino the economy. It’s beyond silly, I can only assume those who discuss it have no idea what they are talking about. Biden needs to just increase corporate tax (if you’re a C-Corp in 2021, you’re a big boy, Everybody else is S or LLC) and have more brackets. Biden needs to stop with the faux “ima tax wealth” 6th grade tax analysis because the current ambiguity on what the future of the tax code is = business and people don’t know what to expect. Just come out with a real plan and make it public.

These are just off the top of my head and purely economic and domestic. Foreign policy wise I could go on for pages.

*** all of these things Biden can do by himself without Nancy or Chuck

PS: I don’t think many of these are unreasonable and many (renewables, conservation) are politically aligned with Biden.
Yeah, so I wasn't really asking about what you dislike about Dem's future policy agenda...I was asking about how you would resolve supply chain constraints. It's pretty clear that fracking, school openings(which are basically all open), allowing oil/gas permits on federal land, future tax policy, and future hypothetical tax policy don't have really any impact on domestic and foreign supply chain constraints. Additionally, I'm not sure how much impact vaccine mandates are impacting businesses...I suspect it's extremely low as nearly all mandates offer testing alternatives. We clearly haven't seen a mass exodus of resignations from mandates...at least none that I've seen. I was just wondering how you think we should resolve issues with supply chains given the current environment...
Yeah, so I wasn't really asking about what you dislike about Dem's future policy agenda...I was asking about how you would resolve supply chain constraints. It's pretty clear that fracking, school openings(which are basically all open), allowing oil/gas permits on federal land, future tax policy, and future hypothetical tax policy don't have really any impact on domestic and foreign supply chain constraints. Additionally, I'm not sure how much impact vaccine mandates are impacting businesses...I suspect it's extremely low as nearly all mandates offer testing alternatives. We clearly haven't seen a mass exodus of resignations from mandates...at least none that I've seen. I was just wondering how you think we should resolve issues with supply chains given the current environment...

Bruh… what? I just answered your question. Most of my stuff wasn’t saying what I dislike about the Dem agenda, it was what could be done now to help fix the many issues the US economy has.

I mean I literally gave examples of what they could do now while still aiming for their 30 in 30 and 0 emissions goals. (I don’t like or agree with either of those agendas)

As far as the mandate, I mean the national guard is literally deployed right now to perform civilian private sector jobs in healthcare due to the firings. United just famously (as in even the President mentioned it) fired a bunch of people and literally yesterday and today Southwest is having a worker protest over mandates and it effected tons of airports. Pretty large list and all very covered in the media. I guess idk what you mean by the mandate isn’t effecting the economy.

Schools are not open everywhere. Lots of schools (especially in blue cities/states) are still remote learning or partial remote and have still not gone back yet to full in person. I mean hell, Even here in rural “we don’t wear no vaccines” MAGA hat wearing land we have schools forced to shut down for days or weeks due to outbreaks. (Self deprecating to signal I’m not a MAGA guy and I’m vaccinated, I’m not a crazy person saying drill baby drill and China virus is fake)

Supply chain issues specially: the current huge back log has happened during the current admin because of their Covid protocols and prior months of money for nothing policy. OSHA regs have been increased to juice the numbers in hospitals (ex: McCook hospital under old OSHA regs could handle 12 Covid patients last year at height of pandemic, now under Biden OSHA regs the same hospital can only handle 2 patients before being “full”. But hey the newspaper says the hospital is overflowing with delta and that’s what was needed.) and these new OSHA regs are being applied across businesses that never should have them applied to. Distances and worker limits (especially in Cali) have caused ports to be functioning at 50% or less.
ex: Tesla moved their entire operation because of these laws.

furthermore, I didn’t realize it needed to be said but fuel and transport costs being double the price or more under this administration = way more overhead = if you can actually find employees to hire you have less money to hire as many employees as you need. = less supplies being moved = supply chain problems
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Bruh… what?

United just famously (as in even the President mentioned it) fired a bunch of people and literally yesterday and today Southwest is having a worker protest over mandates and it effected tons of airports.

Schools are not open everywhere, like at all. Lots of them are still remote learning or partial remote. Even here in rural “we don’t wear no vaccines” MAGA hat wearing land we have schools forced to shut down for days or weeks due to outbreaks.

Supply chain issues specially: the current huge back log has literally happened during the current admin because of their Covid protocols and prior months of money for nothing policy. OSHA regs have been increased to juice the numbers in hospitals (ex: McCook hospital under old OSHA regs could handle 12 Covid patients last year at height of pandemic, now under Biden OSHA regs the same hospital can only handle 2 patients before being “full”. But hey the newspaper says the hospital is overflowing with delta and that’s what was needed.)

furthermore, I didn’t realize it needed to be said but fuel and transport costs being double the price or more under this administration = way more overhead = if you can actually find employees to hire you have less money to hire as many employees as you need.
Umm, so I'm not trying to be difficult or anything but I'm not sure how United or Southwest vaccine mandates are creating supply chain issues over the past few months. Vaccine mandates in general have not caused any Exodus in employment... especially when 75-80% of companies don't have vaccine only mandates, so I don't see this as a driver in supply chain constraints at all...like, at all.

The vast majority of schools are open...still though, these are not causing supply chain issues, so I'm not sure the point in this. I have no idea what you're talking about with Biden's OSHA hospital protocols...I don't even know what juicing the numbers in hospitals means, so I can't speak to that.

Sure, freight, transportation, and fuel costs have all gone up(definitely not doubled), but these costs aren't driven by policy or Biden...these costs would have gone up under either administration. Hell, most of the imbedded costs are oil...which has gone up 20% from pre-pandemic(OPEC production level related... definitely not domestic policy driven).

I was just wondering if you had any insight into what you think the Government could do to alleviate these issues, but it's all good.
Umm, so I'm not trying to be difficult or anything but I'm not sure how United or Southwest vaccine mandates are creating supply chain issues over the past few months. Vaccine mandates in general have not caused any Exodus in employment... especially when 75-80% of companies don't have vaccine only mandates, so I don't see this as a driver in supply chain constraints at all...like, at all.

The vast majority of schools are open...still though, these are not causing supply chain issues, so I'm not sure the point in this. I have no idea what you're talking about with Biden's OSHA hospital protocols...I don't even know what juicing the numbers in hospitals means, so I can't speak to that.

Sure, freight, transportation, and fuel costs have all gone up(definitely not doubled), but these costs aren't driven by policy or Biden...these costs would have gone up under either administration. Hell, most of the imbedded costs are oil...which has gone up 20% from pre-pandemic(OPEC production level related... definitely not domestic policy driven).

I was just wondering if you had any insight into what you think the Government could do to alleviate these issues, but it's all good.

My first post was generally responding to “what would you do?”, obviously it wasn’t entirely directed at supply chain logistics. The biggest parts of my post were about the tax code, renewable energy and CRP….clearly none of which is about the supply chain.

I only referenced United and southwest because you said there were no issues with the mandate and both of those were topical examples. There are others.

Do you agree with anything I posted or is it just “Republicans much bad”?
My first post was generally responding to “what would you do?”, obviously it wasn’t entirely directed at supply chain logistics. The biggest parts of my post were about the tax code, renewable energy and CRP….clearly none of which is about the supply chain.

I only referenced United and southwest because you said there were no issues with the mandate and both of those were topical examples. There are others.

Do you agree with anything I posted or is it just “Republicans much bad”?
I was responding to your tweet, that's all. The tweet video was explicitly referencing supply chain issues and so that's why I asked if you thought there was anything that the Biden and his administration could do to alleviate the supply chain issues. In my opinion, there isn't much that can be done.

Your examples were basically not related to the original topic of supply chain issues(and wouldn't even address the supply chain issues) so that's why I was critical of those points...plus most of those reasons you provided aren't dictated by the Federal Government (mask and vaccine mandates for private businesses, schools) and the others haven't even been implemented (climate change, taxes). My responses aren't "Republicans much bad", whatever that is, they were just focused on the topic I believed we were discussing.
Sure, freight, transportation, and fuel costs have all gone up(definitely not doubled), but these costs aren't driven by policy or Biden...these costs would have gone up under either administration. Hell, most of the imbedded costs are oil...which has gone up 20% from pre-pandemic(OPEC production level related... definitely not domestic policy driven).

Day 1 ended the keystone pipeline

Week 1 banned fracking

Week 1 ended oil/gas leases on federal land

Bruh, OPEC isn’t the scapegoat. Also, that’s a foreign policy discussion, same as allowing the Nord Stream 2 and lifting sanctions on Iran. All are tangentially related to the price of oil/gas but you can’t in good faith argue they are the main cause of the current US predicament. Cratering domestic oil/gas production is the superseding cause.
Day 1 ended the keystone pipeline

Week 1 banned fracking

Week 1 ended oil/gas leases on federal land

Bruh, OPEC isn’t the scapegoat. Also, that’s a foreign policy discussion, same as allowing the Nord Stream 2 and lifting sanctions on Iran. All are tangentially related to the price of oil/gas but you can’t in good faith argue they are the main cause of the current US predicament. Cratering domestic oil/gas production is the superseding cause.
I mean, this is a really silly post...like, very silly. Biden's moratoriums on fracking and new federal land permits didn't ban fracking and absolutely didn't ban oil and gas leases on federal land...it placed a temporary hold on fracking and a hold on new permits. There is absolutely still fracking in the US and the existing oil production permits on federal land are still producing, lol. I have no idea what you're talking about. Additionally, the Keystone Pipeline cancelation was dumb but it didn't impact domestic production or impact price at all, man. That's nonsense.

OPEC production cuts in 2020/2021 aren't a scapegoat...they are the reason for oil price increases. That's not even debatable, so I have no idea what you're talking about on this.
I was responding to your tweet, that's all. The tweet video was explicitly referencing supply chain issues and so that's why I asked if you thought there was anything that the Biden and his administration could do to alleviate the supply chain issues. In my opinion, there isn't much that can be done.

Your examples were basically not related to the original topic of supply chain issues(and wouldn't even address the supply chain issues) so that's why I was critical of those points...plus most of those reasons you provided aren't dictated by the Federal Government (mask and vaccine mandates for private businesses, schools) and the others haven't even been implemented (climate change, taxes). My responses aren't "Republicans much bad", whatever that is, they were just focused on the topic I believed we were discussing.

The disconnect is: you have been arguing that it is just a supply chain problem, not Biden’s fault, there is nothing the government can do to help and all of these issues are unavoidable coincidences.

My argument (and my post) was that here are all of these issues with the economy that Biden has created or neglected and here is what he should do to fix them.
The disconnect is: you have been arguing that it is just a supply chain problem, not Biden’s fault, there is nothing the government can do to help and all of these issues are unavoidable coincidences.

My argument (and my post) was that here are all of these issues with the economy that Biden has created or neglected and here is what he should do to fix them.
Correct, I don't believe the supply chain issues are policy driven at all and I don't think there are viable options in greatly alleviating these issues. I believe even if Trump had won, he would be facing the exact same issues. Biden deserves tons of criticism, but hammering him on inflation and supply chain stuff is nonsense.

I get you disagree with Biden on the things you referenced...but I don't really care about those, lol. I was asking about your tweet topic of supply chain issues.

It is a penny stock that does lithium and battery tech. Currently is about 0.06 a share.

Only reason why I bring this up is the Board was proud to introduce Mr Paul Pelosi Jr has joined the advisory board.

Figured it was worth some speculation considering how Paul Pelosi Sr does....

Major Psaki energy bruh

You seriously asking?

For starters:

- stop with this bullshit vaccine mandate, --> vaccination helps the vaccinated survive Covid, it doesn't stop them from getting Covid or spreading it. Why is proof of vaccine superior than a negative covid test? Answer: its not, it makes no sense because it isn't meant to make sense. The mandate is meant to be the stick that gets the unvaccinated to want to vaccinate. End it because according to literally every scientific study/definition ever the USA has reached herd immunity with vaccines and thats not even including the unvaccinated who have natural immunity via previous infection. The mandate is insane right now, it would have made sense in early Spring but now its overkill.

- get the ports opened again, ending the mandate and telling Newsom to get his shit together (remind him that he owes you one for helping him stay Gov)

- get all schools opened fully again, how the fuck can the economy return when tons of places have schools still shut down OR have schools randomly shutting down for days or weeks at a time. Kids under 18 have a better chance of getting raped by Catholic priest whilst getting hit by a car than dying from Covid

- allow fracking again, JESUS christ how do people not understand this is literally the best thing we have right now re: oil/gas. Until you can have some realistic alternative there is no reason to ban fracking. Importing oil/gas is better? Nord Stream 2 being a mega pipeline/political gun to the head of western Europe is ok but fracking in North Dakota is terrible? What the fuck are we even talking about.

- allow for oil/gas leases on Fed land again (like we always have since most of the oil ground in the US is under federal land/water)

- either end the faux Climate shit that is blocking tons of industry OR if you really do believe the earth is melting at “alarming” levels fucking finally do something about it like Obama did and cut those checks for credits to build wind and/or tell the animal rights people to shove it up their ass and allow for hydro projects again and then tell the Greens to shove it up their ass and build Nuclear power plants again (France is 80% in a country smaller than Texas, it’s not Chernobyl 24/7) right now Biden says he wants 0 emissions and is banning oil/gas but isn’t doing anything to build renewables to meet the demand that he is creating

- if you want your 30 in 30 plan just give a bigger carrot (higher CRP per acre prices and no cap on number of acres) you will probably be able to get damn close to the 30% target without having to ever use a stick. Biden can literally today order the USDA to increase CRP payments and end the acre cap = tomorrow he would have thousands of land owners signing up thousands of acres into CRP.

- stop lying about nobody under $400,000 will have their taxes go up, we all know this isn’t true based on the tiny bits of information released. Billionaires and mega corporations paying their fair share? Why not have the Corp tax revert to 35% why not have more tax brackets instead of stopping at 523,000? Why are you mandating reporting for every transaction over $600? Time and energy will be wasted collecting this MASSIVE amount of data that the IRS doesn’t need. Stop with the bullshit saying you are going to tax unrealized gains. No, no you will not be doing that because it would literally end the US economy overnight. Bezos/Buffet/Musk/etc having to pay unrealized gains on their wealth would mean they would have to sell at a level that would tank their stock price and domino the economy. It’s beyond silly, I can only assume those who discuss it have no idea what they are talking about. Biden needs to just increase corporate tax (if you’re a C-Corp in 2021, you’re a big boy, Everybody else is S or LLC) and have more brackets. Biden needs to stop with the faux “ima tax wealth” 6th grade tax analysis because the current ambiguity on what the future of the tax code is = business and people don’t know what to expect. Just come out with a real plan and make it public.

These are just off the top of my head and purely economic and domestic. Foreign policy wise I could go on for pages.

*** all of these things Biden can do by himself without Nancy or Chuck

PS: I don’t think any of these are unreasonable and many (renewables, conservation) are politically aligned with Biden.
Hot damn, that's some straight common sense fire.

Sadly, mashed tater head and most of the fuck wad politicians just preach to the lowest common denominator and will actually do anything to make some sort of progress.
Hot damn, that's some straight common sense fire.

Sadly, mashed tater head and most of the fuck wad politicians just preach to the lowest common denominator and will actually do anything to make some sort of progress.

the best thing about threads like this or Twitter is the time stamp history

I wonder how many months/years before they start pretending like they never defended the Biden policies regarding inflation or the economy.

Reminds me of the Russian collusion/ #notmyPresident/ #resist / Russian hookers/ Kavanaugh rape gang/ Hunter Biden laptop story isn’t true/ etc etc that the Media and Libs pushed 24/7 for 3 years and then when it all turned out to be fake they have acted like it never happened.

Examples from 4 and 5 months ago… same exact excuses


It is a penny stock that does lithium and battery tech. Currently is about 0.06 a share.

Only reason why I bring this up is the Board was proud to introduce Mr Paul Pelosi Jr has joined the advisory board.

Figured it was worth some speculation considering how Paul Pelosi Sr does....

View attachment 5137
69 … percent.
I don't know a single restaurant (fast food or sit down) or a single grocery store that doesn't have drastically reduced hours (and options) due to insane staffing shortages.

where do you live man? I travel all the time in NE and KS and its the same everywhere I go (literally everywhere and there is nothing in common between Bellevue and St Francis KS except lots of white people)

quick map radius of my area and I travel more than once a week to random places in this area
I talked to the hyvee manager recently and he said they can’t find people. Hell one of the jobs is just being a shopper for online orders at 16 bucks and hour and you make your own hours. Companies can’t find people across the board. It’s also very bad in construction. Every trade is having issues and some of them are decent paying jobs.

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