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Omar (1 Viewer)


Wide Receiver

Soft as shit

Kinda off topic but I never got the Biles hate, sounds like she has the yips or “twisties” as they call them in gymnastics. If you have the yips in baseball you can’t throw to first, if you have them in gymnastics you over or under rotate and break a neck

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
Kinda off topic but I never got the Biles hate, sounds like she has the yips or “twisties” as they call them in gymnastics. If you have the yips in baseball you can’t throw to first, if you have them in gymnastics you over or under rotate and break a neck
The people who never watched Owen Hart almost paralyze Stone Cold Steve Austin are really showing their ass in this thread, iyam


Graduate Assistant
That point started with me after the signing day debacle when rivals shit the bed and he was crying on tater island when people were threatening to cancel...something to the affect "feed my family" type shit.

I didn’t really believe that Lembrecht was his contact within the program because I honestly thought to myself that there’s no way that one person who’s done this for 20 years could possibly only have one contact. Now, it’s pretty clear that it’s absolutely true. Which it’s still insane to me. Even the most incompetent business development or sales reps have more than one networking contact within their industry if they’ve done it long enough. You should be able to stumble upon a few over the years.

If I owned that business day one I would have focused on networking within the university and making relationships with people who will be there long term. Information is what you’re selling. So if a staff gets fired, that faucet can’t shut off. So you have to have big time contacts within the university. Not overly hard to do for a dude who’s been around as long as he has I wouldn’t think.

I’m literally floored at the incompetence here. Sorry, but this is an absolutely cringeworthy business practice.

Next, the shit about Omar really pisses me off today. It doesn’t sit well with me when someone says things like he did today without very solid cause about the kids.


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Asked Waterboy.

Omar missed one practice to my knowledge and it was NOT for the reasons Deab insinuated. As of this post, Omar should travel, suit up, and play a significant role on Saturday.

Dean absolutely butchered this one. He falsely and unnecessarily smeared a kids character.

That is as low as it gets from a journalistic integrity standpoint and I have lost a massive amount of respect for him.
And any and all threads that mention it after Saturday are just gonna be deleted


Link Lyman invented the DLine shift
Elite Member
I think so. But he's not gonna let anyone call him out
I’m sure what isn’t locked are past threads where he rails people for pushing information that isn’t accurate or the numerous posts where he says he doesn’t post info he has because it’s not right to put it out there.

Well, Deab, what made you change your actions?

I never thought I’d enjoy watching a car wreck in slow-motion so much.


Punter Fluffer
Elite Member
Kinda off topic but I never got the Biles hate, sounds like she has the yips or “twisties” as they call them in gymnastics. If you have the yips in baseball you can’t throw to first, if you have them in gymnastics you over or under rotate and break a neck
Blaming it on the spotlight and pressure didn’t do her any favors.

Performing under pressure on the world’s biggest stage is what makes Olympians, Olympians.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Kinda off topic but I never got the Biles hate, sounds like she has the yips or “twisties” as they call them in gymnastics. If you have the yips in baseball you can’t throw to first, if you have them in gymnastics you over or under rotate and break a neck
It’s presentation for me. She changed her reasoning 2 or 3 times. If she was struggling with technique, then I would understand. If you’re struggling to execute in baseball then yeah you’re getting pulled. But don’t quit on your team for “mental health” or “I wanted to do this for me and I feel like I’m doing it for others right now” ooohhhhhh okay yeah why don’t you go out there and help your team win

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I’m simply amazed at how many tPB members are still on the scrolls @RR$. I thought everyone quit and came over here long, long ago… SMMFH
I like reading the 3-2-1 and I still hold out hope for TTs. That's about the only 2 reasons anymore. Is it worth $10 a month? I really don't know

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