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Nebraska to SEC?

Why would we deserve that
Because it would be mismanagement of the highest order. You are already in one of the two power conferences. I'm sure there are things the school doesn't like about the Big Ten. There will be just as many things they don't like about the SEC once they get there.

We have at least *some* history in the Big Ten. If you think it's difficult to get a fair shake in a league we've been in since Bo Pelini, try being the 17th team in a league that has thought it shit doesn't stink for the last quarter century.

And I realize no one here cares because libs, but being in the Big Ten is worth a fortune academically to the university. You'd literally be throwing money away.

And then we'd be running back to join a conference that includes the worst "partner" we've ever been in a conference with -- one that oversaw the demise of the Southwest conference, blew up the Big 12, and essentially ended the Pac 12 by backing out of a deal to go there (all so they protect their precious Longhorn Network).

People love to think the grass is always greener. I distinctly remember Frost alluding to the idea we could return to the Big 12 (and many fans cheering that idea). It's just a dumb idea and running scared.

We have been shitty in the Big Ten, but it is one of only two conferences that matter. Instead of being bitches and running away and hoping that solves our problems, why not be adults and figure out how to be more successful in the conference we are already in. If Minnesota and Cockeye can do it, certainly we can.
being in the Big Ten is worth a fortune academically to the university
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And I realize no one here cares because libs, but being in the Big Ten is worth a fortune academically to the university. You'd literally be throwing money away.

This is always way overblown on sports message boards. Nebraska isn't getting a massive academic windfall from being in the Big Ten. UNL's rankings as an undergraduate institution, research university, etc. haven't budged in the last 12 years. You could make the argument that our reputation improves simply by association, but, anecdotally, my degree from UNL impresses people now just as much as it did when I graduated in 09 (meaning, not at all). Big wig academics don't give a fuck about what other schools their current employer plays in football.
I can't see Nebraska leaving because of the academic benefits we get being in the Big 10. I'd love for us to go the SEC though. I think we have more in common with the southern boys than we do with the pedophiles and rapists in the Big 10.
This is always way overblown on sports message boards. Nebraska isn't getting a massive academic windfall from being in the Big Ten. UNL's rankings as an undergraduate institution, research university, etc. haven't budged in the last 12 years. You could make the argument that our reputation improves simply by association, but, anecdotally, my degree from UNL impresses people now just as much as it did when I graduated in 09 (meaning, not at all). Big wig academics don't give a fuck about what other schools their current employer plays in football.
Let's check the National Science Foundation report on university R&D expenditures, shall we?

UNL (Big dick Big Ten member)
2013: $266 million
2022: $340 million
Decade growth: 29%

Cockeye State (Big 12 poverty program)
2013: $266 million
2022: $393 million
Decade growth: 48%

Well sumbitch. Nebraska and Cockeye St finished 2013 with nearly identical R&D expenditures. After a decade of our Big Ten membership and their poverty/joke level Big 12 membership, we're now 16% smaller than they are.
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Let's check the National Science Foundation report, shall we?

UNL (Big dick Big Ten member)
2013: $266 million
2022: $340 million
Decade growth: 29%

Cockeye State (Big 12 poverty program)
2013: $266 million
2022: $393 million
Decade growth: 48%

Well sumbitch. Nebraska and Cockeye St finished 2013 with nearly identical R&D expenditures. After a decade of our Big Ten membership and their poverty/joke level Big 12 membership, we're now 16% smaller than they are.
What the fuck
I think we're in the AFL/NFL stage where both leagues were established, but where the 2 are going to be fighting for the upper hand in negotiating favorable terms. Expansion is now a game to get the power players into your conference to have more of the power in determining how this whole thing is set up/breaks away from the NCAA.

The SEC was the big dog who steered the NCAA until recently, but now with the B1G grabbing the noteworthy west coast schools & potentially making a play for the top ACC teams, the balance of power has shifted, and that conference will be calling more of the shots.

Guessing there will be some differences in the short-to-medium term. I think we'll end up with the merger & more of an NFC/AFC situation eventually, but we might be 5-10 years out from that, and being lined up with whoever has more cache will be favorable for results until then.
I agree it is a few yrs off. But we're definitely in agreement with where things are headed!

The days of the unique personalities/identities/cultures tied to conferences is nearing an end unfortunately.
I agree it is a few yrs off. But we're definitely in agreement with where things are headed!

The days of the unique personalities/identities/cultures tied to conferences is nearing an end unfortunately.
The Big 12 presented by Boot Barn in partnership with Bain Capital would beg to differ.
Why wouldn't the SEC or B1G take Clemson?

Would think Clemson and Miami would be a good pair for B1G TV markets.
Be interesting to see what happens. In the past South Carolina did not want Clemson in the SEC. But there are only a couple of noteworthy schools not in the B1G/SEC, can't see the B1G passing them up, does the SEC want the B1G in Florida or South Carolina? I definitely don't see them going to the Big 12, that makes no sense.
The back channel talks are bc the Big10 has US on the clock. We are in jeopardy of being booted bc we aren’t an AAU school (& are the WORST men’s program competitively in the big10) & is part of the reason why Turd left.
We were bumbling around naming a president & we’d already been given an ultimatum by the Big10
We need to win now to ensure an attractive dance partner if Armageddon happens & we are shown the door
The back channel talks are bc the Big10 has US on the clock. We are in jeopardy of being booted bc we aren’t an AAU school (& are the WORST men’s program competitively in the big10) & is part of the reason why Turd left.
We were bumbling around naming a president & we’d already been given an ultimatum by the Big10
We need to win now to ensure an attractive dance partner if Armageddon happens & we are shown the door
Ya I’m calling total BS on this one
Big ten won’t do that, you kick Nebraska you loose some tv money, really not point in them doing that
The back channel talks are bc the Big10 has US on the clock. We are in jeopardy of being booted bc we aren’t an AAU school (& are the WORST men’s program competitively in the big10) & is part of the reason why Turd left.
We were bumbling around naming a president & we’d already been given an ultimatum by the Big10
We need to win now to ensure an attractive dance partner if Armageddon happens & we are shown the door

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