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Nebraska to SEC? (5 Viewers)


Big Ten referee
For now but for how long?
Everyone poo poos the sellout streak being “fake” & we all know it’s on life support even with “help from friends”
Continued bad football & that officially ends & those “great TV #s” also will disappear
We have to start winning now. If we don’t combined with our continued administrative bungling we could be told to kick rocks & be begging the Big12 to take us back.
this whole thread is ridiculous
The SEC has no interest in us nor should they. Unless you believe they want a doormat to replace Vanderbilt
We bring nothing but dusty trophies & a volleyball team. You have to be over 40 to even remember Nebraska as a “football school”.
When was the last time we finished in the Top25? 2012
Top 15? 2009
Top 10? 2001

To actually believe Nebraska has any value to conference realignment takes a special kind of delusional thinking
We are closer to relegation than being desired by another p4 league.
Be ecstatic we are in the Big10 bc if we were asked to leave, we’d have zero leverage to find a new home. We’d be forced to take a “bad deal” of partial share membership
Sorry gotta tater you for tripling down. Nothin personal, kid
James Garner Movie GIF


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
Because winning in football = criteria in the B1G.

Look, I know you're a regular troll, but I'm going to entertain this line of thought trolling.

First, UNMC gets funding from the B1G. The UNMC has a very good cancer program, so if the B1G kicked us out and that money goes away from programs like the UNMC cancer research, then the ripple effect to the other research facilities would be pretty outrageous.

Second, do you know not we came 2nd in the Volleyball NCAA last year? You're basing membership once again only off of football, but where are the other sports? Volleyball, basketball (both M and W), wrestling, and baseball, we're very good in and have been ranked pretty high for years. Not to mention, volleyball just got national headlines a year ago for the top selling crowd of all time for any woman's sport. So in your mind, that's still not good enough for the B1G to be like, 'yeah, this won't hurt our brand'?

Third and once again, if Penn State, who is not a founding member of the B1G, didn't get kicked out when Sandusky was brought to attention of touching boys on the PSU campus, then do you really believe B1G will kick Nebraska out because of AAU status? And it's not like we're an Big 12 or SEC school in terms of not trying back into AAU status.

I honestly don't think anyone knows with certainty. The sensical part would be that it's stupid to relieve Nebraska of their duties in the B1G. Once they start winning this shit will blow up into anything as big as they've seen.

The one thing that spooks me a bit are the nerds that actually bring in as much if not more revenue on the academic side. They got a hard-on once to kick out Nebraska, so I just don't trust them to make good decisions.

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
I honestly don't think anyone knows with certainty. The sensical part would be that it's stupid to relieve Nebraska of their duties in the B1G. Once they start winning this shit will blow up into anything as big as they've seen.

The one thing that spooks me a bit are the nerds that actually bring in as much if not more revenue on the academic side. They got a hard-on once to kick out Nebraska, so I just don't trust them to make good decisions.
Expulsion requires a 70% vote and I highly doubt that schools that contribute little by way of TV revenue won't game out that they're next if Nebraska goes

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
Another factor is the legal shit storm the big ten would open if they removed Nebraska without Nebraska not running afoul of conference bylaws. "You can't suck at football" probably isn't in there and I'd be surprised if AAU membership is either.


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
Another factor is the legal shit storm the big ten would open if they removed Nebraska without Nebraska not running afoul of conference bylaws. "You can't suck at football" probably isn't in there and I'd be surprised if AAU membership is either.
In the end, what will get us is being below the conference minimum number of underage sexual assaults.

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