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@mike513 - $155 million thread on RSS (1 Viewer)


Running Back
Elite Member
His post-mortem last year on 12/2/19 was a good read. Basically is echoing what a lot of others are saying in regards to the G5 coaches never getting it done here. Thinks Frost wants to right by Nebraska Football but perhaps Frost is just too arrogant and stubborn to make it work.


Running Back
Elite Member
If the 513 is his area code, he’s from Cincinnati area. But could also be a birthday


Pick'Em Champion
I don't buy into the program issue excuse, bull shit. You're either a good coach or a bad coach. There's a stupid amount of financial support and resources that any decent coach should be able to come in here and win.

You've seen it done everywhere else, sure you can write off the first season as your "building season." After that if your players aren't grasping the system and if they continue to make the same stupid mistakes that's not on the players, not on the program, that's on coaching.


Wide Receiver
We really do make some dumb mistakes over and over and over again.

The fact that we cannot get thru a 1st Qtr w/o an OL Motion penalty is all you need to know.

I still contend that SF hasnt had much of a chance yet, as follows:

Year 1 - The cancellation of Game 1 cost us at least 2 or even 3 wins. They crush Akron, then beat CU in week 2, and 2AM doesn't get hurt. Then they don't lose to the G5 school next etc
Year 2 - This was the BAD year and I fault them all. That mess should have been fixed by 2020...and it's not.
Year 3 - No spring really hurt this team, as I think SF et al really wanted to play the kids and lost 4 weeks and a fake game. No real fall hurt too as did the break up of the season by Karen Warren.

I think OUR problems started in that thunderstorm and have been under a black cloud ever since.
Not unlike the FIRST Play from scrimmage on SAT. A SNOWBALL....

Excuses? Maybe they are. But that's my $.02

Not sure what else in the FOOTBALL Bldg or A Dept is, thought that was cleaned out when Eichorst and Riley et al were gone....curiuos to see WHAT/WHO the problem STILL is????
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Running Back
Elite Member
We really do make some dumb mistakes over and over and over again.

The fact that we cannot get thru a 1st Qtr w/o an OL Motion penalty is all you need to know.

I still contend that SF hasnt had much of a chance yet, as follows:

Year 1 - The cancellation of Game 1 cost us at least 2 or even 3 wins. They crush Akron, then beat CU in week 2, and 2AM doesn't get hurt. Then they don't lose to the G5 school next etc
Year 2 - This was the BAD year and I fault them all. That mess should have been fixed by 2020...and it's not.
Year 3 - No spring really hurt this team, as I think SF et al really wanted to play the kids and lost 4 weeks and a fake game. No real fall hurt too as did the break up of the season by Karen Warren.

I think OUR problems started in that thunderstorm and have been under a black cloud ever since.
Not unlike the FIRST Play from scrimmage on SAT. A SNOWBALL....

Excuses? Maybe they are. But that's my $.02

Not sure what else in the FOOTBALL Bldg or A Dept is, thought that was cleaned out when Eichorst and Riley et al were gone....curiuos to see WHAT/WHO the problem STILL is????

It's year 3...sure it has been a weird year, but other teams are not having these issues.

IMO...it comes down to having shitty AC on each side of the ball that cannot/haven't coached at this level. They are getting outcoached routinely. Until our HC can surround himself with proven commodities, they will continue to struggle and fail.


Wide Receiver
It's year 3...sure it has been a weird year, but other teams are not having these issues.

IMO...it comes down to having shitty AC on each side of the ball that cannot/haven't coached at this level. They are getting outcoached routinely. Until our HC can surround himself with proven commodities, they will continue to struggle and fail.

I agree...Year 3 this should be done by now. MINN and PUR and IND for example dont Fuck up like we fuck up. It's painful to watch or in last week's case for me, listen to on a 7 hour drive.


I wish he would make definitive statements and not just throw red meat out there.
To be fair, people were rough on him during the Pelini era when he would give Friday thoughts on how the game would go just like NUFan did. NUFan got a lot of followers that still hold him in high esteem, even though his takes from those days were nothing short of awful. Amazingly after Pelini was fired, he tried to reverse course and say that he could see things headed in the wrong direction for a while, even though his weekly posts and that particular one completely contradicted themselves.
Mike just posts less now, although his thoughts have always been pretty much telling it as he sees it, some good, some bad. Mike would take heat for talking about bad game plans etc during big game weeks, and right on cue the following day, Melvin Gordon would go for 400...
Maybe he will come over here and be a little more candid, but I’d doubt it. I think the team is a part of his life he doesn’t want taken away.
As for NUFan, I mean no offense to him or those that like getting his nugs, but they have proven time and again to be pretty poor as it relates to Frost and Pelini teams. You can reference them on the elite board for that verification.

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
I don't buy into the program issue excuse, bull shit. You're either a good coach or a bad coach. There's a stupid amount of financial support and resources that any decent coach should be able to come in here and win.

You've seen it done everywhere else, sure you can write off the first season as your "building season." After that if your players aren't grasping the system and if they continue to make the same stupid mistakes that's not on the players, not on the program, that's on coaching.
Fundamentals, effort, discipline, having an identity. All of these things are totally within the coaches's control and all completely absent from the program.


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
Mike513's info has been solid and spot-in since he began posting in like 2009

Yes he has been.

That's why it was such a significant comment. Many things could be inferred or speculated, with his comments.


Run The Damn Ball
Elite Member
To be fair, people were rough on him during the Pelini era when he would give Friday thoughts on how the game would go just like NUFan did. NUFan got a lot of followers that still hold him in high esteem, even though his takes from those days were nothing short of awful. Amazingly after Pelini was fired, he tried to reverse course and say that he could see things headed in the wrong direction for a while, even though his weekly posts and that particular one completely contradicted themselves.
Mike just posts less now, although his thoughts have always been pretty much telling it as he sees it, some good, some bad. Mike would take heat for talking about bad game plans etc during big game weeks, and right on cue the following day, Melvin Gordon would go for 400...
Maybe he will come over here and be a little more candid, but I’d doubt it. I think the team is a part of his life he doesn’t want taken away.
As for NUFan, I mean no offense to him or those that like getting his nugs, but they have proven time and again to be pretty poor as it relates to Frost and Pelini teams. You can reference them on the elite board for that verification.
I agree - he’s a good insider. I just wish he wouldn’t duck tease us and share the goods.

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