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In Year 4 does Frost get a winning season? (2 Viewers)

In year 4 does Frost get a winning season this year ?

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Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
No need to apologize. I guess I’m just sick and tired of the constant coaching carousel and all that comes with it. Ya know looking back, shit I’d take Frank Solich’s 8-9 win seasons for the last 20 years if it meant consistency. I’d be absolutely fine if Bo never got fired and we were winning 9 a year and just never got over the hump. Sure, those losses hurt like hell when they happen but it’s still 9 wins and a bowl game a year. For sure I’ll take over the last 3 years. But strictly due to who Frost is, I want him to be the one to do it instead of anyone else at this point. Would be an incredible story. I got fully invested day 1 of his hire. I remember Sean unofficially announced the hire in a TT that was sent to me at work and I signed up for HOL around that same time. I won’t care as much anymore if this fails.

It’s not really Frost’s speeches or reasoning for why we’ve lost games, it’s just the continued dick punches after giving up big leads that we’ve had, or Frost’s stubbornness to go away from his play calling if it isn’t working. Frost’s stubbornness frustrates me.

I haven’t been shy about this point either but I do think the TO/Solich offense would still work today, I just think a better play caller would make it work better than Frank did. The plays and execution are there, the right buttons at the right time just need to be pressed.

We’ve done so many different things that some would call “not the Nebraska way” since Tom retired. We’ve coached from outside the program, ran different offenses, changed the roster, havent paid attention to in state recruits, missed on guys that have gone on to the NFL because they were good enough. And for what? Because the “Nebraska way” is out dated? Bullshit. It’s bullshit because it’s the only thing that has worked atleast better than average the last 30 years. That’s one of the reasons I want so bad for Frost to succeed and to continue building for a long time, because he’s 90% of the Nebraska Way there, and there seems to be an offensive shift to go the rest of the 10%. Run the Damn Ball. Those other attempts simply haven’t worked.

Frost needs 7-5 at minimum to keep my attention going forward. 6-6 probably earns him a reply of 2017 as dead man walking.
Here are a graphics that describes the getting back to "Nebraska way":

drugs dinosaur GIF by South Park

guy with old haircut talking GIF by South Park

It's not that we couldn't hire a coach who has more of a power run offense or that we couldn't hire someone who really prioritizes landing top talent in the region, but the secret sauce in the "Nebraska way" was Dr. Tom. You can't replicate that. And it seems like a fool's errand to try.

The issues of the past 20 years haven't been because we deviated from the Nebraska way, they've been that we have hired bad coaches. It hasn't been their system, it hasn't been that it was different than Dr. Tom's. It hasn't been their background or where they were from.

They've just been bad. Solich was a MAC level coach, Callahan hired a DC who the game had passed by, Bo hated recruiting, Riley sucked, and Frost hasn't established anything that even looks like a coherent offensive identity.

You need a coach who understands what the job really is. And it's not chasing some mythical "way". Find a guy who knows coaching and recruiting at an elite level and hiring assistants who check those boxes. Until they do that, run whatever you want. Whether it's the damn ball or not, but it's going to result in the same futility, imo
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Elite Member
Admittedly I am a Frost apologist and want the dude to succeed. Getting that out of the way, I am pretty fucking constantly surprised at the shit Frost has worked through with this roster over the last couple years. Recently listened to an interview w/ Dismuke where he talked about having a pretty severe neck injury in 2019 to the point where dude had shooting pain after every tackle and had his parents begging him to sit out some games because of fears of long-term health damage. He didn't feel comfortable doing that because he didn't feel like there was anyone behind him that could play.

I know the depth and roster talk has been kind of annoying over the last couple years, but there's a lot of truth to it and a lot of shit we don't know as outsiders.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Admittedly I am a Frost apologist and want the dude to succeed. Getting that out of the way, I am pretty fucking constantly surprised at the shit Frost has worked through with this roster over the last couple years. Recently listened to an interview w/ Dismuke where he talked about having a pretty severe neck injury in 2019 to the point where dude had shooting pain after every tackle and had his parents begging him to sit out some games because of fears of long-term health damage. He didn't feel comfortable doing that because he didn't feel like there was anyone behind him that could play.

I know the depth and roster talk has been kind of annoying over the last couple years, but there's a lot of truth to it and a lot of shit we don't know as outsiders.
I'll be completely transparent with you. I thought Marquel Dismuke was soft as absolute shit up until last year. I thought he did some good things last year. 2018 and 2019, I couldn't stand to even hear his name because how soft I thought he was. Him and Deontai with those stupid hit em and hope they fly to the ground instead of wrapping up made me wanna start my house on fire in pure frustration........that being said, if that is true about that kind of pain, that completely changes my opinion and I understand why maybe he compensated in certain ways to stand on the field. Also says a lot about the lack of depth we had at the time.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Here are a graphics that describes the getting back to "Nebraska way":

drugs dinosaur GIF by South Park

guy with old haircut talking GIF by South Park

It's not that we couldn't hire a coach who has more of a power run offense or that we couldn't hire someone who really prioritizes landing top talent in the region, but the secret sauce in the "Nebraska way" was Dr. Tom. You can't replicate that. And it seems like a fool's errand to try.

The issues of the past 20 years haven't been because we deviated from the Nebraska way, they've been that we have hired bad coaches. It hasn't been their system, it hasn't been that it was different than Dr. Tom's. It hasn't been their background or where they were from.

They've just been bad. Solich was a MAC level coach, Callahan hired a DC who the game had passed by, Bo hated recruiting, Riley sucked, and Frost hasn't established anything that even looks like a coherent offensive identity.

You need a coach who understands what the job really is. And it's not chasing some mythical "way". Find a guy who knows coaching and recruiting at an elite level and hiring assistants who check those boxes. Until they do that, run whatever you want. Whether it's the damn ball or not, but it's going to result in the same futility, imo
A few questions:

Let's call it what it is, our program has been dog shit for about the last 5-8 years.....

1. What makes this mythical "good coach" that everyone talks about? I don't want names, give me qualities and abilities. Qualities that Frost hasn't shown yet or at all.

2. Why would they come here after what the nation has seen us do to Frost on social media and message boards?

3. Who are you going to hire that an upcoming G5 coach that would willingly take on another rebuild with more possible shitty seasons to start out?

4. Does that coach run the same ol spread offense that everyone else does? Except those better programs can get those better players because they're proven successful programs as of late?

I understand and can acknowledge and agree with "it doesn't have to be Osborne's system to be successful again". I agree, it doesn't. But the argument is, with where we are at as a program RIGHT NOW, how in the world can you expect elite level recruits to come here and want to stay and develop for 3-4 years to play in the same spread systems as tOSU, Michigan, Bama, Clemson, OU, Florida, GA, Texas, etc. Those teams are HERE RIGHT NOW. They are winning right now. How in the world do you convince elite athletes to come here and possibly have some tough seasons and receive some criticism when they could just go to those already established programs and win right now? That right there is the only reason I'd like to see Frost run something different, a version of TO's offense, to pull this off Run something unique. I don't personally care if some kids don't see it as a stepping stone to the NFL. Half of them won't make an NFL roster in the long run anyway, so who cares? I want to win here. I'm not worried about the NFL, personally. And Frost is the big name in the nation that could recruit kids to that kind of system because of who he is and the fact that he ran in it. Elite athletes aren't coming to Lincoln to run the option for Coach whatever his name is at Army, doesn't pull enough weight.

That's my argument.

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
A few questions:

Let's call it what it is, our program has been dog shit for about the last 5-8 years.....

1. What makes this mythical "good coach" that everyone talks about? I don't want names, give me qualities and abilities. Qualities that Frost hasn't shown yet or at all.
A good coach isn't "mythical". Just thinking of a few things that Frost lacks that coaches who are more successful generally have:
1. Attention to detail (see Frost's poor clock management, apparent lack of due diligence on a number of recruits who flaked)
2. Leadership (see different rules for Mo Wash, letting the team vote on a bowl game, walking in the door and throwing Riley and his staff and by extension a chunk of his players under the bus)
3. An identity (see offense or "no fear of failure" and then playing not to lose for two years)

I don't want to turn this into a frost bash. He may grow into a very good coach someday, but there are also lots of very good coaches out there.

. Why would they come here after what the nation has seen us do to Frost on social media and message boards?

Social media and message boards aren't real life. If they hurt your ability to hire, it means you're an absolute shit salesman. What's going to matter more for a prospective coach: hurty words by anonymous strangers (most of which they don't even see) for a $1.5 million raise and a 5 to 7 year deal that guarantees you pocket at least 25 million even if you get shit canned? Not really close.

3. Who are you going to hire that an upcoming G5 coach that would willingly take on another rebuild with more possible shitty seasons to start out?
Almost no coach goes in expecting to be shitty. Hell Frost said we'd have the big ten running and this thing would really take off in year two. IF what's been claimed about Frost is true and he's upgraded the talent across the board, it's much less of a rebuild now than it supposedly was when Frost took over. Even then good coaches turn that shit around in a hurry. Who that is? I don't know, but most of firing a coach isn't about who you can get to replace him, it's about whether the guy to currently pay does the job so shittily that the average candidate in the pool could improve upon it.

Does that coach run the same ol spread offense that everyone else does? Except those better programs can get those better players because they're proven successful programs as of late?
Who knows? Lots of wrinkles to the spread. Lots of kids want to play in the spread. Find a guy who can identify talent like many teams have and it's not an issue even if you are fishing from the same pond as most other programs. Unique doesn't equal good. And to be unique, you have to have a coach who lives and breathes the uniqueness. It can't just be introduced to some schlub from wood river (hypothetically) and work.

how in the world can you expect elite level recruits to come here and want to stay and develop for 3-4 years to play in the same spread systems as tOSU, Michigan, Bama, Clemson, OU, Florida, GA, Texas, etc. Those teams are HERE RIGHT NOW. They are winning right now. How in the world do you convince elite athletes to come here and possibly have some tough seasons and receive some criticism when they could just go to those already established programs and win right now?
I don't. I expect that elite recruiters will land the absolute best talent that they can and it will lead to more wins year over year until they have the success to sell. Do we have those elite recruiters now? Guys who are going toe to toe with programs that they probably shouldn't beat out given recent tract records, but do anyways? I could make an argument.

Frost is the big name in the nation that could recruit kids to that kind of system because of who he is and the fact that he ran in it. Elite athletes aren't coming to Lincoln to run the option for Coach whatever his name is at Army, doesn't pull enough weight.
Why would any kid given a shit about a guy who ran a system for 3 years 15 years before they were even born? They wouldn't. Frost has been a Chip Kelly disciple far long than he's been a Tom Osborne disciple (from an offensive philosophy standpoint). If you want to hire someone who runs something like TO did? Cool and also good, but that guy isn't Scott Frost.

P.S. might read confrontational. Not intended as such. Just my view on the program and direction of it.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
A good coach isn't "mythical". Just thinking of a few things that Frost lacks that coaches who are more successful generally have:
1. Attention to detail (see Frost's poor clock management, apparent lack of due diligence on a number of recruits who flaked)
2. Leadership (see different rules for Mo Wash, letting the team vote on a bowl game, walking in the door and throwing Riley and his staff and by extension a chunk of his players under the bus)
3. An identity (see offense or "no fear of failure" and then playing not to lose for two years)

I don't want to turn this into a frost bash. He may grow into a very good coach someday, but there are also lots of very good coaches out there.

Social media and message boards aren't real life. If they hurt your ability to hire, it means you're an absolute shit salesman. What's going to matter more for a prospective coach: hurty words by anonymous strangers (most of which they don't even see) for a $1.5 million raise and a 5 to 7 year deal that guarantees you pocket at least 25 million even if you get shit canned? Not really close.

Almost no coach goes in expecting to be shitty. Hell Frost said we'd have the big ten running and this thing would really take off in year two. IF what's been claimed about Frost is true and he's upgraded the talent across the board, it's much less of a rebuild now than it supposedly was when Frost took over. Even then good coaches turn that shit around in a hurry. Who that is? I don't know, but most of firing a coach isn't about who you can get to replace him, it's about whether the guy to currently pay does the job so shittily that the average candidate in the pool could improve upon it.

Who knows? Lots of wrinkles to the spread. Lots of kids want to play in the spread. Find a guy who can identify talent like many teams have and it's not an issue even if you are fishing from the same pond as most other programs. Unique doesn't equal good. And to be unique, you have to have a coach who lives and breathes the uniqueness. It can't just be introduced to some schlub from wood river (hypothetically) and work.

I don't. I expect that elite recruiters will land the absolute best talent that they can and it will lead to more wins year over year until they have the success to sell. Do we have those elite recruiters now? Guys who are going toe to toe with programs that they probably shouldn't beat out given recent tract records, but do anyways? I could make an argument.

Why would any kid given a shit about a guy who ran a system for 3 years 15 years before they were even born? They wouldn't. Frost has been a Chip Kelly disciple far long than he's been a Tom Osborne disciple (from an offensive philosophy standpoint). If you want to hire someone who runs something like TO did? Cool and also good, but that guy isn't Scott Frost.

P.S. might read confrontational. Not intended as such. Just my view on the program and direction of it.
Nope not confrontational. I appreciate the well thought out response. I will give my fully alert thoughts in the morning as I’m slowly drifting off right now


Wide Receiver
Jeebus, how many burner accounts does @Johannes de Silentio have on the platinum board?

Like you I have vivid memories of the 90s run as I was only 8 when Osborne retired and was more occupied riding my bike with the neighborhood kids at that age.

I really didn’t start paying attention greatly till 2001, when Eric Crouch was QB (family friend) and it all clicked. Half my family are Sooner fans so it’s definitely been tough.

I never got to experience a freaking conference championship (let alone a Natty) and I been watching Nebraska football and following the ins and outs religiously the past 20 years.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Solich as I believed his offense was behind the times in 2002-2003, but loved the defense for sure in 2003. I remember Williams coming off the edge and sacking every damn QB that year…I remember Bo screaming at Snyder after we got our buttskicked and was embarrassed by it.

I really got into recruiting when Callahan was hired, wasn’t a fan of the hire (8th choice?) but supported him till his last season. Was in favor of TO letting him revamp his staff to keep him on, but Cally was too stubborn to fire Cosgrove so he was shown the door as well.

Although I was embarrassed by Bo’s actions with Snyder in 2003 I was extremely happy when he was named HC. Especially after the NC run LSU made. Glad he was named over Turner Gill.

Loved watching Ganz and especially Taylor Martinez, felt husker fans always give him the most flack that he doesn’t deserve. Outside of Zach Taylor he has been the best QB Nebraska has had since Crouch in 2001.

Although I wasn’t happy with Bo’s antics, him winning 9-10 games a year and challenging for the division titles and making conference championship games were honestly enough for me. I did not want to see Nebraska fire another 9-win coach and be stuck hiring a coach nobody wanted….and yet we did.

When Riley was named HC I actually remember I was at work and said “Who the fuck is that?” Had to Google him and thought he retired long ago. I was skeptical of all the talks of how he would finally breakout as a coach at 95 years old with all the resources we offered him that Oregon State couldn’t.

We really can’t thank Barry enough (should have been named HC after Osborne) for giving us Eichorst and Riley. Tremendous suggestions by him and truly him looking out for the greater good of husker football……..🙄

Frost goes undefeated and spanks Auburn with UCF and comes home. I was a little skeptical of him bringing his entire staff with him to Nebraska, but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I was really against him turning down Joe Borrow (Nebraska’s second time doing so) as a transfer as I thought it would be perfect to let our young new 4-star QB Redshirt and learn the system while Borrow QB’d the Huskers for a couple years. Obviously he wasn’t better then what we had per Frost and as we all know the rest is history with Burrow and his marginal play in Louisiana 😭

I stated when Frost was hired I didn’t care honestly what he did in year 1, I just wanted the culture flipped. So I wasn’t upset at all at the results. Year 2 I wanted us to make a bowl game, when I saw the same mistakes and same excuses in year 2 I just 🤦🏼‍♂️. I agreed with Urban Meyer 💯 when he stated when you take over a new team those aren’t the previous staff players, those are your new players and treat them as such. I really think the transition could have been smoother in that regard.

Year 3 I was hoping for 9 wins, obviously with COVID that was impossible with an 8-game schedule, so I was just hoping for a winning record, didn’t happen.

You could say I am hoping for 9-wins this year, when really I’m just still hoping to have a winning record, go to a bowl game and win. I just want the excuses to stop with this coach (he was making them when Moos “retired” saying he can now 💯 focus on football…derp)

The next 2-seasons are time to put up or shut up Frost. That simple. Stop trying to cancel the Oklahoma game, crying about playing Ohio State or whatever the previous AD was having you do….time to produce.

sorry for the ranting novel. I just poured myself a drink after that one…

No need to apologize. I guess I’m just sick and tired of the constant coaching carousel and all that comes with it. Ya know looking back, shit I’d take Frank Solich’s 8-9 win seasons for the last 20 years if it meant consistency. I’d be absolutely fine if Bo never got fired and we were winning 9 a year and just never got over the hump. Sure, those losses hurt like hell when they happen but it’s still 9 wins and a bowl game a year. For sure I’ll take over the last 3 years. But strictly due to who Frost is, I want him to be the one to do it instead of anyone else at this point. Would be an incredible story. I got fully invested day 1 of his hire. I remember Sean unofficially announced the hire in a TT that was sent to me at work and I signed up for HOL around that same time. I won’t care as much anymore if this fails.

It’s not really Frost’s speeches or reasoning for why we’ve lost games, it’s just the continued dick punches after giving up big leads that we’ve had, or Frost’s stubbornness to go away from his play calling if it isn’t working. Frost’s stubbornness frustrates me.

I haven’t been shy about this point either but I do think the TO/Solich offense would still work today, I just think a better play caller would make it work better than Frank did. The plays and execution are there, the right buttons at the right time just need to be pressed.

We’ve done so many different things that some would call “not the Nebraska way” since Tom retired. We’ve coached from outside the program, ran different offenses, changed the roster, havent paid attention to in state recruits, missed on guys that have gone on to the NFL because they were good enough. And for what? Because the “Nebraska way” is out dated? Bullshit. It’s bullshit because it’s the only thing that has worked atleast better than average the last 30 years. That’s one of the reasons I want so bad for Frost to succeed and to continue building for a long time, because he’s 90% of the Nebraska Way there, and there seems to be an offensive shift to go the rest of the 10%. Run the Damn Ball. Those other attempts simply haven’t worked.

Frost needs 7-5 at minimum to keep my attention going forward. 6-6 probably earns him a reply of 2017 as dead man walking.

A good coach isn't "mythical". Just thinking of a few things that Frost lacks that coaches who are more successful generally have:
1. Attention to detail (see Frost's poor clock management, apparent lack of due diligence on a number of recruits who flaked)
2. Leadership (see different rules for Mo Wash, letting the team vote on a bowl game, walking in the door and throwing Riley and his staff and by extension a chunk of his players under the bus)
3. An identity (see offense or "no fear of failure" and then playing not to lose for two years)

I don't want to turn this into a frost bash. He may grow into a very good coach someday, but there are also lots of very good coaches out there.

Social media and message boards aren't real life. If they hurt your ability to hire, it means you're an absolute shit salesman. What's going to matter more for a prospective coach: hurty words by anonymous strangers (most of which they don't even see) for a $1.5 million raise and a 5 to 7 year deal that guarantees you pocket at least 25 million even if you get shit canned? Not really close.

Almost no coach goes in expecting to be shitty. Hell Frost said we'd have the big ten running and this thing would really take off in year two. IF what's been claimed about Frost is true and he's upgraded the talent across the board, it's much less of a rebuild now than it supposedly was when Frost took over. Even then good coaches turn that shit around in a hurry. Who that is? I don't know, but most of firing a coach isn't about who you can get to replace him, it's about whether the guy to currently pay does the job so shittily that the average candidate in the pool could improve upon it.

Who knows? Lots of wrinkles to the spread. Lots of kids want to play in the spread. Find a guy who can identify talent like many teams have and it's not an issue even if you are fishing from the same pond as most other programs. Unique doesn't equal good. And to be unique, you have to have a coach who lives and breathes the uniqueness. It can't just be introduced to some schlub from wood river (hypothetically) and work.

I don't. I expect that elite recruiters will land the absolute best talent that they can and it will lead to more wins year over year until they have the success to sell. Do we have those elite recruiters now? Guys who are going toe to toe with programs that they probably shouldn't beat out given recent tract records, but do anyways? I could make an argument.

Why would any kid given a shit about a guy who ran a system for 3 years 15 years before they were even born? They wouldn't. Frost has been a Chip Kelly disciple far long than he's been a Tom Osborne disciple (from an offensive philosophy standpoint). If you want to hire someone who runs something like TO did? Cool and also good, but that guy isn't Scott Frost.

P.S. might read confrontational. Not intended as such. Just my view on the program and direction of it.

Just kidding, but I'll now go back and read these dissertations.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
A good coach isn't "mythical". Just thinking of a few things that Frost lacks that coaches who are more successful generally have:
1. Attention to detail (see Frost's poor clock management, apparent lack of due diligence on a number of recruits who flaked)
2. Leadership (see different rules for Mo Wash, letting the team vote on a bowl game, walking in the door and throwing Riley and his staff and by extension a chunk of his players under the bus)
3. An identity (see offense or "no fear of failure" and then playing not to lose for two years)

I don't want to turn this into a frost bash. He may grow into a very good coach someday, but there are also lots of very good coaches out there.

Social media and message boards aren't real life. If they hurt your ability to hire, it means you're an absolute shit salesman. What's going to matter more for a prospective coach: hurty words by anonymous strangers (most of which they don't even see) for a $1.5 million raise and a 5 to 7 year deal that guarantees you pocket at least 25 million even if you get shit canned? Not really close.

Almost no coach goes in expecting to be shitty. Hell Frost said we'd have the big ten running and this thing would really take off in year two. IF what's been claimed about Frost is true and he's upgraded the talent across the board, it's much less of a rebuild now than it supposedly was when Frost took over. Even then good coaches turn that shit around in a hurry. Who that is? I don't know, but most of firing a coach isn't about who you can get to replace him, it's about whether the guy to currently pay does the job so shittily that the average candidate in the pool could improve upon it.

Who knows? Lots of wrinkles to the spread. Lots of kids want to play in the spread. Find a guy who can identify talent like many teams have and it's not an issue even if you are fishing from the same pond as most other programs. Unique doesn't equal good. And to be unique, you have to have a coach who lives and breathes the uniqueness. It can't just be introduced to some schlub from wood river (hypothetically) and work.

I don't. I expect that elite recruiters will land the absolute best talent that they can and it will lead to more wins year over year until they have the success to sell. Do we have those elite recruiters now? Guys who are going toe to toe with programs that they probably shouldn't beat out given recent tract records, but do anyways? I could make an argument.

Why would any kid given a shit about a guy who ran a system for 3 years 15 years before they were even born? They wouldn't. Frost has been a Chip Kelly disciple far long than he's been a Tom Osborne disciple (from an offensive philosophy standpoint). If you want to hire someone who runs something like TO did? Cool and also good, but that guy isn't Scott Frost.

P.S. might read confrontational. Not intended as such. Just my view on the program and direction of it.
Soooooo I'm just going to number my answers to your corresponding paragraphs

1. A. Not much argument there. I think his justification just wanting to continue to attack the opposing defense, buuuuttt not really needed I don't think? Just melt the clock and win
B. That's a tough one for me. On one hand, I do believe that everyone on a football team needs to abide by the same rules and be accountable when they mess up, absolutely. On the other hand, the man has to win. Mo Wash is/was very talented and needed to be on the field. Guy messed up numerous times, allegedly, take him off the field, probably lose a game or two more. If not, losses atleast aren't as close losses which makes it look worse. But, in that, I lean more toward holding him accountable and keeping everyone to the same standard. Didn't have an issue with calling out the things Riley and his staff. Thought they were dog shit, still do. I'd say atleast half those Riley players were ass and couldn't play at the Big 10 level so I think those statements are just facts. I understand the sentiment of not saying those things out loud to the media, but that's actually a thing I respect about Frost, he speaks his mind and isn't a robot in front of the mic, atleast he wasn't until Turd got here.
C. No argument. I'm a Frost homer, not shy about it, but multiple losses are completely on him for coaching to not lose instead of to win.

2. You're correct that there are. But I don't think those "very good coaches" are coming here due to what they've seen Frost go through now and that they'd also have to take on a rebuild when they could go somewhere else established, and get paid handsomly. And if so, who are those very good established coaches that you think would be interested at this point in where our program is?

3. Money does talk, but at what point does this fish bowl and constant stress sway that decision one way or the other? I used to think Frost had the best job in the world. Now? Wouldn't touch it.

4. Well, I guess my point is I don't think there would be a unified backing of a new coach that is simply a hot, young, G5 coach again, like a Norvell going to FSU. I don't think fans would get behind it, and I don't you'd have the important money players behind it either. It's simply just a replay of Frost with a different name. So then you look at what experienced, established, Power 5 coach would take this one? I feel like the only possible candidate would be one whose looking to revive his career after a good stint as a Coordinator somewhere. I just don't know who that is. Maybe a Callahan type? Someone who is so far outside the realm that they really don't even know what happens or cares? Does that just turn into a stepping stone to a bigger job if he does well? We need stability in my opinion. You're right back to square one if this turns to a stepping stone this next coaching cycle if it happens.

5. I don't have much of an answer to the spread response. Zero doubt in my mind the spread continues if we hire someone new.

6. Don't you need an elite HC to attract elite recruiters? I know they say Busch is an elite recruiter.

7. I just think kids flock where programs win. If we win with a unique system, they'll still come, just maybe with a little more unique skill set. A kid like Adrian could certainly run the option offense with some practice at it. Can also run the Spread. I feel like I could get behind a Scott Frost HC and either that guy from Army or Coach Ken from Air Force as OC. I know there's been blunders, but I think in general that Frost and Turd are good faces for the program.

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
I have zero faith in Held right now to pick the correct back, look at year 1. Ozigbo starts off 3rd or 4th, even under Riley you could see he was clearly talented, I was a huge fan of him then and was disappointed when the first depth chart came out and seeing where he was placed, but assumed the JUCO back and what was in front of him must have been heads better. So I was fine…till the season actually started and saw the product on the field.

Of course it took Held 3-4 games to find a running back (who was 3rd or 4th on the depth chart at the start of the season)

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
Btw Ozigbo was Co #1 on the first game depth chart. Maybe Spring he was 3rd or 4th.

Yeah I just remember he didn’t go off till that 4th game against Purdue when they actually gave him the majority of the carries.

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