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And so it begins...(tracking Coach Prime decommits/transfers) (7 Viewers)


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
No Way Reaction GIF


Offensive Lineman
I haven’t ever opened this thread until today and holy shit is our fan base full of fucking idiots. How our entire fan base can talk shit on every single thing Prime/CU do after they beat us by 18 despite us sacking Shadildo 8 times is beyond me. 79 pages talking shit on them???? Do you guys really think they will be worse then they were last year??? Get a fucking grip.
In fairness it is pretty hard to be worse than 4 wins. Also nothing our defense did that day caused us to lose it was our inept offense.


Elite Member
In fairness it is pretty hard to be worse than 4 wins. Also nothing our defense did that day caused us to lose it was our inept offense.
This is where a lot of the confidence is coming from for people. Our defense improved as the year went along with the exception of forcing TOs, AND our offensive line improved as the season went on from this game. In the offseason we made substantial improvements in the QB room for both 1 & 2 on the depth chart plus a better QB coach. Unfortunately we still have Satterfield as OC. These changes SHOULD at least bring us up to an average offense and cut the TOs down by maybe 1/2. Most of the people on this board aren’t expecting some world beating offense with a freshmen QB and our wonderful OC, but just like you said last year we had an inept offense. If we had just an average offense we would’ve been evenly matched with them. I just haven’t seen how sCUm has made improvements in the areas that they were most lacking the way that we have.
This is a Sker’ message board, we can bash our opponents as we please lol


Elite Member
More than likely.

I think everyone would have been 'okay' with a reply of 'they own the latest scoreboard on us', but a full blown 'they'll be so much better' and 'Sanders is a top 5 pick next year'.
My family’s had Husker season tickets, longer than I’ve been alive, I’ve been to basically every home game the past 25+ years and numerous away games. I think both teams will be a lot better than they were last year, I just don’t get the constant bashing every single thing they do. They beat our ass, how can you find 79 pages worth of shit to talk on them? I’m sorry that you don’t like facts but he’s a top 5 pick, team la reach for qbs, did you not notice that this year?


Elite Member
I just don’t get the constant bashing every single thing they do. They beat our ass, how can you find 79 pages worth of shit to talk on them?
As a CU fan trolling an NU website, certainly you know about throwing D cell batteries and ziploc bags of piss at NU fans. You also know about the fake and temporary fandom that came along with Prime.

As far as they “beat our ass” last year, Jeff Sims beat our ass last year. CU simply took advantage of a Down’s syndrome QB literally handing their D the ball with multiple inexplicable unforced turnovers.

Does that help you, clearly a CU fan, understand the 80+ pages of hate?


Running Back
Elite Member
My family’s had Husker season tickets, longer than I’ve been alive, I’ve been to basically every home game the past 25+ years and numerous away games. I think both teams will be a lot better than they were last year, I just don’t get the constant bashing every single thing they do. They beat our ass, how can you find 79 pages worth of shit to talk on them? I’m sorry that you don’t like facts but he’s a top 5 pick, team la reach for qbs, did you not notice that this year?

If only there were other places on this site or the entire internet to divert your eyes to when the circumstance of not being entertained by a particular topic exists.


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
My family’s had Husker season tickets, longer than I’ve been alive, I’ve been to basically every home game the past 25+ years and numerous away games. I think both teams will be a lot better than they were last year, I just don’t get the constant bashing every single thing they do. They beat our ass, how can you find 79 pages worth of shit to talk on them? I’m sorry that you don’t like facts but he’s a top 5 pick, team la reach for qbs, did you not notice that this year?
I'm not a betting man, but I bet he won't be a 1st round pick, let alone a top 5 pick. NFL teams won't pick him just due to his character and the baggage that comes along with him and his family. But you would know exactly that baggage if you went through the last 79-80 pages worth of shit we've been talking about.


Elite Member
I'm not a betting man, but I bet he won't be a 1st round pick, let alone a top 5 pick. NFL teams won't pick him just due to his character and the baggage that comes along with him and his family. But you would know exactly that baggage if you went through the last 79-80 pages worth of shit we've been talking about.
NFL teams aren’t going to pick him because he flashes his watch and raps??? You’re acting like he’s Shilo and actually has real controversy. I would bet you any amount of money you wanted he goes in the first round barring injury.


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
NFL teams aren’t going to pick him because he flashes his watch and raps??? You’re acting like he’s Shilo and actually has real controversy. I would bet you any amount of money you wanted he goes in the first round barring injury.
More because his teammates dislike him, and he pursues other activities at the expense of the singular, obsessive focus that's expected of a pro QB. Red flags for any NFL scout before you even get to his repeated audibles away from what his coaches wanted, faking injury, undersize frame, etc.

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