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tPB Parents Venting Thread

2.5 y/o got upset on the drive home from daycare yesterday because i wouldn't crash the truck... 🤷‍♂️
Mine was mad because he saw a ford transit van and told me he wanted to ride home in it. He was super upset when I told him that wasn't possible.
My son turns 20 tomorrow... and just moved back in.

Who knows. He’s obsessed with cars and tow trucks and videos on YouTube with them. Probably saw something there.
My near 3yo is pretty “manly” for a kid. Likes wrestling, karate moves, guns, hunting, fishing, shooting coyotes, wearing camo and boots, etc...but all he wants to watch on YouTube is Mickey Mouse (I don’t mind) and Daniel Tiger. I told him the other day that Daniel Tiger is a whiney little bastard and he responded, “he’s not a whiney Mastered, he’s nice” 🤣 kids....
My youngest daughter is a real handful. Unfortunately, she is much too much like me. She's 2. Hates naps, loves antagonizing her older sisters. She routinely gets up between 5:30 & 6:00 am and is ready to go. Fights naps, and becomes a real treat in the evening. Talks back to her mother, and is really good at singing "down to the honky tonk" by Jake Owen, especially the part where she sings "I got a girl, named Sheila, she goes BATSHIT, on tequila." She acts like a teenager now.

How fucked am I when she actually becomes a teenager.
You ever googled Blippi?
Hadn't heard of him until now.

Stevin John, aka Blippi, makes roughly $22,400 per day on views alone. Stevin John also has another Blippi channel called Blippi Toys with over 3 million subscribers. He makes roughly $18,800 per day with this channel, which end up being a resounding $7 million a year.
My near 3yo is pretty “manly” for a kid. Likes wrestling, karate moves, guns, hunting, fishing, shooting coyotes, wearing camo and boots, etc...but all he wants to watch on YouTube is Mickey Mouse (I don’t mind) and Daniel Tiger. I told him the other day that Daniel Tiger is a whiney little bastard and he responded, “he’s not a whiney Mastered, he’s nice” 🤣 kids....

It’s excavators for my son. Thanks Blippi
My son likes Big Tractor Power on YouTube. Admittedly, I kinda like it too.

He also likes the toy reviews where it is just some random guy that you can only see his hands, no talking, just taking toys out of the package and playing with them for a couple mins each... (it's way more innocent and less creepy than I make it sound).

Then anything on youtube with cars, trackors, trucks or heavy construction equipment.
My son likes Big Tractor Power on YouTube. Admittedly, I kinda like it too.

He also likes the toy reviews where it is just some random guy that you can only see his hands, no talking, just taking toys out of the package and playing with them for a couple mins each... (it's way more innocent and less creepy than I make it sound).

Then anything on youtube with cars, trackors, trucks or heavy construction equipment.
That’s better than Daniel Tiger and that damn Blippi freak by a long shot!
Hadn't heard of him until now.

Stevin John, aka Blippi, makes roughly $22,400 per day on views alone. Stevin John also has another Blippi channel called Blippi Toys with over 3 million subscribers. He makes roughly $18,800 per day with this channel, which end up being a resounding $7 million a year.
If you google further you may find even more. I believe in a previous feat he made a video of himself shitting on his friend and other weird shit. Apparently now is worth $40 million!!
My son likes Big Tractor Power on YouTube. Admittedly, I kinda like it too.

He also likes the toy reviews where it is just some random guy that you can only see his hands, no talking, just taking toys out of the package and playing with them for a couple mins each... (it's way more innocent and less creepy than I make it sound).

Then anything on youtube with cars, trackors, trucks or heavy construction equipment.
I'll have to turn on Big Tractor Power next time he asks for videos (so when I pick him up in 45 minutes)
I have 3 kids. 16, 14 and 12. Youngest is the only girl, brilliant, straight A's, plays violin really well but has started her path to womanhood. FML.

My oldest loves cars yet will not get behind the wheel. Lies about dumb shit, has crap grades but is in JROTC and is a squad leader in it, so he's got a bright path if he gets his shit together.

Middle boy is just like me, but not a stoner. Just ultra quiet, likes to be left alone, gets good grades, really causes no problems. All things considered I feel pretty blessed.

All you with little ones, most of your fuck ups with them won't be remembered if you apologize quickly if needed and show compassion for their feelings, as dumb as it sounds. They're kids, let them be kids sometimes. Don't over parent. Let them make a mistake and learn the lesson, they won't forget it.

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