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tPB Parents Venting Thread

My youngest daughter is a real handful. Unfortunately, she is much too much like me. She's 2. Hates naps, loves antagonizing her older sisters. She routinely gets up between 5:30 & 6:00 am and is ready to go. Fights naps, and becomes a real treat in the evening. Talks back to her mother, and is really good at singing "down to the honky tonk" by Jake Owen, especially the part where she sings "I got a girl, named Sheila, she goes BATSHIT, on tequila." She acts like a teenager now.

How fucked am I when she actually becomes a teenager.
your avatar tells the truth
My 7 month old has recently been enjoying roaring like a lion and screeching like a pterodactyl
My youngest niece acted like a dog for a good 2 to 3 years of her childhood... including lifting her leg on a few of her sisters' friends when they came in the door. Luckily, no actual peeing.

If she did that now, her leg would be over their head given she's 6'2. Sorry, no pics.

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