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tPB Parents Venting Thread

Our son’s new thing is he refuses all the things we offer at bedtime (sing a song, back scratches, lay by him for a couple minutes) and then as soon as we leave he comes running after us whining that he wants some or all of those things. It can become a real back-and-forth situation so my wife and I decided that we’d give him plenty of opportunity to choose what he wants, but the moment we leave his room we’re not going back in.

Well last night this ensued where he followed my wife out of his room and we told him to go lay down in his bed and then we didn’t really hear anything after that so we went about our business. About 20-30 minutes later I decide to turn the monitor on to check and see if he made it to bed and he’s not in there. So I head down the stairs to check and this is what I see....
Our son’s new thing is he refuses all the things we offer at bedtime (sing a song, back scratches, lay by him for a couple minutes) and then as soon as we leave he comes running after us whining that he wants some or all of those things. It can become a real back-and-forth situation so my wife and I decided that we’d give him plenty of opportunity to choose what he wants, but the moment we leave his room we’re not going back in.

Well last night this ensued where he followed my wife out of his room and we told him to go lay down in his bed and then we didn’t really hear anything after that so we went about our business. About 20-30 minutes later I decide to turn the monitor on to check and see if he made it to bed and he’s not in there. So I head down the stairs to check and this is what I see....
View attachment 2039
That’s a win in our house. He fell asleep on his own.
Our son’s new thing is he refuses all the things we offer at bedtime (sing a song, back scratches, lay by him for a couple minutes) and then as soon as we leave he comes running after us whining that he wants some or all of those things. It can become a real back-and-forth situation so my wife and I decided that we’d give him plenty of opportunity to choose what he wants, but the moment we leave his room we’re not going back in.

Well last night this ensued where he followed my wife out of his room and we told him to go lay down in his bed and then we didn’t really hear anything after that so we went about our business. About 20-30 minutes later I decide to turn the monitor on to check and see if he made it to bed and he’s not in there. So I head down the stairs to check and this is what I see....
View attachment 2039
That pic is priceless.....

Two nights ago he woke up at midnight and cried until 2:50am while I stayed up and checked in on him every 15 minutes. Last night was his first full night without any feedings after bedtime and we only had about an hour of crying around 2am.

Feels like we’re getting close to the promised land, which probably means tonight will be terrible and I’ll want to KMS at work on Monday.
My 5 year old, had to go piss so bad he couldn’t make it upstairs so he took the vent cover off and started pissing down the vent , i caught him just as he was finishing. Couldn’t help but laugh. Happy Sunday!!
Consider it a win that he took the cover off. Also that he didn't just piss his pants.
Two nights ago he woke up at midnight and cried until 2:50am while I stayed up and checked in on him every 15 minutes. Last night was his first full night without any feedings after bedtime and we only had about an hour of crying around 2am.

Feels like we’re getting close to the promised land, which probably means tonight will be terrible and I’ll want to KMS at work on Monday.
Of course that's prior to the feeling of genuine concern that they're dead

I get that concern all too often these days with my deaf 13 and 15 year old dogs.

They didn't get their scheduled fall grooming, so the fur is so long I can't tell if they're breathing. But at least there is no expectation for me to force them to wear pants or gloves, which is nice.
I get that concern all too often these days with my deaf 13 and 15 year old dogs.

They didn't get their scheduled fall grooming, so the fur is so long I can't tell if they're breathing. But at least there is no expectation for me to force them to wear pants or gloves, which is nice.
You strike me as a puts sweaters on the dogs kinda guy
You strike me as a puts sweaters on the dogs kinda guy

The 13 year old (dog) refuses to climb stairs, and there are five stairs to get from the doggy door to the kitchen.

When I'm gone for 7 to 8 hours, he hangs outside in the back yard in the -19F heatwave we're having. All without a sweater, boots, or gloves.

I run the other two dogs (18 months or so) 3-5 miles a night on country roads, and it is obvious that their coats and bodies are designed to handle that temperature. Cooter punt the next Karen that tells you "if you're cold, they're cold."

I'm just glad I don't have to force any of them into pants or gloves.
Get home from my morning lift this am just before 6 am....my 2 year old is up making a bunch of racket....child...why do you do this to me. This evening is going to be pure bliss with this mini-teen.
My 6 year old is always good for a quip (and about 2 breakdowns per day... I feel your pain OP).

The latest... We were watching Bugs Bunny the other night and Bugs was talking to two "human" characters and she looks at me all serious and asks... "Why don't they ever freak out because a rabbit is talking to them?"

I've watched Looney Tunes for 40 years and I've honestly never thought about that. I don't know sweetie, I don't know.
This made my day!! Same boat, why didn't we think of that when we were that age? A fucking rabbit is talking to people and they are talking back to the rabbit like there is nothing strange about it....Simpler times I guess.

My daughters are both in college now (Huskers) thank God, it does get better OP.

Quick story, I went to pick up the youngest from dance class one night, she was about 3 at the time. I bought a fountain Mt. Dew from the QT on my way to the studio. Went inside and picked up the princess, carried her out to the truck. Put my drink on the floor mat on the passenger side. Plopped her little ass in the car seat, buckled her in, then went to get my drink and spilled that MF'er all over the floor. In a low voice I said "SHIT"...after cleaning it up as best I could, little miss dancing queen says

Princess: I know what you said Daddy
Me: what's that pumpkin?
P: you said Shhhh with a "it"...that spells SHIT...
Me: You're absolutely right and don't ever say that again

I kissed her on the head and went home...I'll never forget it. One of my favorite stories

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