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The RSS discussion of Raiola's stylistic differences from Austin is infuriating

Raiola isn’t going to magically turn guys like Benhart and Piper into dogs overnight. You either have that screw loose or you don’t.

It starts with recruiting, recruit more guys with a chip on their shoulder and less 4.0 GPA mommy’s boys. Maybe recruit the guy that the librarian doesn’t like. Recruit the asshole prick who’s a bully.

So sick of the “Ah shucks” mentality and excuses that seems to permenate from from North Stadium
Somebody doesn’t remember the pipeline very clearly…
I’ve said this for a while now..the RSS chat is really missing out by not adding someone to the chat who really knows football and can answer all of the X’s and O’s questions. Leave the recruiting and basketball answers to Dean and Robin. @JThomasOmaha it’s ok to admit you don’t know much about football and can pass the buck to someone in the chat who can intelligently answer those types of questions. You don’t have to always try to be the smartest guy in the room

Egos get in the way of a lot…
Raiola's "philosophy" doesn't matter so much. It's a generalized term that people use because it sounds important but in the end is always light on specifics.

I think we will need to judge him on buy in and commitment to improve. Also, best position identification. Can he walk into a room that, let's be honest, was one of the worst in the league if not country, (statistically proven by our OT grades) and get them to listen to him and improve themselves? As individuals and as a group.

Let's remember that the material he gets to work with will mostly be the same as Austin minus CJ but plus Anthony and Williams.

On top of getting the buy in, which will be difficult because lots of these dudes have to have the confidence of a frequently beaten dog at this point, his additional challenges will be identifying a suitable center (among other possible position switches) and dealing with TP and TC being shelved until summer.

He has a tough row to hoe to say the least. Teaching some specific technique or "philosophy" are much less important IMO than the things I mentioned above. Gotta find a way to get the dudes in their best position to help and then inject them with some confidence. Just pulling those things off would make him look like a godsend.
It went over fine. @Ducksker (aka Kitty) should be ashamed for not picking up on it.

Looks like you got @slattimer too.

I have a hard time believing that. Why did frost bring austin with then? Shouldn’t he already seen the fruits of that his two years at UCF? If your OL sucks and you know it. There’s no way in hell you’re bringing him along. Maybe Austin doesn’t translate the skills needed well enough. Which could be the case. I just don’t think you’d bring a guy that can’t hack it at the position group that makes are breaks your offense
You could say that about Held, Walters, Verduzco, Dewitt and I still think we could use a new ILB coach. I would imagine Frost chose the easy road when heading to Lincoln. He chose the easy road for the last 4 years and we know how that has gone.
Here are some quotes from Raiola on what he wants to bring to the room...

"I could give you a whole bunch of dimensions and all of that. But intangibly, they've got to be tough, they've got to be a competitor, and they've got to be ready to freaking fight. That's it. If you have that, you got a little bit of size with you, size to you, then you're going to be a good offensive lineman. No doubt. But if you don't, if you're just, 'Hmm,' and you're a passive guy- I don't know how good of an offensive lineman you can be. You’ve got to have grit."

"Some of these kids nowadays they're fake tough guys," he said. "They are fake tough guys, that’s what they are. They knock the crap out all of these high school kids, then they get to college, or they have to come to college and actually have to do a little work, and they are like, 'I didn’t sign up for this one. I’m a five-star, I didn't sign up for this.'

Oh wait.... this was AUSTIN back in 2018 and everyone ate it up just the same. Every O-Line coach says the same shit people want to hear. Technique breakdown and execution just isn't that sexy.
That's why I try to just fish for funny stories or info about past drama when I ask a question haha
Callahan still does have some good gossip. Once he feels comfortable sharing it, that's a nice thing on the chat. The problem is that it's almost always well after-the-fact. Oh well, better than nothing. Who doesn't love a good "Pelini was a total psychopath to the fine, upstanding denizens of Lincoln" anecdote?
I was at a football Clinic in Columbus, OH last week and snuck away from my booth to get in a few offensive speakers because I just find it fascinating. Sit through one of those if you get the chance and want to see just how stupid @JThomasOmaha and the general fan is when it comes to technique and scheme.
I was at a football Clinic in Columbus, OH last week and snuck away from my booth to get in a few offensive speakers because I just find it fascinating. Sit through one of those if you get the chance and want to see just how stupid @JThomasOmaha and the general fan is when it comes to technique and scheme.
Nothing wrong with being an ignorant, run-of-the-mill fan. The problem comes when you start putting on airs or otherwise pretending to have meaningful knowledge of the nuts and bolts.
Nothing wrong with being an ignorant, run-of-the-mill fan. The problem comes when you start putting on airs or otherwise pretending to have meaningful knowledge of the nuts and bolts.

Oh 100%, I don’t expect myself or any fans to know the ins and outs of technique. But I just want Deab to acknowledge that and don’t own a site and feed us a line of bullshit that everything will be fixed and it will be unicorns and rainbows because our coach is going to fix things by telling guys to “Be more aggressive”.

It’s also the classic RSS-tater move to pretend to know the schemes and that ours are broken because of poor results, even though there’s enough access to resources out there than a low-division high school coach won’t be running a broken scheme, let alone a coach that’s had his film combed through and picked apart before even sniffing an interview at a D1 program.
Callahan still does have some good gossip. Once he feels comfortable sharing it, that's a nice thing on the chat. The problem is that it's almost always well after-the-fact. Oh well, better than nothing. Who doesn't love a good "Pelini was a total psychopath to the fine, upstanding denizens of Lincoln" anecdote?
Bipolar Bo stories are the best. This is obviously a tangent but he was truly a classic and fascinating character in college football. He burned out too fast and hot to become an all-time-great character, but the fact that he regularly cycled back and forth between lovable rascal/loyal family man/absolutely unhinged psycho makes the stories all the better. AND he somehow won a whole lot of games at a blue blood before completely flaming out at a much lower level! Just so bizarre. But if he was ONLY dark and evil the stories wouldn't be as entertaining. He was just genuinely nuts. Someday Dirk should write a tell-all book.
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