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The RSS discussion of Raiola's stylistic differences from Austin is infuriating

I've heard Raiola has already changed the room. Guys have really bought in and are the players are relieved Austin is gone. Frost and players knew Austin was a horrible teacher/coach for the last 4 years but there was nothing they could really do. Until they found a guy with a last name that had Husker ties, their hands were tied.
Riaola is going to change the culture in that OL room

They played like pussies under Austin

Under Riaola it will be like it was in the 90s
Did you read that from Dean?

Here’s what he had in the chat. “ It's more of an attacking style that preaches physicality vs. the finesse zone scheme Austin preached. That's how it's been explained to me”

So Dean got the explain it to me like I’m five version and is pushing that on. Lol
I've heard Raiola has already changed the room. Guys have really bought in and are the players are relieved Austin is gone. Frost and players knew Austin was a horrible teacher/coach for the last 4 years but there was nothing they could really do. Until they found a guy with a last name that had Husker ties, their hands were tied.
I have a hard time believing that. Why did frost bring austin with then? Shouldn’t he already seen the fruits of that his two years at UCF? If your OL sucks and you know it. There’s no way in hell you’re bringing him along. Maybe Austin doesn’t translate the skills needed well enough. Which could be the case. I just don’t think you’d bring a guy that can’t hack it at the position group that makes are breaks your offense
Riaola is going to change the culture in that OL room

They played like pussies under Austin

Under Riaola it will be like it was in the 90s
Raiola isn’t going to magically turn guys like Benhart and Piper into dogs overnight. You either have that screw loose or you don’t.

It starts with recruiting, recruit more guys with a chip on their shoulder and less 4.0 GPA mommy’s boys. Maybe recruit the guy that the librarian doesn’t like. Recruit the asshole prick who’s a bully.

So sick of the “Ah shucks” mentality and excuses that seems to permenate from from North Stadium
Zero clue how anybody on there would know Raiola's coaching style.
The first sentence below is my thought. There's been no exercise of analysis, judgment, or anything like that here. As others have mentioned, Callahan lacks the capacity (as many of us do) to really evaluate this sort of thing. So, instead, he gets a sound-byte from some sources at North Stadium and parrots it.

Because that is what North Stadium mandated him to say.

I wish everyone on RSS would cancel their sub, it would go bankrupt and Dean would be unemployed.
I've heard Raiola has already changed the room. Guys have really bought in and are the players are relieved Austin is gone. Frost and players knew Austin was a horrible teacher/coach for the last 4 years but there was nothing they could really do. Until they found a guy with a last name that had Husker ties, their hands were tied.
Calling major BS on that one. The o-line room loved Austin, many of them hung out at his house all the time.

Also how can you change a room when practice hasn’t even started yet? Duval is the one who is getting all the time with guys right now
Because they don't know. They have no concept of how to explain it, so they explain it like someone in the stands that yells "block somebody" just in an attempt to appease the window lickers on tater island.

@JThomasOmaha explains it basically as "Raiola will teach a scheme that puts a premium on being physical and to attack people." "To me that means they're going to get off the ball and get after people." LOL. No shit. And then the window lickers on tater island are like. "ERMERGHAD, WE GONNA BE BLOCKIN DEEZ B1G DIPSHITS LIKE BACK IN THE 90s" "INJECT DAT KOOL-AID IN MY VEINS AND GIVE ME THAT GOOD MIZZOU METH MOUTH"
Exactly this. It's really not fundamentally different from saying "These corches are going to tell those boys to win dem games! The turnaround is definitely coming!"
Calling major BS on that one. The o-line room loved Austin, many of them hung out at his house all the time.

Also how can you change a room when practice hasn’t even started yet? Duval is the one who is getting all the time with guys right now
I was trying to be sarcastic, but it didn't go over well.
Did you read that from Dean?

Here’s what he had in the chat. “ It's more of an attacking style that preaches physicality vs. the finesse zone scheme Austin preached. That's how it's been explained to me”

So Dean got the explain it to me like I’m five version and is pushing that on. Lol
No i've been saying that Riaola is the shit and a gamechanger for several weeks now and i'm just continuing that in this thread because i find it funny
Because they don't know. They have no concept of how to explain it, so they explain it like someone in the stands that yells "block somebody" just in an attempt to appease the window lickers on tater island.

@JThomasOmaha explains it basically as "Raiola will teach a scheme that puts a premium on being physical and to attack people." "To me that means they're going to get off the ball and get after people." LOL. No shit. And then the window lickers on tater island are like. "ERMERGHAD, WE GONNA BE BLOCKIN DEEZ B1G DIPSHITS LIKE BACK IN THE 90s" "INJECT DAT KOOL-AID IN MY VEINS AND GIVE ME THAT GOOD MIZZOU METH MOUTH"
It’s rare that I actually laugh out loud when ready posts. I mean, I may use the lol like emoji…but this seriously made me lol.

Thanks for that. Brilliant.
Love me a good OL discussion. It might help if we did more bench press and move our feet a little better. Our footwork is terrible
smirk drinking GIF
Did you read that from Dean?

Here’s what he had in the chat. “ It's more of an attacking style that preaches physicality vs. the finesse zone scheme Austin preached. That's how it's been explained to me”

So Dean got the explain it to me like I’m five version and is pushing that on. Lol
I have also heard fatty say that Austin coaches more of a NFL style (lol), which will change now because we hired a guy from . . . the NFL? ? Even his stupid, idiotic, vague, meaningless points are internally inconsistent
I’ve said this for a while now..the RSS chat is really missing out by not adding someone to the chat who really knows football and can answer all of the X’s and O’s questions. Leave the recruiting and basketball answers to Dean and Robin. @JThomasOmaha it’s ok to admit you don’t know much about football and can pass the buck to someone in the chat who can intelligently answer those types of questions. You don’t have to always try to be the smartest guy in the room
I had this conversation with my brother Saturday. I'd mentioned that the rumor is Raiola allegedly has a different philosophy.

I added that I have no fucking clue what that means and if it even matters. Hell, the word philosophy was probably the wrong word choice. I'm hopeful, but can't any method can be successful if coached well? Finding some dudes that have an edge is helpful. Not sure how many of these guys are assholes...hopefully a few. I'm hopeful, but we need to pump the breaks on Raiola being the man -- until he is.

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