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Stock Market/Investing/Day Trading/Speculative Trading Thread

Feel like SLA cutouts are going to absolutely maul them over the next 2 quarters either way...
I've been in cyber security and/or tech for a long time now and the only incident that compares is the "McAfee quarantined svchost" debacle that bricked a bunch of devices around 2010. RSA getting breached in 2011 was also pretty bad. In both cases the companies gave away a lot of free product to make amends and both took a huge step back in terms of their placement in the industry.

Crowdstrike had a great track record up until this point but the next year is going to be quite revealing on how they rebound.
the only incident that compares is the "McAfee quarantined svchost" debacle that bricked a bunch of devices around 2010.

And of course, the CTO of McAfee back then is the CEO of Crowdstrike today.

The actual bug in the app was a very basic error, the kind you're likely to make several times during your first C++ programming class. What's messed up is that it's the kind of error that should easily have been caught by automated testing before it was released.

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Haven’t read prior messages for a while but I just was listening to a podcast that was talking about Frec.com. Basically you’re investing in the S&P but they use computer algos to harvest tax losses for you
Saw on Twitter that market is bad today and recession coming

What Happened Peytonlist GIF by Paramount+
Grandparent: "I'm going to sacrifice and live below my means my entire life so my grandchild never has to worry about money"

Grandchild: "I'm a math major who has never invested before but I've spent a lot of time on Reddit, I'm gonna put it all on Intel"

Confused Robert Downey Jr GIF
See grandkid running small business into the ground fairly often. Those are the most frustrating to watch. Or sell it and blow the money.

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