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Per Sharp this am: S Frost planning on doing a podcast

On his radio show this am Sharp said Frost wants to do a podcast to "air his side of the story and address issues". Didn't say where he heard it but said he thought it was a terrible idea. No kidding. Not sure there's anyone with more lack of self awareness. Just proves his ego drives everything he does. Just make it go away. We don't want to hear your side of the story - we saw the movie every week and it sucked.
This is 1000% Tom Osborne driving the sabotage train to attempt to hurt Rhule
You left off:

-Turd Had Expectations
-Mickey and Billy B Tattled on me for going AWOL in Ireland - pussies
-Mickey Beat his Wife (you KNOW he will pull this card - "I didn't have a good relationship with him because I knew who he really was. But Turd and Leadership sure thought highly of him even though they knew what was going on"
-I wanted to back out of so many P5 non-con games but Turd said I couldn't schedule Bethune-Cookman anymore. I think he's racist.
The real reason I tried to get out of playing the OK series
The Akron game killed my career at NU
Also Frost still hasn't done one of those "Thank the fans" twitter/newspaper ads release that EVERY coach does ever.
Would assume he is not quite read to close the book yet since he wants to do a podcast to clear his image.
Frost's agent really needs to pull him aside and tell him to leave this alone and get his shit together.

This won't endear him to anyone. So many in the coaching community were turned off by his misplaced arrogance. This will backfire.

He needs to reflect on why he sucked, own it, and try to get back as an AC/OC and move on with his life.
Wish someone would ask:

"Scott - how do you sleep at night knowing that you ruined the lives of the 150 kids that played for you annually? Likely 350 student athletes were absolutely negatively and irreparably impacted by you simply existing at the Nebraska Football program."

And if he bitches ONE TIME about leadership - someone better follow up with:

"When you took this job, the main reason was that you said Nebraska finally had all levels of leadership on the same page and going in the same direction. The only change from the time you said that was the addition of you. So were you the entire problem that derailed the direction of Nebraska football? Also - when AD's changed - your performance did not. So wouldn't you be considered a "common denominator"?"
He dealt with a lot. Weird start with Akron, lack of leadership above him, covid year, but at the end of the day he was 16-31. There is no other side to that story. If he had a record closer to that of Pelini or Solich, this would be pretty interesting. Unfortunately, if he goes through with it, it'll just sound like a lot of excuse making.

A shame, too, because it means homeboy is still getting some bad advice from his cronies.
He dealt with a lot. Weird start with Akron, lack of leadership above him, covid year, but at the end of the day he was 16-31. There is no other side to that story. If he had a record closer to that of Pelini or Solich, this would be pretty interesting. Unfortunately, if he goes through with it, it'll just sound like a lot of excuse making.

A shame, too, because it means homeboy is still getting some bad advice from his cronies.
Only thing out of those I give credence to is the Covid Year. I think that fucked up a LOT of those guys from the same hiring cycle. That was just weird - no way around it. And it happened at such a crucial time for those guys early in their tenure.

Leadership above, he signed off on when he joined up. Literally praised it up and down as THEE reason he ended up here. Can't bitch about it after you praise it so highly. And I'm not talking about just acknowledging it like every single coach does - he made it a main factor for his blessing us with his presence...
There is an old saying…it’s better to be silent and let them believe your are an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

At best, do this in two to three years once the rawness of it has subsided a bit.
Only a narcissist like Frost thinks doing a Podcast blaming everybody but himself is a good idea .. but in reality - it will just damage his reputation here in Nebraska even more.

If you are Frost, common sense says to walk away and leave it alone. But of course we all know he's too fucking stupid to go that route.

I'll listen for entertainment value alone .. it will be fun offseason chatter to pass the time ..
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I'd listen just because I'd like to hear his side of the story. I don't think or I should say I would hope he wouldn't take a blow torch to the place and blame everyone else. Maybe he wants to air out some of the personal stuff or come clean on some personal struggles which affected his job. Who knows but I'd be interested.
Dude needs to take his $15 million and just stay out of the public eye of the state, likely forever. He could probably get an OC job somewhere else if he wanted to, but this won’t help him out. Either lay low or GTFO of Nebraska and start over somewhere new and keep your damn mouth shut.
Pretty sure he’s been living in Scottsdale for a few weeks now.
I do feel a little sorry for frost(not really but a little)
He had unattainable expectations before officially accepting the job. Crowned the chosen one/savior etc.
the amount of speaking engagements expected out of him to help fundraise was stupid. Then compounded with his ability to be complacent and influenced was all a bad combo.

If he would have took something like the Florida job o bet he would have been successful without all the outside distractions and pressure he had here.
I'd listen just because I'd like to hear his side of the story. I don't think or I should say I would hope he wouldn't take a blow torch to the place and blame everyone else. Maybe he wants to air out some of the personal stuff or come clean on some personal struggles which affected his job. Who knows but I'd be interested.

Nothing Frost has ever said or done makes me think he has the humility to do this. I’d love to be wrong.
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I'd listen just because I'd like to hear his side of the story. I don't think or I should say I would hope he wouldn't take a blow torch to the place and blame everyone else. Maybe he wants to air out some of the personal stuff or come clean on some personal struggles which affected his job. Who knows but I'd be interested.
Thanks, Scott. Good to have you on the board.

You ruined my life.
Is there anyone in football, the media, or otherwise that has been a noted Frost proponent since he was at NU? Even from an ex-NU player perspective, I‘ve seen no one in his corner but may have missed it.

I think everyone in the universe was on board with him getting canned and made no excuses for his failure.
As someone who basically listens to podcasts all day...there is a zero percent chance I'd listen to Scott Frost on a podcast. He has zero personality. Some poor guy will listen to it and just relay what it says on here.
I'll listen at least once.

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