That's mostly overblown. It's mainly just if they do a 'hard pull' on your credit report that it can ding you. Normally a hard pull is only done if you're opening a new account. The reason you can get dinged is because it looks like you're trying to open a bunch of new accounts at once - like shit just hit the fan for you and you're trying to get a bunch of loans or credit cards at once. Even then, I don't think the penalty is very large - other factors will largely outweigh it, and the damage is likely temporary.
Note that some lenders aren't always clear on what type of pull they're going to do if you're trying to get pre-qualified for a loan. When I took out my mortgage, I went rate shopping, and some of the lenders I looked into apparently did do hard pulls. I had to sign a thing with the lender I ultimately used that said 'these hard pulls from lenders X, Y, and Z did not result in a new loan being issued'.