Do you guys really believe every accusation spewed at people with money? Let's think about this rationally:
1. The criminal statute of limitations haven't expired on this case. If Le'Veon had been raping a minor why does she immediately go to civil court instead of the police or a prosecutor? She is STILL WELL WITHIN HER rights to file charges. Hell, according to the State of Ohio, those limitations won't end for another 5 to 6 years.
2. If the alleged rapes ended when she was 18, Bell would've been coming off his back to back All-Pro seasons with the Steelers. Why not go after him then?
Lastly, if an attorney is confidently suggesting Bell wasn't properly served then I imagine it will be pretty easy to throw out the Judgment. Process service rules are pretty cut and dry, state by state. I'm guessing a family member of his was served in a home that he legally owns, but didn't reside within.
This is nothing more than a money grab.