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OT: What stupid things do you enjoy as you got older? (2 Viewers)

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
The other day I caught myself staring at my backyard while the dogs were running around and admiring the recent job I did putting in a knock off underground sprinkler system. I then snapped out of it and asked myself what the hell I've become. My wife then yelled at me from the kitchen to come up our daughter from her walking assistant deal so she'd stop crying.

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
I am the ultimate dork hobby guy. When I go into a hobby I'm all in. I've mostly been just fishing lately.

Old house was a 1/2 acre. I had over 1,000 hostas. Not including the ones I cross pollinated and grew from seed. Could pretty much name them all.

At one point I had about 30 fish tanks ranging from 10 gallons to 150. Almost entirely African cichlids and Australian rainbows. Would sell babies to fish stores for food and more tanks, fish, etc. Can tell you the scientific name of most aquarium fish.

Love Koi ponds but haven't put one in yet. Actually put African cichlids in my dads pond over the summer on occasion. I built the filter system on my dads pond too.
This is pretty much how I am wired...

I don't have many hobbies, but when I pick something up I go all in.

We are getting a new house so I am going to build a big garden. That has been my hobby the last few years. Had a small one at this house where I would grow and can pickles, hot pepper mixes, salsa, pasta sauce, etc...

Also am a complete nerd about my lawn which is driving me nuts now because I am not investing in it (bc we are moving), but my new one has some rough spots.

Fishing is one I like. We got kayak fishing a lot and I have too much shit there.

Should also add smoking meats and woodworking is an itch I have been getting since I made my wife's Valentines day present.


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
This is pretty much how I am wired...

I don't have many hobbies, but when I pick something up I go all in.

We are getting a new house so I am going to build a big garden. That has been my hobby the last few years. Had a small one at this house where I would grow and can pickles, hot pepper mixes, salsa, pasta sauce, etc...

Also am a complete nerd about my lawn which is driving me nuts now because I am not investing in it (bc we are moving), but my new one has some rough spots.

Fishing is one I like. We got kayak fishing a lot and I have too much shit there.
I always went overboard on the garden too. One year I had like 15 tomato plants and about 30-40 pepper plants of all different varieties. Planned on making salsa. Did it twice. Both times I put too many havaneros in so it was way to spicy to even think about eating it. The rest rotted in the yard.

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
I always went overboard on the garden too. One year I had like 15 tomato plants and about 30-40 pepper plants of all different varieties. Planned on making salsa. Did it twice. Both times I put too many havaneros in so it was way to spicy to even think about eating it. The rest rotted in the yard.
Haha my first year doing it I had 15 tomato plants in a small garden and it was a shit show. The next year I had 5. 😂


Elite Member
I always went overboard on the garden too. One year I had like 15 tomato plants and about 30-40 pepper plants of all different varieties. Planned on making salsa. Did it twice. Both times I put too many havaneros in so it was way to spicy to even think about eating it. The rest rotted in the yard.
Our new house has a honeycrisp apple tree in the yard. When I found out, I thought "sweet, those are the GOAT apple and that should be fun for our kids as they grow up."

Then I learned that honeycrisps are the most difficult apple to grow and the trees require meticulous maintenance to even have a chance at bearing edible fruit. This one hasn't been kept in great shape so it'll probably be at least three years of pruning, etc. before it could actually yield anything other than shitty apples that just rot on the branch.


Elite Member
I built a sifting frame/box last weekend and went out and cleaned the debris from the landscaping rocks in our back yard. I just kept smoking more and more weed until I started to get paranoid and then i just went to work. It was a great 6-7 hours. That's basically the highlight of my year so far.
Weed and yard work is a fun combo


Wife got me a smoker for Christmas as a surprise. Wasn’t even on my radar. Love that thing. Basically an excuse for 3+ hours to say you can’t do anything because you have to keep tabs on the meat.
This is one thing I love about smoking meat. I can smoke it for 8-12 hours and really basically do nothing other than prepping the meat. I still get credit from the wife for doing 8-12 hours of work because I have to "keep an eye" on the meat all day long.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
I also get into outdoor plants. 2 years ago I got on a Banana Tree kick. Found some Banana Trees that can survive the Ozarks Winters. Our season isn't long enough for them to produce edible fruit but they get to about 15 feet high and look cool. Originally bought about 20 but now have over 40 of them as they spread out. You plant a couple together and then they have pups that grow off of them to produce new plants.


My Hummingbird Feeders. Those crazy little bastards are a blast to watch. They get all hopped up on sugar water and Dive Bomb each other, and us. Crazy fuckers will literally fly up to us while we are eating on the deck and hover about a foot in front of our faces.

I feed the fish around my dock. Have 50 lb bags of Catfish Food. Put out food every morning and in the evening. They come in hoards when I walk out there, sometimes over a 100 fish. Easily over a dozen catfish with some carp & turtles plus tons of sunfish. If the Zombie Apocalypse happens I'm gonna be fattening up on fish.

I also use to have a 55 gallon fish tank that I had Red Cherry Shrimp in. Got to the point where I had over 600 shrimp in there so I would sell them. Made a couple Pesos doing that. Might start up another one. They are fun to watch and when you put your hand in the tank they crawl up and down your hand and arm. I'd have Corey Catfish in there and sometimes they would ride around on them.
What kind of fish food do you use and how often do you feed them?


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
Our new house has a honeycrisp apple tree in the yard. When I found out, I thought "sweet, those are the GOAT apple and that should be fun for our kids as they grow up."

Then I learned that honeycrisps are the most difficult apple to grow and the trees require meticulous maintenance to even have a chance at bearing edible fruit. This one hasn't been kept in great shape so it'll probably be at least three years of pruning, etc. before it could actually yield anything other than shitty apples that just rot on the branch.
Honeycrisp is the GOAT though.

Johannes de Silentio

Elite Member
I am the ultimate dork hobby guy. When I go into a hobby I'm all in. I've mostly been just fishing lately.

Old house was a 1/2 acre. I had over 1,000 hostas. Not including the ones I cross pollinated and grew from seed. Could pretty much name them all.

At one point I had about 30 fish tanks ranging from 10 gallons to 150. Almost entirely African cichlids and Australian rainbows. Would sell babies to fish stores for food and more tanks, fish, etc. Can tell you the scientific name of most aquarium fish.

Love Koi ponds but haven't put one in yet. Actually put African cichlids in my dads pond over the summer on occasion. I built the filter system on my dads pond too.
@HuskerGarrett , going to need another reaction in light of this:



Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
1. Birds around our house. We live in an area with a large bird population, Cardinals, House/Red Finches, American Goldfinches, Robins, and annoying Black Birds. We currently have a House Finch with 5 eggs and a Robin next with 3 eggs off our back deck/patio area. We have 2 male Cardinals and 1 female that are around our house pretty much year round.

2. Koi. During COVID 2020 shutdowns I decided to build a Koi pond in the backyard next to our fire pit. Nothing beats a nice spring evening around the fire pit, watching the Koi, listening to the birds and waterfall of the Koi pond with a glass of wine, stiff drink, or beer in my hand.

Man, when I type it out, I feel like such a gay dork.
I love the birds too. We have a tree line behind our house. Lots of cardinals and robins. I'll just stand there at my window and watch them in the morning. Kids think I'm nuts.


Wide Receiver
Haha my first year doing it I had 15 tomato plants in a small garden and it was a shit show. The next year I had 5. 😂

Heh, you sound like my neighbor who is like "Why the fuck do I keep buying so many damn tomato plants when I live a 5 minute drive from a huge farmer's market?!"

Our new house has a honeycrisp apple tree in the yard. When I found out, I thought "sweet, those are the GOAT apple and that should be fun for our kids as they grow up."

Then I learned that honeycrisps are the most difficult apple to grow and the trees require meticulous maintenance to even have a chance at bearing edible fruit. This one hasn't been kept in great shape so it'll probably be at least three years of pruning, etc. before it could actually yield anything other than shitty apples that just rot on the branch.

Cosmic crisp is the new one that growers in Washington are moving to. It's a hybrid that tastes like a honeycrisp, but isn't such a PITA for the growers.

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