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Osborne emails former players (1 Viewer)


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
The opt out part is bullshit. If opting out was around when he was coaching, Nebraska players would have been doing it too.
We don't have a time machine to duplicate today's transfer and NLI rules to the 80's and 90's, but even if the transfer portal and NLI rules did start, say, in the early to mid 90's, that I believe our football program would still have had fewer transfers and such than most schools. Players and coaches were very loyal to T.O.. Would they have been as loyal if they could have transferred so easily like today? No, probably not. But IMHO we still would have fewer defections from the teams of those era's and decades than other schools.

But we don't have that time machine so there is no reason to go into it much really. This is just my opinion, ultimately.


The opt out part is bullshit. If opting out was around when he was coaching, Nebraska players would have been doing it too.

Players don't opt out when teams hit the playoffs. Nebraska would've had very few opt outs from 1993 to 1999.

98 season would've been about it.

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