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***Official don’t buy any bullshit they try selling you, offseason thread***

Maybe the team does win 9 games. Raiola lives up in some degree to the hype; the OL avoids injuries and is able to continue its positive trajectory; the defense doesn't take any steps backwards; that sort of thing. It could happen, and a lot of folks want to look on the bright side in the off-season. I get it.

That being said, I sure as hell am not going to come close to expecting it. I've had 25 years of almost every season being a disappointment relative to expectations. Even most of the seasons that now, in hindsight, we'd be thrilled with were failures in the moment. I've also seen people talk themselves into all kinds of ecstasy preceding the 2019 season, the 2017 season, and so on.

It could all be different this year. But it probably won't be.

The trajectory of the narrative is such that 7-5 will be disappointing for a lot of fans. Doesn't matter how the 5 look, the local and national media are both talking about us in a playoff context.

This team could easily drop 5 games and might still be the best team we've had since 2009. Every 9-3 team through the Bo years had a ton of warts. I think this team is more complete - good offense, great defense, probably subpar special teams. I don't see them getting blown out at all.

I'm not expecting any better with a freshman QB and I'll enjoy a bowl game if we can get there. I will never take a win for granted again
I'm going to need you to dial it back on the optimism Johannes.
To be fair, I'm pretty excited about signing 10-12 guys who are 4-star players on one or more (but not all) of the recruiting services. Getting that low-20s, high-teens recruiting class will never cease to scratch a real itch for me. Love DONU here.
I guess the way I see things is it really can't get any worse than the hype/heartache/headache around the Frost era, and that's where I've paid the most attention as far as offseason goes. Before 2017-2018, I really only paid attention about a week before the season started, through the end. When you don't know as much, it doesn't sting as much.
To be fair, I'm pretty excited about signing 10-12 guys who are 4-star players on one or more (but not all) of the recruiting services. Getting that low-20s, high-teens recruiting class will never cease to scratch a real itch for me. Love DONU here.
These 4 stars feel different than Frost 4 stars. CTB might have been his best recruit and I think he was a 3 star. He seemed underrated at the time too.
These 4 stars feel different than Frost 4 stars. CTB might have been his best recruit and I think he was a 3 star. He seemed underrated at the time too.
I think for me it was the simply lack of transfers or people moving on this offseason. Another 5-7 under Frost and I feel like atleast half the team would have bailed. To me, that says character evaluation, along with talent evaluation.
I think for me it was the simply lack of transfers or people moving on this offseason. Another 5-7 under Frost and I feel like atleast half the team would have bailed. To me, that says character evaluation, along with talent evaluation.
I think half the team would have transferred if he'd come back. Tommy Hill and Jimari Butler for sure.
Why is everyone cucking out all the sudden? Talking about us going 6-6. Bro we were -20 turnover margin with Heinrich Haarberg and Jeff Sims and basically won 6. Gtfo

Nope. No we didn’t. 6 would have had us bowling

And shortened the off-season enough we wouldn’t have had these last few pages of posts
Nope. No we didn’t. 6 would have had us bowling

And shortened the off-season enough we wouldn’t have had these last few pages of posts
Okay. We started with a field goal loss we had in the bag, then went 5-2, and then finished with three more field goal losses and an overtime loss. You're right though that's not basically winning 6. Read it as "almost won 6" if you want

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