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***Official don’t buy any bullshit they try selling you, offseason thread***

With the various bad news reports lately, figured it was time to bump this thread again.

Sanders to TN
Teddy out for year
Javin Wright out medically
Rhule not pleased with scrimmage today
Hurricane force winds hit Omaha

Time to prove it on the field and in the W-L column
To be fair, Rhule not being happy with today's scrimmage is a good thing IMO. He strikes me as the kind of coach that doesn't want the team getting complacent. So he will be hardest on them when things look good, while trying to encourage them and talk them up when they are down. So him being pleased was music to my ears today.
I was talking to my dad the other day. He was saying how he is dreading the return of football. The skers make him so angry. If there is anyone more negative than me about Husker football it is him.

He is definitely my father. I can feel the pulmonary hypertension building up every day the closer it gets. Why would I feel this way about fucking Utep? This can’t be a healthy mindset at all.
I was talking to my dad the other day. He was saying how he is dreading the return of football. The skers make him so angry. If there is anyone more negative than me about Husker football it is him.

He is definitely my father. I can feel the pulmonary hypertension building up every day the closer it gets. Why would I feel this way about fucking Utep? This can’t be a healthy mindset at all.
Perhaps a genetic rectal obstruction?
Team is not going to be good. Not sure why so many allow themselves to be duped year after year. It's over. It's never coming back. We are in hell with no chance of redemption.

sad friedrich nietzche GIF
Maybe not eventually, but you have people casually predicting 9 wins without any hint of irony. It's insane.
You legitimately think this team is going to be bad???

If 9 wins is insane to think, what is your prediction? Are you at 6-6?
Can't visualize the season being anything better than 7 wins. Best case is 8 but you know they'll shit their pants at least once.

- The program has had shellshock from the moment Wisconsin was given a gift PI in OT in 2016.
- An injury prone Turner Corcoran is your only available LT on the roster.
- True freshman QB they'll allow to throw 25 picks.
- Colt McCoy making his broadcasting debut against Colorado.

On the bright side, anything beyond 8 wins will just generate a ton of anxiety around Rhule and any potential opening where you can win a title.
You legitimately think this team is going to be bad???

If 9 wins is insane to think, what is your prediction? Are you at 6-6?
Maybe the team does win 9 games. Raiola lives up in some degree to the hype; the OL avoids injuries and is able to continue its positive trajectory; the defense doesn't take any steps backwards; that sort of thing. It could happen, and a lot of folks want to look on the bright side in the off-season. I get it.

That being said, I sure as hell am not going to come close to expecting it. I've had 25 years of almost every season being a disappointment relative to expectations. Even most of the seasons that now, in hindsight, we'd be thrilled with were failures in the moment. I've also seen people talk themselves into all kinds of ecstasy preceding the 2019 season, the 2017 season, and so on.

It could all be different this year. But it probably won't be.
Maybe the team does win 9 games. Raiola lives up in some degree to the hype; the OL avoids injuries and is able to continue its positive trajectory; the defense doesn't take any steps backwards; that sort of thing. It could happen, and a lot of folks want to look on the bright side in the off-season. I get it.

That being said, I sure as hell am not going to come close to expecting it. I've had 25 years of almost every season being a disappointment relative to expectations. Even most of the seasons that now, in hindsight, we'd be thrilled with were failures in the moment. I've also seen people talk themselves into all kinds of ecstasy preceding the 2019 season, the 2017 season, and so on.

It could all be different this year. But it probably won't be.
I'm going to need you to dial it back on the optimism Johannes.

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