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Just heard from a semi connection

"Omar's on the outs and he's going to leave the university"
I realize it’s not smart to try and apply logic to college kids’ decisions, but if this is true it makes absolutely no sense on his part.

1)There’s 2 weeks until our season starts and most of the rest of the teams have already started. He’s not going to play anywhere else this year.

2) You get this year for free. I realize waiting and being banged up can be frustrating but put whatever you can on film and who knows, maybe it’ll be enough to get you drafted. If not, and you truly don’t want to be in Lincoln anymore, go somewhere else for 2021, no harm done.
Heard from a family member of a current player that he’s still on the team and practicing, but struggling with some mental health/depression issues. Don’t shoot the messenger.
I think I’m beginning to suffer from some mental health & depression issues
We need to get these boys on the field (preferably with as many fans as possible in the stands)
Heard from a family member of a current player that he’s still on the team and practicing, but struggling with some mental health/depression issues. Don’t shoot the messenger.
This sounds like a more logical explanation for what’s going on. Kid came here to play and try and get to the NFL and has had to deal with a season delay and, reportedly, an ankle injury. A situation like that could certainly exacerbate any existing mental health issues.
Just a 1 goat.....

No problem, glad to be invited and become part of the team. I may retire from RSS. Mucho haters over there. Not only do they not like what you say but even how you say it. Always remember that I want us back on top as much as anybody.

Thanks for being here CG. As lead mod, I will make sure haters will be dealt with here. Appreciate you brother.
Thanks for being here CG. As lead mod, I will make sure haters will be dealt with here. Appreciate you brother.

I'm concerned about the moderating on the platinum board. If Doc is lead mod, how will @Jim14510's influence as "GOD MOD" be observed? Is there a separation between church and state?

So many questions need to be answered before I give my zero insights into the NU sports teams.

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