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Not sure of his practice habits, but I do know his game down at the Railyard is A+.

Also, Geovanny's vague references to anything need to be taken with a grain of salt...it is my understanding that he gets a lot of his information 2nd-hand, muhc like most of the people on RSS

I appreciate the sentiments Driveway but I think I might bring a little extra goods than the average RSSer brother. Again, Im simply a hinter that most come true. News will always come out when it comes out. I like to give a heads up so-to-speak. And, you better check your "understanding" source. Its all good brother. I liek you.

Nobody has to trust anybody. Isnt this a message board? We all want the same things. Do I need to know the secret handshake here. Does every post need a fact checker.?

@Mike Wheeler
Nah this isn’t Facebook, no fact checkers here haha.
Appreciate you being here and sharing what you know CG
Nah this isn’t Facebook, no fact checkers here haha.
Appreciate you being here and sharing what you know CG

Us insiders are an easy target G. We may be right 99.99999% of the time but that .00001% we’re wrong we get absolutely hammered.

Like they say... “You can build a thousand bridges, but if you fvck one little goat you’re a goat fucker for the rest of your life...”
Us insiders are an easy target G. We may be right 99.99999% of the time but that .00001% we’re wrong we get absolutely hammered.

Like they say... “You can build a thousand bridges, but if you fvck one little goat you’re a goat fucker for the rest of your life...”

Just a 1 goat.....

No problem, glad to be invited and become part of the team. I may retire from RSS. Mucho haters over there. Not only do they not like what you say but even how you say it. Always remember that I want us back on top as much as anybody.

Just a 1 goat.....

No problem, glad to be invited and become part of the team. I may retire from RSS. Mucho haters over there. Not only do they not like what you say but even how you say it. Always remember that I want us back on top as much as anybody.

So, I guess let it air here. Spill what you got. We're all friends here and away from the taters.

If you already have spilled it on tater island, then I apologize, I don't read that place much anymore.
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Nobody has to trust anybody. Isnt this a message board? We all want the same things. Do I need to know the secret handshake here. Does every post need a fact checker.?

@Mike Wheeler
I definitely didn’t mean it in a condescending way even though that’s how my message came across. A lot of people were taking what you said seriously and I was just curious on your background, that’s all. My apologies for the way I made that sound. I appreciate the info.
Just a 1 goat.....

No problem, glad to be invited and become part of the team. I may retire from RSS. Mucho haters over there. Not only do they not like what you say but even how you say it. Always remember that I want us back on top as much as anybody.


Lol I was one those that bitched about your delivery, sorta. I just didn’t understand what your original post meant. Anyway, hopefully kid can tough it out, but it’s not shocking at all that a juco lacks motivation/work ethic. Worst case scenario hopefully we have enough WR talent/depth without him.
I definitely didn’t mean it in a condescending way even though that’s how my message came across. A lot of people were taking what you said seriously and I was just curious on your background, that’s all. My apologies for the way I made that sound. I appreciate the info.

Local guy, kid was on the team for a few years a few years ago.

Edit to add that CG played for the huskers when he was in school. Probably worth noting. Lol
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Worst case scenario hopefully we have enough WR talent/depth without him.
He said it was just his opinion, but he would have info with regards to this. May mean something, may mean nothing.

What I do know is his 1st year on a new college campus, and every other 1st year player, has to suck. It’s been all work and no reward for these kids. No games, no college parties(for the most part), everything closed down, wearing masks, testing, covid protocol everywhere, remote classes, probably a lot more difficult to plow multiple college sloots and then rest of the time you’re just studying(hopefully) lifting and practicing. Sounds more like a forced labor camp than a college campus IMO.

Kid just needs to stick with NU for at least a year and get to have some fun, whether that’s winning football games or otherwise and I bet he’ll be fine. I’m sure people have told him the college life is fvcked everywhere and he just needs to fight through this shit.

Kid wouldn't be human if he wasn't having some issues with being on campus right now. Sounds like it sucks.

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