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I appreciate the sentiments Driveway but I think I might bring a little extra goods than the average RSSer brother. Again, Im simply a hinter that most come true. News will always come out when it comes out. I like to give a heads up so-to-speak. And, you better check your "understanding" source. Its all good brother. I liek you.


Ahhhh...Yes! You took the bait! Didn't know if you were on here or not. 😉

Since this isn't sacred ground like the Scrolls, hoping you will be able to shed more light "off the record" on a lot more.
The thing about JUCOS is...there is a reason they had to go to a JUCO first. For the most part I've always just seen them as roster fillers and if they pan out great. Typically there's some reason why they didn't out of high school and that will show up eventually.
The thing about JUCOS is...there is a reason they had to go to a JUCO first. For the most part I've always just seen them as roster fillers and if they pan out great. Typically there's some reason why they didn't out of high school and that will show up eventually.
Is this the polite way of saying "ofttimes they're fuckups"?
He used to be an ok source maybe 3-4 yrs ago but he hasn’t been allowed in practices for (according to someone I trust and have talked to in the past hour) the past year or two. But then again I could be wrong.


I mustve missed that memo. Thats good stuff right there. Obviously Covid has interrupted some things this year.
I think I will j
Ahhhh...Yes! You took the bait! Didn't know if you were on here or not. 😉

Since this isn't sacred ground like the Scrolls, hoping you will be able to shed more light "off the record" on a lot more.

I think I will just lurk in the weeds. I will just sugar coat things and splash the kool-aid. No One likes the facts anymore. Its all Roses brother. All roses.

I mustve missed that memo. Thats good stuff right there. Obviously Covid has interrupted some things this year.
Sharing what I was told. You gotta admit that there was a lotta shit stirred up in the rss thread.

It is odd how you dump some cryptic post into that thread for everyone to digest and fret over, instead of simply being clear from the start.

That tactic DOES resemble trolling, whether you own it or not.

I think I will j

I think I will just lurk in the weeds. I will just sugar coat things and splash the kool-aid. No One likes the facts anymore. Its all Roses brother. All roses.

You didn’t sugar-coat shit. You posted a “tease”.

Nothing more, nothing less....

You didn’t sugar-coat shit. You posted a “tease”.

Nothing more, nothing less....


I meant future posts. Like I said, Im a poster that usually give a little nugget. Some of this stuff shouldnt come from me until its released. Would you rather have nuggets or nothing and just get the real news in actual time. Im fine with either.
I meant future posts. Like I said, Im a poster that usually give a little nugget. Some of this stuff shouldnt come from me until its released. Would you rather have nuggets or nothing and just get the real news in actual time. Im fine with either.
A clearly understood nugget is fine. That’s not what you offered up.

Yore condescending attitude is noted.

Would have appreciated a sincere “Fuck You” instead. Not yore style I guess.... 🙄


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