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MLPFC Shit Posting

I was unaware I'm hurt to the core.

Has there been any evidence that the masks are beneficial to stopping or slowing spread? 90% of the ones I saw around here last winter/spring were homemade abominations.
People not wearing a mask correctly is a failure of the public health system, not a data point against the validity of proper mask wearing. I’m not shocked people in Kansas are being dumbasses, no offense. That’s not a valid point against proper mask wearing lowering the transmission rate. The issue is people thinking it’s 100% vs. 0%. To be more direct, the issue is people thinking donning a mask is an affront to Donald Trump.

And to be fair, it goes well beyond U.S. politics. There are segments of other populations that think masks are some weird affront to freedom. It’s a weird ethos, but it exists. These people are all scared of their own shadow, er, some nebulous world order.
I’ll stop cunting up the thread now, but I really think this is more of a “I won’t be told what to do” thing than a science thing. This, I cringe at people trying to make a science argument against something so simple as wearing a mask. I also don’t find any difficulty at all in wearing a mask, aside from making sure I have one available. If you can’t do that these days, you’re pretty damn lazy imo.

The fact that masks are such a big issue in our society is pretty damn disappointing to be honest. Why? Why is this THE issue? Pathetic if you ask me.

As I said, I’ll stop cunting up the thread now, but Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell is wrong with the good ol US of A?
Turns out

Turns out Fauci isn’t the one actually doing the research on masks. Shocking, I know. If that’s really the only reason people have to be complete tools toward their fellow citizens, I pity them.

FTR, I've witnessed plenty of people from both sides of the aisle being toolsheds to the other on the mask issue
And to be completely fair and transparent, I’d like to be able to come home. I have a selfish interest beyond COVID not spreading and killing more unnecessarily than it already has.
Why are so many of you guys such wusses about masks? I sincerely don’t understand it.
Uncomfortable, inconvenience, makes it harder to read people, harder to remember faces, and provide minimal if any actual protection from the virus considering the types of masks most people wear and how they wear them. I could convince the most staunch, anti-mask person to wear 7 masks and a face shield while living alone to bed before I could convince some of the most ardent mask supporters to concede to even the possibility that masks provide at most a negligible benefit.

I wear mine when required, am vaccinated, and quite frankly, I don't want to wear them anymore because I've done my part.
I wear mine when required, am vaccinated, and quite frankly, I don't want to wear them anymore because I've done my part.
I'm in this camp. I'm not volunteering to wear one but I will if it's required to enter a facility or business that I want or need to enter. Beyond that, I'm asymptomatic, vaccinated, and don't believe that I can use a mask as a filter to keep a virus from spreading. The analogy that resonates with me is it's akin to trying to keep mosquitos out of your yard by installing a chain link fence.

Also, I don't enjoy breathing recycled air and the I get a headache if I have to wear them for long periods of time. I'm supposed to be expelling carbon dioxide, not inhaling it again. I truly don't relish the idea of donning one, but again, I will if I have to. It has nothing to do with politics whatsoever for me.
Why are so many of you guys such wusses about masks? I sincerely don’t understand it.
Since you asked here's my experience with masks. Up until the Covid virus, masks were put on sick people not healthy ones. Exception being in high risk settings like an ER, OR, urgent care or other hospital settings. Likewise we've never quarantined healthy people until this bug, never. Unless you are wearing a properly fitted N95 medical mask all you're doing is stopping the big stuff like saliva. If you can smell anything with a mask on like smoke or produce at the grocery store it is providing little value.

It really does evolve into hygiene theater to mask vaccinated people since asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly rare. I learned early on in my public health career that public health messaging is as much public relations as it is the science. It has to make sense and be consistent or you'll get very poor compliance. The messaging from day one has been dreadful and that's why there's push back.
Since you asked here's my experience with masks. Up until the Covid virus, masks were put on sick people not healthy ones. Exception being in high risk settings like an ER, OR, urgent care or other hospital settings. Likewise we've never quarantined healthy people until this bug, never. Unless you are wearing a properly fitted N95 medical mask all you're doing is stopping the big stuff like saliva. If you can smell anything with a mask on like smoke or produce at the grocery store it is providing little value.

It really does evolve into hygiene theater to mask vaccinated people since asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly rare. I learned early on in my public health career that public health messaging is as much public relations as it is the science. It has to make sense and be consistent or you'll get very poor compliance. The messaging from day one has been dreadful and that's why there's push back.
Remember when public health people told everyone we needed to flatten the curve and then this would be over?
I just deleted a long post.




Haven't worn a mask since October, but I had Covid (as did my entire family and everybody I know) and I am vaccinated. I guess I'm gonna do ahead and trust science and my Md. wife who has treated more Covid patients than most Docs in the cities. Always amazes me when the biggest "omg CoCo" people didn't ever get it or know anybody who got it.

But you do you, wear a mask everyday the rest of your life if it makes you feel better. My son has been chewing on his blanket lately, I get it.

PS: The biggest issue I have with Masks and the various Covid rules is the amount of Hypocrisy. The number of politicians and others caught flaunting stay home orders, mask orders, indoor dining orders, etc etc. is so high that (one would think) would shock the public... and yet here we are. You don't even have to come up with slippery slope hypotheticals, just look around the world. Lock Downs, no talking in public (New Zealand, who bragged about being a covid free utopia for months) and the Police literally dragging people to jail for sitting in a public park with nobody around them. If any of these various rules were actually legitimately based on science/public health than they would not be 100% arbitrarily enforced. Examples: Obama's 700+ person maskless Birthday bash in a red zone mandatory area, Newsome eating at the French Laundry ($1,000+ meals) when indoor dining is banned in all of Cali, huge BLM riots during the "social distance and masks or you kill grandma" era, 50% positive covid rate of those caught entering without inspection (legal term for illegal alien) and the list goes on and on. I believe several websites have a tracker about the various hypocrisy and arbitrary enforcement of Covid rules. Both parties have violators but its about a 90/10 D/R split, but hey some animals are more equal than others.


oops I had a long post, Love you 😘

The biggest issue I have with Masks and the various Covid rules is the amount of Hypocrisy.

I'm also bothered by hypocrisy. However, when I hear other people complain about it, some how it makes me think of Norm MacDonald talking about Bill Cosby.

Edit: Luckily, where you and I live, it's likely neither of us experienced all that much lockdown, and I don't know how much hypocrisy their was in these areas.
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I'm also bothered by hypocrisy. However, when I hear other people complain about it, some how it makes me think of Norm MacDonald talking about Bill Cosby.

Edit: Luckily, where you and I live, it's likely neither of us experienced all that much lockdown, and I don't know how much hypocrisy their was in these areas.

We were in Kansas during all of 2020

Gov Kelly did issue multiple executive orders. Which she did herself violate. The most famous 2 times was when she got a hair cut when all other barber shops/salons in Kansas were forced to be closed for 3 months and her excuse was that getting her hair done at a $200 salon was necessary for her due to being on TV. The 2nd most infamous violation was when she came back from DC she did not quarantine for 2 weeks even tho she had just beat the table in a speech about criminal penalties for those who travel to places on the “travel ban” list and return to Kansas without quarantining.

many other examples but those got the most coverage and public scorn

Also had to deal with a few of my wife’s patients (or former patients cuz they later died of Covid) being put on national news because there is nothing CNN/Fox News loves more than pretending they know Rural America and small towns. You probably heard about the nursing homes with 100% Covid rates and death totals and the small towns with 30-50% positive rates at the same time. Not like they blamed my wife or anything (almost all Covid patients were transferred immediately) it just made my wife sad seeing her patients/friends who had died used as fodder for political cannons.

PS: drove me nuts seeing people on Twitter complaining about “having” to order Grubhub/DoorDash/Ubereats/etc when they were in lock down or quarantine…. None of that shit in NWKS. Not a single place for 45 mins has delivery. When we had Covid we couldn’t get any new food for 2 weeks. Couldn’t go to the local grocery store cuz such a small town everybody knows my wife and family have Covid. So we were stuck eating what we had. Thankfully no taste or smell so nobody cared we were eating dry cherrioes, canned food and things buried in the deep freeze.
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When we had Covid we couldn’t get any new food for 2 weeks. Couldn’t go to the local grocery store cuz such a small town everybody knows my wife and family have Covid. So we were stuck eating what we had. Thankfully no taste or smell so nobody cared we were eating dry cherrioes, canned food and things buried in the deep freeze.

Since nobody I know actually has a "larder" or food cache these days, this is the next best thing, IMO.

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