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MLPFC Shit Posting

Did not renew Kansas and Nebraska for 2023 because I’ll be so damn busy in MO this year.

Planning on getting both back in 2024 tho
Perfect. Ill wait till 2024 togo down and rob @Woodrow F Call salebarn of all the best heifers. you’ll have Nebraska and Kansas law ready to get me off. (This post can’t be used as premeditated evidence right?)
To: all the boys in the thread

From: God is a Husker

Starting today, I will no longer be able to represent any of you in criminal matters in the state of Missouri because I have accepted (and now signed on) a position to be a special prosecutor in Missouri for 6 Murder Jury Trials scheduled this year. I am conflicted out of any criminal defense work inside the state of Missouri until I’m done being a prosecutor.

I’m apparently (probably) gonna be on KY-3 TV news tomorrow for a Motion to Suppress Hearing. Keep a look out @MtnHusker
Fuck, my New Years Resolution was to go on a Crime Spree in 2023 and have you get me off all of the charges. I'm no longer above the Law.

I can get North Dakota easy (now if I want) but SoDak is dumb and won’t let you get a Bar license unless you take their exam.

Smgdh, I was born there and they won’t even budge. 🙁 gotta take their bar exam cuz tons of Native American shit is on it
<kicks dirt clods. Looks at map of North Dakota. Checks weather forecast. Delays crime spree until spring>
<kicks dirt clods. Looks at map of North Dakota. Checks weather forecast. Delays crime spree until spring>
I rarely get an opportunity to share a story about North Dakota as the place rarely comes up in conversation so here's an all timer. A while back when the fracking boom hit, the Governor of North Dakota was being interviewed by some breathless info babe on TV. She said your state has the lowest unemployment rate, workers making huge salaries but you also have the lowest crime rate in the country. How do you explain that?

"Well, -30 degrees tends to keep the riff raff out." He really said that. 😍
Perfect. Ill wait till 2024 togo down and rob @Woodrow F Call salebarn of all the best heifers. you’ll have Nebraska and Kansas law ready to get me off. (This post can’t be used as premeditated evidence right?)

I'm cautiously reserved at the "get you off part". Rob all the heifers you please and I'll turn a blind eye
I’d like to send a heartfelt fuck you to @Krup21 this week. He’s down in Mexico for his nephews wedding. I was supposed to be in the wedding but with the Mrs just having our first kid wasn’t able to go. Enjoy all the tequila for me
I was going to make a joke that having a kid wasn't worth missing a trip to Mexico but couldn't finish it. Kids are great.
I’d like to send a heartfelt fuck you to @Krup21 this week. He’s down in Mexico for his nephews wedding. I was supposed to be in the wedding but with the Mrs just having our first kid wasn’t able to go. Enjoy all the tequila for me
It’s just wrong…….🤩😎🥳😍😀🥰🥸🤣😆😎🤓😂

I think I’m gonna be on KY-3 news next Monday @MtnHusker

Other prosecutors are a woman and a 6’9 Bald guy. (I’m the blonde 6ft tall “midget” standing next to him)
What time ya gonna be on? Need me to bring a Step Stool? You better start out with a good joke about his height. Maybe something like "How's the weather up there?". I'm sure that would impress him mightily.
I’d like to send a heartfelt fuck you to @Krup21 this week. He’s down in Mexico for his nephews wedding. I was supposed to be in the wedding but with the Mrs just having our first kid wasn’t able to go. Enjoy all the tequila for me
I'll be thinking of you when we're deep sea fishing tomorrow. Can't wait. I didn't get out with the boys last night....heard there was some crazy shit going down. Taking it easy tonight because the boat bright and early might kill me. After we get back I'm ditching the wife and kids for the rest of the day/night and looking to get fuckered up proper like. Congrats on the kid. Heard the labor was rough, sorry to hear that-hope both momma and baby are good!
I'll be thinking of you when we're deep sea fishing tomorrow. Can't wait. I didn't get out with the boys last night....heard there was some crazy shit going down. Taking it easy tonight because the boat bright and early might kill me. After we get back I'm ditching the wife and kids for the rest of the day/night and looking to get fuckered up proper like. Congrats on the kid. Heard the labor was rough, sorry to hear that-hope both momma and baby are good!
Oh I’m sure those Guys got after it last night. How was the golf today?
What time ya gonna be on? Need me to bring a Step Stool? You better start out with a good joke about his height. Maybe something like "How's the weather up there?". I'm sure that would impress him mightily.

I’ve met him before, we talked Iraq and Afghanistan for like 2 hours over coffee.

He was an Army infantry officer for 20 years, deployed 2 times to Iraq, 1 to deployment to Afghanistan, 2 deployments to Africa.

He got out and decided to go to law school cuz his wife was a JAG officer so he had heard “her lawyer bullshit” for 15 years and figured it would be easy.

Talked for 2 hours and he never once mentioned getting wounded, went to his office after and I see 3 Purple Hearts inside his honorable discharge/ribbons/flag shadow box thing his wife made him.

Never once said shit but he had a slight limp, before I had just figured cuz he is in his 60s and super tall so probably has fucked up knees. He caught me looking and said 2 were from the same incident when his convoy hit 2 IEDs at once. (Front and back of column) He was outside his vehicle pulling one of his wounded boys back to his humvee (pre-MRAP) and some random guy pops up shooting an AK at him, he shot him with his sidearm but bad guy sprayed bullets as he fell.

My man got shot (ricochets) in BOTH feet. Army gave him 2 medals and it took him months to be able to walk again.


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