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MLPFC Shit Posting

I drove through Thedford on my rediscovery tour of Western Nebraska a year ago. A true oasis of civilization after driving through the endless miles of Sandhills from Scottsbluff.

A lot of community spirit which I gathered just from the pride for the high school football team with all the signs proclaiming their dominance. Very cool. But that wind... Is that an all the time thing or was I just there at an inopportune time?
Inopportune time I guess. I mean it is Nebraska though.
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Are you saying that @Elizabeth Reed has a history of getting in pissing matches, or am I reading too much into it.

BTW, I-80 for the last 40 miles into Cheyenne from the east is the worst of the worst.

I think that part is a much prettier drive than the straight as an arrow stretch between the Seward exit and the Grand Island exit.

(Not to mention the destination is better than ending up in dumpy GI)
Wind can sure blow out there but It's not an every day occurrence like 300 miles further west on the front range

After living in NWKS for a few years my wife and I have a new barometer on what we consider “windy”.

Ex: we don’t even notice the wind now unless it’s over 35-40mph. When our current neighbors in town complain about the wind my wife and I laugh because here there are so many buildings and trees to slow the wind down you only feel maybe 25% of the actual wind speed that folks in the country get hammered with. The past 2 years the drought has been so bad I was watering the shelter belt on the W-NW-N side of our little farm stead area. Always made me laugh thinking about what my grandpa would say if he saw me watering his arch nemesis cedar trees.

What's good in the world with everyone in here?

Good: Wife having our 2nd soon and I made lots of money last month.

Bad: Wife spent lots of money last month. (a nice playset for the backyard is $3k now, Lawdy there goes my money)

Ugly: In September my man hours worked averaged out at 70 hours a week. Just like last time I’m trying to “put up as much hay” as I can before the baby because when that happens I’ll have to cut back work.

PS: due to the Chip shortage washing machine electric parts are either out of stock for 8mo-1yr or are insanely expensive. I ended up having to buy 2 new 48in industrial washing machines because we can’t go that long without a washing machine. EACH machine was $40,000. Maaaaaybe shutting down the rust belt and shipping it to China to make a few bucks wasn’t the greatest idea. Small businesses are being killed right now over things that would be small costs/issues if we still made shit in the USA.
Morning combine servicing on beans sucks. Still better then milo.

How are crops doing that way?
Since the rain shut off at the 4th of July and didn’t really get a rain after that I’d say it’s doing okay, dry land beans are around 40 for the most part, dry land corn 130-150 is gonna catch most of it I’d say. The irrigated beans aren’t as good as the last couple years. Ranging in the 60s mainly. Haven’t really gotten into any irrigated corn yet but hoping that’s pretty good but don’t know yet.
What about Down your way?

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