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MLPFC Shit Posting

SWNE and NWKS on back to back years in D4

Is there much irrigation in those regions?
That was hurricane Frances. It went north of Tampa and swung to the edge of panhandle. That storm was the rainmaker.
How are things in your area? It seems that the storm is shifting a bit south and east and has now put Orlando in his sights by Friday. Tropical depression winds and a crap load of rain. Tampa looks like they might miss a direct hit and instead will hit between Ft. Myers and Sarasota as a Cat 3 or 4. Still a lot of uncertainty.

Airline texted me this afternoon and said our flight from Long Beach was canceled. Well duh, since Tampa International shut down at 5 EDT today. I was just waiting for that so that canceling or re-booking doesn't cost me anything.

The original plan was to fly into Tampa but staying in Casey Key south of Sarasota. Looks like that could be where the eye comes ashore. Only access is via an old drawbridge. What a shit show. 😱
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PSA - for any bronies who saw my post on the mainboard...

I don't have any stepsiblings, or siblings, and my parents are still together. However, that entire story is true except the girl was actually my friend's sister.

Is there much irrigation in those regions?

It's spotty and where there Is groundwater they've cut them back significantly on how much they can pump.

Those boys with water just need to accept reality and plant drought tolerant hybrids and quit hoping mother nature will come through. Big yield chasing days are over out there
How are things in your area? It seems that the storm is shifting a bit south and east and has now put Orlando in his sights by Friday. Tropical depression winds and a crap load of rain. Tampa looks like they might miss a direct hit and instead will hit between Ft. Myers and Sarasota. Still a lot of uncertainty.

The original plan was to fly into Tampa but staying in Casey Key south of Sarasota. Looks like that could be where the eye comes ashore. Only access is via an old drawbridge. What a shit show. 😱
Not looking good sir if the eye makes landfall between those two. The eye is going to go right over Polk County as a cat 1. Could get up to 16" of rain. We've had a light rain off and on since 3pm. They are telling everybody you need to be where your going to ride out storm by 9am tomorrow. I have some friends that work for power companies and they are projecting we could be without power for 7-10 days.

I've got generator full of gas with 12.5 gallons in cans. Threw a floating chlorinator in the pool with 5 chlorine tablets this evening. I feel like I'm prepared as I can be. Time to ride it out. Waiting on the 11pm National Hurricane Center update.

Appreciate you checking in. I'll keep everybody updated if I can.
That was hurricane Frances. It went north of Tampa and swung to the edge of panhandle. That storm was the rainmaker.

How do you keep track? That hurricane season FLA got impacted by seven named storms, and if IIRC, Charlie, Francis, and Ivan were all that year.

What I know for sure is I was without power at home for a week so I slept on my office floor on campus. Things cleared up and I flew to Lincoln to be a groomsman in a wedding. When I returned, the next one was just coming into the GNV area. Much weaker, but still closed all the business for a few days and I slept in my office again.

Sleeping on the office floor sucked, but imagine the alternative: my roommate was an Indian grad student that hardly ever showered and stunk to high heaven in normal times. Couple that to no electricity, no water, whatever else we didn't have. Sleeping on the office floor was a huge luxury!
How do you keep track? That hurricane season FLA got impacted by seven named storms, and if IIRC, Charlie, Francis, and Ivan were all that year.

What I know for sure is I was without power at home for a week so I slept on my office floor on campus. Things cleared up and I flew to Lincoln to be a groomsman in a wedding. When I returned, the next one was just coming into the GNV area. Much weaker, but still closed all the business for a few days and I slept in my office again.

Sleeping on the office floor sucked, but imagine the alternative: my roommate was an Indian grad student that hardly ever showered and stunk to high heaven in normal times. Couple that to no electricity, no water, whatever else we didn't have. Sleeping on the office floor was a huge luxury!
Well that year we had 3 eyes cross Lake Wales in 2004 in a 6 week period. Charley, Frances, and Jeanne. It may have been Jeanne. Regardless they were both cunts!
Is there much irrigation in those regions?

It's spotty and where there Is groundwater they've cut them back significantly on how much they can pump.

Those boys with water just need to accept reality and plant drought tolerant hybrids and quit hoping mother nature will come through. Big yield chasing days are over out there

The only people farming out here due it under what little irrigation there is. Everything else is grass.

It has been so hot and dry that the center pivots can’t even keep up. Virtually no crops made it and a ton of grass didn’t even come out of dormancy.

Most guys liquidated their herds down to just their best moms. It’s gonna be years before they get back to where they were at in 2019
Hurricane Ian update-

The dicey stuff for us in Polk County is going to be after dark which absolutely sucks. 11pm-8am could be shit show. Sustained winds of 50-60 mph with gusts up to 90. Hopefully my boys sleep through it. Going to be a long nite for me. Trying to predict when we will lose power. I'd guess we are up to 4-5" of rain since 4pm yesterday.

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Keep y'all updated as I can.
Hurricane Ian update-

The dicey stuff for us in Polk County is going to be after dark which absolutely sucks. 11pm-8am could be shit show. Sustained winds of 50-60 mph with gusts up to 90. Hopefully my boys sleep through it. Going to be a long nite for me. Trying to predict when we will lose power. I'd guess we are up to 4-5" of rain since 4pm yesterday.

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Keep y'all updated as I can.
Thanks for the update. Prayers and good thoughts for this storm to pass quickly and without extensive damage for you. The rain totals seem to have been less than what was predicted on the coast so that is a good sign. They initially predicted as much as 50" in Sarasota. 😱

Casey Key where we were going to stay was very near where the eye came ashore. My in-laws who own the house said power went out almost immediately and all the security cameras were blown down. They're not there as they live in Nashville, but they have caretakers and a security service. I guess the house did pretty well all things considered.

Stay safe and we're here for you.
Hurricane Ian update-

The dicey stuff for us in Polk County is going to be after dark which absolutely sucks. 11pm-8am could be shit show. Sustained winds of 50-60 mph with gusts up to 90. Hopefully my boys sleep through it. Going to be a long nite for me. Trying to predict when we will lose power. I'd guess we are up to 4-5" of rain since 4pm yesterday.

Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Keep y'all updated as I can.

Check in when you can bruh. Let us know you’re still alive.

So very lucky and fortunate. We never lost power!! It got real around 5pm yesterday. It was 12 hours of wondering what was going to come down, fly away, or when power was going out for good. Sustained winds were over 60mph with some gusts in 80s for a five hour stretch in the middle of night. We ended up with 13" of rain since Tuesday afternoon.

I lost about 80-90 ft of privacy fence and a lot limbs in the yard. Feel so lucky to get through Ian like we did. My boys did fantastic for being cooped up in the house for 36 plus hours. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Only one more month of hurricane season. Hope its very boring.
Hi-land milk little bottle like from the gas station.

Opened it right before the Judge walked in.

If it was a tactic to get me shook, it low key worked but it was just a status hearing so why play a card like that for this?
He pry wanted you to know that he has strong bones

He’s daring you to try and break him

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