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MLPFC Shit Posting

Finally hit a milestone today I've been working towards since I've started farming my own rented dirt 16 years ago. All 2022 crop inputs thus far (first half cash rent, herbicide, fertilizer, seed, 75% of fuel, etc) are done paid for in cash with an operating note at zero dollars just sitting on the sidelines in case of unexpected disaster. Very healthy cash reserve in the farm account with a little over 8,000 bushels of 2021 $8 corn in the bin yet to be sold or marketed. All the above even after I paid off the balance of my pickup loan that I just purchased last September.

Sorry for the humble brag but feels fucking good boys. I know I'm staring a drought in the face but with the past 3-5 years of well above average yields my crop insurance guarantees with the proven yield/prices are good enough that I'm not stressed a bit. First fucking time in my life I can say that.

Also not gonna lie if you ever needed some legal help I’d call in an Law air strike for you so powerful that you would feel like @bbenson67 in Nam.
Also not gonna lie if you ever needed some legal help I’d call in an Law air strike for you so powerful that you would feel like @bbenson67 in Nam.
Here is a peek behind the scenes. This is how things really worked in Viet Nam. I did this every couple of months when I wasn't in the field with the ARVN 9th Infantry Division.

The scenario. The G-3 (full colonel in charge of operations for the entire 4th Corps) comes over to my intelligence shop.

G-3: I was hoping you were back from the field. I've got an Arc Light (Classified SECRET term for a B-52 strike) scheduled and I need 3 primary and 3 secondary targets.

Me: Gets out the map and an overlay. I draw 6 2x3 kilometer boxes, primary in red and secondary in black, on the overlay and hand it to the G-3.

G-3: Thanks.

Me: Make sure to send me a BDA (Bomb Damage Assessment) so I can evaluate the targeting for future strikes.
Finally hit a milestone today I've been working towards since I've started farming my own rented dirt 16 years ago. All 2022 crop inputs thus far (first half cash rent, herbicide, fertilizer, seed, 75% of fuel, etc) are done paid for in cash with an operating note at zero dollars just sitting on the sidelines in case of unexpected disaster. Very healthy cash reserve in the farm account with a little over 8,000 bushels of 2021 $8 corn in the bin yet to be sold or marketed. All the above even after I paid off the balance of my pickup loan that I just purchased last September.

Sorry for the humble brag but feels fucking good boys. I know I'm staring a drought in the face but with the past 3-5 years of well above average yields my crop insurance guarantees with the proven yield/prices are good enough that I'm not stressed a bit. First fucking time in my life I can say that.
That is so very fricking awesome, Woodrow. Goals accomplished and peace of mind. Good for you.

Now could you work on world peace. J/k

Nice job, amigo!!

Also not gonna lie if you ever needed some legal help I’d call in an Law air strike for you so powerful that you would feel like @bbenson67 in Nam.
Am I allowed to put this same promise in my back pocket?
I’ve recently joined forces with the young Madoff nephew. He seems like a solid guy and I can’t imagine what could possibly geaux wrong.

May need yore help at some point, tho.

Finally hit a milestone today I've been working towards since I've started farming my own rented dirt 16 years ago. All 2022 crop inputs thus far (first half cash rent, herbicide, fertilizer, seed, 75% of fuel, etc) are done paid for in cash with an operating note at zero dollars just sitting on the sidelines in case of unexpected disaster. Very healthy cash reserve in the farm account with a little over 8,000 bushels of 2021 $8 corn in the bin yet to be sold or marketed. All the above even after I paid off the balance of my pickup loan that I just purchased last September.

Sorry for the humble brag but feels fucking good boys. I know I'm staring a drought in the face but with the past 3-5 years of well above average yields my crop insurance guarantees with the proven yield/prices are good enough that I'm not stressed a bit. First fucking time in my life I can say that.
ill keep fighting the good fight over here for you, but got damn thats shit i love to see

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