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MLPFC Shit Posting

Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-brow'd night,
Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.

You could make it a compare and contrast after discussing Romeo and Juliet and then show them West Side Story. The original with Natalie Wood is a masterpiece and it's fun to discuss the parallels with Shakespeare. Kind of like Madame Butterfly and Miss Saigon.
I usually force them to watch the crappy 90s movie with Leonardo Dicaprio.

They are assholes though. Being homeschooled for a year pretty much ruined them socially. They probably will like reading the play aloud though but good thing I’ll be gone for most of it due to basketball coaching.
I usually force them to watch the crappy 90s movie with Leonardo Dicaprio.

They are assholes though. Being homeschooled for a year pretty much ruined them socially. They probably will like reading the play aloud though but good thing I’ll be gone for most of it due to basketball coaching.
One of my favorite recent Shakespeare references was by Bill Bennett, the former Secretary of Education. He was on a panel and they were discussing Trump's character. There was a lot of piling on Trump but Bennett gave the perfect response. In his understated way he said well Trump may be Falstaff but Hillary is Lady Macbeth. Brilliant especially when you consider that Falstaff was redeemable but Lady Macbeth was most definitely not.
One of my favorite recent Shakespeare references was by Bill Bennett, the former Secretary of Education. He was on a panel and they were discussing Trump's character. There was a lot of piling on Trump but Bennett gave the perfect response. In his understated way he said well Trump may be Falstaff but Hillary is Lady Macbeth. Brilliant especially when you consider that Falstaff was redeemable but Lady Macbeth was most definitely not.
I try to show movie clips where you see his phrases. Explain to the kids that if nothing else, you’ll learn the reference.

One year I taught using a modern version of the play. We spent a lot of time with the actual text but there’s certain joy in watching a kid, who can barely read, understand the dirty joke/reference in Romeo and Juliet.
Fuck, I have to teach Romeo and Juliet to a bunch of assholes next week.

Woah woah woah. When I was matriculating at The Omaha Benson HS we put on Twelfth Night and I played the role of Sir Andrew Aguecheek. We had an Elizabethan stage built in the auditorium that went out into the audience and even had sword fighting lessons from some guy at the Omaha Playhouse.

What I learned from Shakespeare, among other things, was that the fool is usually the wisest one. At least in the farces. You really have to see the plays to appreciate Shakespeare as just reading it doesn't do it justice.

Enter the third murderer
Woah woah woah. When I was matriculating at The Omaha Benson HS we put on Twelfth Night and I played the role of Sir Andrew Aguecheek. We had an Elizabethan stage built in the auditorium that went out into the audience and even had sword fighting lessons from some guy at the Omaha Playhouse.

What I learned from Shakespeare, among other things, was that the fool is usually the wisest one. At least in the farces. You really have to see the plays to appreciate Shakespeare as just reading it doesn't do it justice.
My theater career peaked in 5th grade, where I starred as "Hansel" in "Hansel and Gretel". Unbeknownst to me at the time, my future bride was starring in the same play as "Gretel", albeit 400 miles to the north in frozen MN. Our fates, it seems, were destined to be intertwined. I don't know about you all, but I enjoy a good "intertwining" from time to time. 😎
Pacifico beer is amazingly good and it supports the people of Mazatlan, one my favorite places in Mexico where I had a condo for 20 years. But any beer tastes pretty darn good with your kind of setting.
Yeah Pacifico is good. Trying to get a round of golf booked for the mrs and I tomorrow morning down here. Some cool looking courses when we drove in from the airport.
12 days?? Not bad iyam, considering the fucked supply-chain in the country. Can't get parts for anything.......


its made in Cockeye and owned by Whirpool (Michigan)

ain't no ship waiting off the coast of california

probs just some fat Cockeye fan took the entire Christmas week off

God Damnit @22*43*51
Cockeye State going for loss number 5 with less than a seven point margin.

Coming after the champs.

Touted as their "best team ever!" at the beginning of the season, with a Heisman hopeful at QB.


Nebraska with a bunch of backups played Cockeye way better than Cockeye State did

Warms the heart to know that if Nubs were still in the Big 12 we would have went 9-3
Got invited to the neighbors for New Year’s Day.

They are from the South and having a big traditional southern meal.

But I just found out they don’t have a TV or cable…and I love gambling on bowl games.

Gonna be tested like Jesus in the desert.
Got invited to the neighbors for New Year’s Day.

They are from the South and having a big traditional southern meal.

But I just found out they don’t have a TV or cable…and I love gambling on bowl games.

Gonna be tested like Jesus in the desert.
Our college crew is scheduled to convene for our annual NYE soirée, but one of the lads was definitely exposed to the virus on Monday (also caught it last year). The great debate raging in the text thread is whether to ignore it and have him & his wife attend, or insist on a negative test result.

For context, we’re all 60+ and all but one couple has had the vaccine. The anti-vaxer also has heart issues, so it could potentially be a death sentence for him. He’s smoking the ribs and insisting that he’s “in”.

At this point, I’m torn. I really don’t want this shit, and I’ve had the jab+booster (J&J), but attending seems foolish if the exposed dude decides to attend.

ricky bobby idk GIF
Our college crew is scheduled to convene for our annual NYE soirée, but one of the lads was definitely exposed to the virus on Monday (also caught it last year). The great debate raging in the text thread is whether to ignore it and have him & his wife attend, or insist on a negative test result.

For context, we’re all 60+ and all but one couple has had the vaccine. The anti-vaxer also has heart issues, so it could potentially be a death sentence for him. He’s smoking the ribs and insisting that he’s “in”.

At this point, I’m torn. I really don’t want this shit, and I’ve had the jab+booster (J&J), but attending seems foolish if the exposed dude decides to attend.

ricky bobby idk GIF

My advice is to just run the damn ball and drink heavily.

Alcohol kills germs

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