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MLPFC Shit Posting

Went to the lake with the baby and wifey.

Had a picnic, played and ran around. Saw a bunch of fish.

Get back in the pickup and I have 12 text messages. Oh no somebody is dead. Nope Frost retained and shitty assistant fired.

Lake was way down, no idea what it was like when you were here @LoudHogRider but last time we were here the water was probably 12-15 feet higher

Listing to the smooth stylings of KRVN.....
Side note, I think Biden had been a horrible president so far and not a fan of his but the let’s go Brandon thing is so dumb imo
Side note, I think Biden had been a horrible president so far and not a fan of his but the let’s go Brandon thing is so dumb imo
I actually agree, though I felt it was appropriate to include it in my response given his administration's policies that have decimated our domestic oil production leading to the high prices being discussed ITT. I didn't vote for the man nor do I care for the direction his administration is taking this country, but he's our President. I felt the same way under the 8 years of the Obama administration. Gotta respect the office.
I actually agree, though I felt it was appropriate to include it in my response given his administration's policies that have decimated our domestic oil production leading to the high prices being discussed ITT. I didn't vote for the man nor do I care for the direction his administration is taking this country, but he's our President. I felt the same way under the 8 years of the Obama administration. Gotta respect the office.
Similar to cheering on the good guys at 10th & Vine no matter who the coach is, huh? 😎

Side note, I think Biden had been a horrible president so far and not a fan of his but the let’s go Brandon thing is so dumb imo

I think its hilarious. "Fuck Joe Biden" and Let's go Brandon aren't remotely Similar, but that's media for you.

I don't wish failure upon any president as it affects us all directly, but there's simply no hope with this fucking vegetable
I think its hilarious. "Fuck Joe Biden" and Let's go Brandon aren't remotely Similar, but that's media for you.

I don't wish failure upon any president as it affects us all directly, but there's simply no hope with this fucking vegetable
I picture the blue hairs sitting in the stadium at a college football game when the “FJB” chant starts. And one leans over to the other and asks “What are they saying?” Funny shit, imo.

Side note, I think Biden had been a horrible president so far and not a fan of his but the let’s go Brandon thing is so dumb imo

I’m not sure you’re aware of how it all started but IMO it’s an indictment of US media more so than true disdain for Biden.

Also after 12 years of calling Bush and Trump “are worse than the Nazis” (Google search will show multiple articles literally saying this) and 4 years the media/celebs/Libs cheering for people yelling Fuck Trump/flipping off Trump/holding up a bloody decapitated head of Trump… it’s kind of hard to argue “let’s go Brandon” is bad.

I agree it’s dumb, if the media didn’t cry about it so much I assume it would be done… and yet here we are with Pearl clutching hysteria that will only further invigorate the people saying Let’s Go Brandon.

PS: Biden failing at everything isn’t helping
I’m not sure you’re aware of how it all started but IMO it’s an indictment of US media more so than true disdain for Biden.

Also after 12 years of calling Bush and Trump “are worse than the Nazis” (Google search will show multiple articles literally saying this) and 4 years the media/celebs/Libs cheering for people yelling Fuck Trump/flipping off Trump/holding up a bloody decapitated head of Trump… it’s kind of hard to argue “let’s go Brandon” is bad.

I agree it’s dumb, if the media didn’t cry about it so much I assume it would be done… and yet here we are with Pearl clutching hysteria that will only further invigorate the people saying Let’s Go Brandon.

PS: Biden failing at everything isn’t helping
I don’t disagree and am fully aware of its origin, just think it’s dumb
I don’t disagree and am fully aware of its origin, just think it’s dumb

Frankly I wish Biden would start being somewhat successful.

I don’t cheer against the USA cuz my political party isn’t in charge.

Right now he has literally failed at everything, hoping something works but seeing the incompetence at all levels is shocking.

It’s kind of amazing to see, I’m borderline thinking it’s intentional after seeing the Sec of Energy and the comptroller Nominee openly talking about intentionally bankrupting US industries in order to create a green utopia. (Utopia is Greek for an imaginary place were everything is perfect. A fact oft overlooked by the common American usage.)

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