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MLPFC Shit Posting

so what are you doing during the sale? theres 5,000 things to do so im curious what your focus is on
Announce cattle and info as they come in the ring, take phone calls, stay in touch with the main guy that pushes cattle up the alley telling him when to bring up certain consignments. Watch the crowd for bids, swing my flag out the block window to push new cuts in. That's the main things I focused on yesterday
Survived my first sale day as manager bronies, glad to have that first one under my belt and out of the way.

My first sale happened to be on the every other month week that the holstein special is held ( @scotchfrost9697 is probably the only guy that will understand that misery )

I think I aged 10 years in 9 hours today. Should live to see 43, maybe 45 at this pace
Update: I just ate 7 slices of cheese pizza from Pizza Hut

NOBODY out pizzas the Hut

PS: I’m drunk
@Woodrow F Call ........think maybe it's time we both make a little road trip to see our drunken friend here and see if we can cheer him up.......😎

I'm right there in the "upgrade cycle" myself. The 1/2 ton Dodge I've got now with the gasoline Hemi motor (5.7) is actually "not bad" on mileage when I'm not towing the camper. However ... that goes to crap when I'm towing (between 6-8 mpg depending on headwinds, and I'm invariably driving INTO a 25 mph headwind). The motor is strong, but it really needs the RPM's to hold highway speeds, and long term I don't like motors running that hard.

I have a "tentative agreement" with Mrs. LHR that I'll grab a 3/4 ton diesel if/when Bitcoin* touches $100K. I already have a "saved search" out there on the interwebs on a couple of sites to track the market (expensive AF) for these rides when the time comes.

* full disclosure: I don't own any actual crypto anymore, but I do own a lot of GDLC, MARA and RIOT, all of which are tied to the value of BTC. Run, baby, run.
I wish I understood investing lol. I’m a retart when it comes to understanding it so I max out my 401k and use a robo investor which does okay for me but I know I could be miles better financially if I understood the stuff
I wish I understood investing lol. I’m a retart when it comes to understanding it so I max out my 401k and use a robo investor which does okay for me but I know I could be miles better financially if I understood the stuff

If you are saving for retirement at any level you are in the top 10% of Americans

Don’t worry, you can’t take it with you and inflation will wipe out your savings anyways and then all your assets will be seized by Jack boot wearing IRS agents because you went over your week’s electricity ration limit. Keep it up and you will have your bug bar rations cut in half. Now go get in line for this months booster shot and get your mat out and kneel to say your morning prayers toward DC.

I wish I understood investing lol. I’m a retart when it comes to understanding it so I max out my 401k and use a robo investor which does okay for me but I know I could be miles better financially if I understood the stuff
I'm pretty much self taught about investing but I had a business partner for a few years in the '90s in a completely unrelated field who had been a broker for Smith Barney on Wall St. He was very wise for a Colorado grad and aside from the wonderful Big 8/Big 12 conversations he gave me some very helpful investing tips.

He advised being pretty aggressive when you're younger, younger being defined as if you lose it you have time to theoretically make it up.

Accept the highest level of risk you can tolerate but don't be reckless unless it's mad money you won't miss if you lose it.

Unless you really have inside information index funds are a good way to at least keep up with the market and they minimize impulsiveness based on good or bad news. You're in this for the long haul after all.

But he said the ultimate test of your investment strategy is what he called the sleep test. If your investments constantly keep you from sleeping then you probably need to dial back your risk. He said there's nothing wrong with lower returns if they keep you sane.
I'm pretty much self taught about investing but I had a business partner for a few years in the '90s in a completely unrelated field who had been a broker for Smith Barney on Wall St. He was very wise for a Colorado grad and aside from the wonderful Big 8/Big 12 conversations he gave me some very helpful investing tips.

He advised being pretty aggressive when you're younger, younger being defined as if you lose it you have time to theoretically make it up.

Accept the highest level of risk you can tolerate but don't be reckless unless it's mad money you won't miss if you lose it.

Unless you really have inside information index funds are a good way to at least keep up with the market and they minimize impulsiveness based on good or bad news. You're in this for the long haul after all.

But he said the ultimate test of your investment strategy is what he called the sleep test. If your investments constantly keep you from sleeping then you probably need to dial back your risk. He said there's nothing wrong with lower returns if they keep you sane.
Liking everything you’ve posted here UNTIL the “I-word” showed up in the next to last paragraph. Age old discussion whether managed funds can out-perform the dreaded indexed funds. Have my own opinion, obviously.

Liking everything you’ve posted here UNTIL the “I-word” showed up in the next to last paragraph. Age old discussion whether managed funds can out-perform the dreaded indexed funds. Have my own opinion, obviously.

That's fair. I think his larger point was to not have novice investors jumping right into day trading. FWIW, I've owned managed funds in the past and they performed well so I understand the debate.
That's fair. I think his larger point was to not have novice investors jumping right into day trading. FWIW, I've owned managed funds in the past and they performed well so I understand the debate.

If you've never jumped into some commodity markets where its limit down 7 days in a row and next you thing you know you're down 80k and have to sell something just to cover margin calls have you really lived?

That was my best education ever
If you've never jumped into some commodity markets where its limit down 7 days in a row and next you thing you know you're down 80k and have to sell something just to cover margin calls have you really lived?

That was my best education ever
I made a small fortune on cotton in the late ‘80’s. Lost it all on sugar (actual sugar - not booger sugar) less than two weeks later. Haven’t touched commodities since.
If you've never jumped into some commodity markets where its limit down 7 days in a row and next you thing you know you're down 80k and have to sell something just to cover margin calls have you really lived?

That was my best education ever
Can’t tell ya how much fun that sounds like……😱

If you boys wanna invest get your ass to Marysville livestock and own some feeders next Thursday. They're the new bitcoin

This feels like something that would go viral if you made it your official marketing phrase.

I think it’s a great idea to run with, it’s funny and self deprecating and bitcoin is just mainstream enough for it to catch on like wild fire with the general public.
Went to the lake with the baby and wifey.

Had a picnic, played and ran around. Saw a bunch of fish.

Get back in the pickup and I have 12 text messages. Oh no somebody is dead. Nope Frost retained and shitty assistant fired.

Lake was way down, no idea what it was like when you were here @LoudHogRider but last time we were here the water was probably 12-15 feet higher

Went to the lake with the baby and wifey.

Had a picnic, played and ran around. Saw a bunch of fish.

Get back in the pickup and I have 12 text messages. Oh no somebody is dead. Nope Frost retained and shitty assistant fired.

Lake was way down, no idea what it was like when you were here @LoudHogRider but last time we were here the water was probably 12-15 feet higher

It was down based on the shoreline and boat access ramp on the camping side. We really enjoyed the overnight stay there - beautiful & peaceful. I see why you love it out that way.

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