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MLPFC Shit Posting

Is this some silmarilion shit? That's fine, but I sure hope you were recently mowing hay or used Google to jog the memory. Otherwise, referencing tuor from gondolin is akin to learning to speak Klingon, which Google automatically capitalized.
*pushes glasses up*

First of all it’s The Silmarillion AND Unfinished Tales. (2 books) The details of Tuor finding Gondolin was really more featured in Unfinshed Tales.

Last time I listened to the audio books was probably flying across the world (19 hour flight to Cape Town) so that was several years ago. Pelini was the coach.

Second, when compared to Lord of the Rings, Star Trek is for beta virgins. Stories about stun guns and communists in space vs. a story that Tolkien came up with while fighting in the trenches in WW1.

Gettin’ a little deep in here, boyz. Keep in mind that this is a shit-posting thread. 😎

I've got a video and some pics, they'll be on the barn facecock page tomorrow
i liked the page right after you took over, i will keep my eyes peeled.

im not a big time buyer by any means, but i like to snag a deal here and there. For example, last month on a rainy friday i bought this first calf fall pair for $1400. Shes raising a good calf and is fairly docile. CC6E1588-2BAD-44B0-AEF3-C36F1361D66C.jpeg
Apparently out here some guys are switching to more Hereford or south poll cattle cuz they are better on mostly shitty grass and having to walk for water. (not completely switching, just adding some to their operations)

I know you guys didn’t have drought like we did and you have way more crop ground so idk if you are seeing a % shift. I’m guessing it’s still all angus or angus cross for you guys. @Woodrow F Call @scotchfrost9697

PS: idk if I told you the story about the ranch averaging ~2,000 rounds a summer but this summer only got 70. Crazy dry. They sold off almost all cuz if you’re paying an arm and a leg to feed cows in the winter you’re losing money.
Apparently out here some guys are switching to more Hereford or south poll cattle cuz they are better on mostly shitty grass and having to walk for water. (not completely switching, just adding some to their operations)

I know you guys didn’t have drought like we did and you have way more crop ground so idk if you are seeing a % shift. I’m guessing it’s still all angus or angus cross for you guys. @Woodrow F Call @scotchfrost9697

PS: idk if I told you the story about the ranch averaging ~2,000 rounds a summer but this summer only got 70. Crazy dry. They sold off almost all cuz if you’re paying an arm and a leg to feed cows in the winter you’re losing money.
ive seen a few more hereford bulls than usual but still mainly angus/simm. we are mostly angus. we (me dad brother) run about 200 cows and the rest of my family (grandpa, uncles, cousin) run probably another 300 cows altogether & id say we are 95% black angus & dont see a switch but we can run more/acre. @Woodrow F Call i believe can run even more/acre his way.
ive seen a few more hereford bulls than usual but still mainly angus/simm. we are mostly angus. we (me dad brother) run about 200 cows and the rest of my family (grandpa, uncles, cousin) run probably another 300 cows altogether & id say we are 95% black angus & dont see a switch but we can run more/acre. @Woodrow F Call i believe can run even more/acre his way.

Yep that’s what I figured.

a lot of guys out here can’t even rotational graze, it’s just 1 time on pasture then move em and come back next year

I remember working cows with my buddies in high school (around Falls City) and they ran a 60 day rotation with ease. We would come back to a pasture after 2 months and the grass/forage was better/higher than it was before we ran a mob on it. My grandpa would have killed for that shit.
Apparently out here some guys are switching to more Hereford or south poll cattle cuz they are better on mostly shitty grass and having to walk for water. (not completely switching, just adding some to their operations)

I know you guys didn’t have drought like we did and you have way more crop ground so idk if you are seeing a % shift. I’m guessing it’s still all angus or angus cross for you guys. @Woodrow F Call @scotchfrost9697

PS: idk if I told you the story about the ranch averaging ~2,000 rounds a summer but this summer only got 70. Crazy dry. They sold off almost all cuz if you’re paying an arm and a leg to feed cows in the winter you’re losing money.

Most black or black simm cross. Getting to be more and more charolais bulls than anything

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