Dude...After perusing RSS for a while this evening, I’ve come to realize it’s nothing more than that hot but crazy as shit girlfriend you had in college.
You knew she was fucked up, but she was so hot, would be down for anything you could come up with, and constantly wanted to blow you whenever you were just to see if she could get caught doing it.
You’d break up with her, but suddenly it was 2 in the morning, yer drunk and realized you haven’t stuck your hank, big toe and left thumb in any orifices lately, so you call her and she’s ready to go...but like halfway through the dirty, you realize, shit...she’s gonna wanna go all stage 5 clinger again, will want you to talk to her afterwards, and when you try to sneak out she goes all fucking nuts again. Yelling and screaming at your for the most benign bullshit.
and then yer done with her forever...or at least until you’ve had 3 cocktails and your Left thumb needs somewhere to go.
RSS...she’s a viscous cycle.