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If you “transitioned” to a female during your prime…

am i a bad, ignorant or bigoted person because if one of my boys told me they were transitioning to female my response would be...
am i a bad, ignorant or bigoted person because if one of my boys told me they were transitioning to female my response would be...
One of the most degenerate members of my extended friend group in college (dude "accidentally" ran up a massive tab at full nude strip club in Denver in a private room (had maybe $10-$15 IIRC) and we all had to bail him out before getting annihilated by the bouncer) apparently transitioned a couple years ago. Always something like that went down. Dropped off from connecting with anyone (would assume they felt self-conscious about the whole thing), but feels pretty weird in retrospect and probably like they were compensating pretty hard.
Well no shit Sherlock. Just keeping him honest. His argument for disproving trans people is 'because science' and is the same type of justification that people like yall used to excuse hatred and bigotry towards gays.
Who has hatred and bigotry towards gays? My nephew is gay and I don't have hatred or bigotry towards him. I don't hate trans people. I honestly believe that they have a mental illnesses. I don't hate someone with multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia.
Well no shit Sherlock. Just keeping him honest. His argument for disproving trans people is 'because science' and is the same type of justification that people like yall used to excuse hatred and bigotry towards gays.
I’m not bigoted towards gays.

If anything the trans fad is more damaging to them than women/girls.
I’m not bigoted towards gays.

If anything the trans fad is more damaging to them than women/girls.
It’s not a fad, there was a ton of research and studies on transgender individuals going back to pre-nazi Germany.
Who has hatred and bigotry towards gays? My nephew is gay and I don't have hatred or bigotry towards him. I don't hate trans people. I honestly believe that they have a mental illnesses. I don't hate someone with multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia.

I wasn't saying that you hate people who are gay. My point was that what you're saying about trans folks - boiling it down to nothing more than a mental illness, and 22 saying it's just a fad - is the same type of ignorant bullshit that people said about the homosexual community for decades and was seen as justification for hatred, bigotry, abuse, etc etc. You guys are using the same playbook.
It’s not a fad, there was a ton of research and studies on transgender individuals going back to pre-nazi Germany.
Go ahead and tell those girls they lost to a theoretical concept.

I don’t think it will make them feel better.
I wasn't saying that you hate people who are gay. My point was that what you're saying about trans folks - boiling it down to nothing more than a mental illness, and 22 saying it's just a fad - is the same type of ignorant bullshit that people said about the homosexual community for decades and was seen as justification for hatred, bigotry, abuse, etc etc. You guys are using the same playbook.
Leave the poor gay community out of this. All they wanted was equal treatment, not to appropriate womanhood.

You’re trying hard to hang the “bigoted” label on people, because you’re defending a mental disorder.

It’s an untenable position. I would try to deflect too.
You bruh’s are so woke. Get me a fuckin ice latte asap

My 5 year old niece is identifying as a unicorn right now. Can someone advise me on the correct pronoun?
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Gender is social construct and what gender means is obviously a culturally relative point.

Can really tell who got baked and vibed in fr. philosophy v. who is decidedly unchill ITT

If this is true, why does it matter which you identify as

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