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Fall camp thread 2024

Not even what we are discussing. We all agree with that. Literally NO ONE is saying that we should pull Raiola out and bring in Haarberg to sling it around the field.

We are discussing HHs running abilities. Is Haarberg a better runner than you gave him credit for, or was our OL just elite last year?

Obviously our OL wasn't elite and Haarberg deserves more credit as a runner. And that's simply the point we are trying to make. Haarberg is a good runner and their are situations and packages that it will be a benefit to have him in there.
I was using hyperbole, mon frere.

I do, though, give him credit for shitting the bed at the worst possible times last year.

I know Rhule said he’s happy with HH’s abilities as QB this year but he was saying the same stuff last year too.

Basically, the less he plays QB the more I like our chances of winning.
In more important news Gary sharp hinted this morning that balloons are coming back
This would be amazing. One of the most memorable and fun CFB traditions, so much fun as a kid to run outside after a touchdown & watch the sky fill up. Got us so much free national PR. Can't believe Turd killed it to save a few bucks.
This is an impressive thread. I'll see my way out. We can talk after this first couple games and see if he gets any snaps. I think people need to be prepared to see it. I'll trust the coaches know a bit more than us on the message board.
Not sure about that, there is a lot of football expertise obtained by playing 2nd string long snapper on a class D1 football team it appears.
As i've been telling people all along, we have a running QB package for goalline, short yardage, and in case we need to get Raiola off the field for a play or series. We also have some packages of him at H-back/TE where he and Raiola are on the field at the same time.

He will get 10-15 snaps.
I'm late to the party on all of this, but I guess the issue I see with this is that if he is truly the #2 QB, then he should be focusing solely on QB, because he wasn't a very good QB last year and needs all the help he can get there. If the coaches instead think he is too good to not keep on the field, then he should switch positions and have another QB who is solely focused on that job to be the #2. Isn't there some saying that if you are okay at a lot of things, then you are great at nothing? Now, I'm not saying he will ever be a great QB, but if he is going to be a QB, then be a QB, otherwise switch positions.

If, however, he is only going to be used as a QB in goal line/short yardage, then that is an entirely different situation. In that case he is obviously still a QB, and is just being used differently than DR.

I believe there was even discussion of this last year when he was the backup to Sims and the coaches and/or fans wanted him as a TE. It seems that the time that he had spent learning other positions in practice last year prior to the season would have been better spent focusing on QB as it became his job after 1 game. And, there is always the possibility that could happen again. That is at least my problem with him being used in all these different ways, instead of focusing on getting a whole hell of a lot better at QB.
Agreed, Raiola will get his snaps there. But between being on the field WITH Raiola, some short yardage midfield, and some goalline stuff he could see 10-15 when you couple in his H-back/TE/Slot work. Could also see 3 snaps if there's no need and we are saving stuff.

People need to remember that the only way you keep Haarberg around for 2024 is by saying even if you don't win the starting QB job you still have a role and will play.. That was preached to him from the second Raiola signed because Nebraska didn't want to only have 2 scholarship QBs on the roster, and true freshmen at that.

Situationally he is better than any name anyone can throw out there for our offense. He can run better than Raiola, he can block better than Lloyd or Barney, he can throw better than the RBs. There's a place for him. What if NDSU has success with plays like this against Colorado? You doing this with Raiola or Haarberg?

No, I agree with you on all of this. I just don't think the snap count will be that high personally unless it's an unusual game situationally.

And as you mentioned, I'm all for a thick kid that is going to be a thumper on the goal line running Q power and getting a +1 on the goaline. We run a ton of P&P, and it's even better as a Q run or a speed/sprint option in SY situations. I just don't think every situation where he has a package for, he'll come trotting out for...nor should they. We're on the same page...
Also... all this HH fumble security talk. I think you need to consider the fact that he was getting his first playing time at Nebraska and more importantly, at QB. How much of his concentration was on the playcalls and the line checks vs security of the ball. If his role has been reduced I'd hope his focus on ball security would rise and he can just go play and be athletic near the goaline.
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Thanks, I was going to post this too.

I think a couple in this thread might be falling for a bit of backwards familiarity bias and see haarberg as more of an uncomfortable runner than he actually is because of the times he’s awkwardly stood straight up into contact when he’s trying to do quarterbacky things too.

He’s shown the ability to be a tough strong runner when he’s not thinking about quarterbacking.

That being said, the first time he fumbles on the goal line should be the last time and he should start practicing his clipboard form after that
Thank you for saying…uh…what didn’t come to my mind but is still a flawless description.
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