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Fall camp thread 2024

He will get 10-15 snaps.
I think if Haarberg goes in at the 5 yard line knowing his job is to take a snap, secure the ball and use 10 blockers to move forward - we’ll see the most effective version of Haarberg possible.

Last year when his job was to read the defense, make decisions, find a tight window to potentially throw to or pull the ball down and run - it wasn’t in his wheelhouse.
Just trying to give you the coaches perspective here...

You don't think there's anything that HH can do better on the football field than those two? Not one thing?
Other than throwing a football, I'm struggling to think of what HH would do better than those two. And we already found another guy better at throwing the football than HH.
10-15 snaps per game. Short yardage/goalline package probably will get 5 or so, H-back/TE/RB probably will get 5 or so. Up or down based on situations.

Don't believe it to be misdirection unless we are practicing misdirection as well.
If true then it will last as long as it takes him to commit his first fumble on the goal line. Which if we are lucky is game 1.
I think if Haarberg goes in at the 5 yard line knowing his job is to take a snap, secure the ball and use 10 blockers to move forward - we’ll see the most effective version of Haarberg possible.

Last year when his job was to read the defense, make decisions, find a tight window to potentially throw to or pull the ball down and run - it wasn’t in his wheelhouse.
You mean, like thinking and shit?
I remember posting that I'd tater the first one who said we need Haarberg on the field with DR. Of course I assumed that would come from someone here and not from the coaching staff directly. Not sure how to tater Satt
I think if Haarberg goes in at the 5 yard line knowing his job is to take a snap, secure the ball and use 10 blockers to move forward - we’ll see the most effective version of Haarberg possible.

Last year when his job was to read the defense, make decisions, find a tight window to potentially throw to or pull the ball down and run - it wasn’t in his wheelhouse.
This is where i'm at. He doesn't need to do 200 plays, he needs to have 20 he can do with one read and go (if he's QB). He provides some value at other spots over a guy like Fidone at H-back.
Other than throwing a football, I'm struggling to think of what HH would do better than those two. And we already found another guy better at throwing the football than HH.
He can move side to side and block better than Fidone, especially from the H-back spot. It's why first game of 2023 we subbed guys in like.... wait for it..... Haarberg for Fidone. He also can throw better than Fidone.

Still not taking Fidone off the field much because I expect an all-conference year out of him, but there are definitely things HH can do better than pretty much anyone you would list offensively dependent on situation. I believe that's why our coaches are adamant to get him on the field.
I'm really not understanding the hate for HH in this thread. Do I want him as our QB? No. Raiola needs to stay healthy. Situationally does he have a place on the field for 10-15 snaps? Absolutely.

What if we have him in with Fidone and he's in the H-back or slot, we run a tunnel screen to Barney or Banks? Then we have plays built off of that where he's running free outside where he has to outrun an OLB that he is more than capable of?
I think if Haarberg goes in at the 5 yard line knowing his job is to take a snap, secure the ball and use 10 blockers to move forward - we’ll see the most effective version of Haarberg possible.

Last year when his job was to read the defense, make decisions, find a tight window to potentially throw to or pull the ball down and run - it wasn’t in his wheelhouse.
This has been my thoughts exactly. People have dramatically oversold the concept that Haarberg can only run in a straight with a hole in front of him. Is he Dennard Robinson? Not even close. But his running abilities are closer to Taylor Martinez. Things will be as simple as possible when/if he is ever in at QB. He won't be making reads AND he likely will have the benefit of the radio in his helmet in that situation too, so Satt will be able to help remind him of his role.

But I also don't think he will see the majority of his snaps at QB. We will likely get wildcat situational packages at QB, but I don't see that being north of 5 snaps a game. What we will see more of is him on the field with Raiola taking the snap still, with him as an H-back. We saw it a few times against Minnesota last year, and I think we will see more of it this year too.

The reality is that he is one of the best athletes on the team and is a legitimate threat to house it any time he touches the ball. In a proper role, Haarberg is a legitimate weapon. I don't know why that is hard for people to grasp...
I'm really not understanding the hate for HH in this thread. Do I want him as our QB? No. Raiola needs to stay healthy. Situationally does he have a place on the field for 10-15 snaps? Absolutely.

What if we have him in with Fidone and he's in the H-back or slot, we run a tunnel screen to Barney or Banks? Then we have plays built off of that where he's running free outside where he has to outrun an OLB that he is more than capable of?
This is where I am. This time last year, people on here were clamoring for him to be used exactly that way. He's too good of an athlete not to find something to use him for.

Everyone wants to shit on him for the turnovers last year, which is justified. But, it's not like we haven't seen a million times the impact of simplifying the playbook can have on a guy, and if you're asking him to get really good at 10 plays rather than 200, that's going to help.

Could it turn into a disaster? Sure. But could it work out to get us a few positive plays? Also sure.
He can move side to side and block better than Fidone, especially from the H-back spot. It's why first game of 2023 we subbed guys in like.... wait for it..... Haarberg for Fidone. He also can throw better than Fidone.

Still not taking Fidone off the field much because I expect an all-conference year out of him, but there are definitely things HH can do better than pretty much anyone you would list offensively dependent on situation. I believe that's why our coaches are adamant to get him on the field.
Yes. Our #2 QB can throw better than our top TE.

10-15 snaps a game?

Or do you mean this year?

I think all this HH stuff is just misdirection. Last year they claimed the same type of thing about Bonner. Coaches put stuff out there to confuse and misdirect opponents to screw up their preparation. Two or three years ago it was Rahmir Johnson will catch 80 passes out of the backfield.
Bonner had 130+ snaps last year. So, somewhere between 10-15 a game.
We were in the 100s in red zone conversion and red zone scoring with harberg last year. The I want him no where near the end zone
He won’t be taking snaps at the 20 on 3rd and 8.

All the hate/concern is valid. HH had some real bone headed plays last year and cost us MSU… almost UMD but Purdy had a hand in that, too. We’ve locked in on those really bad plays that prevented a bowl game.


He did also contribute to us winning our five last year. He showed a dynamic running ability. And I think it’s unfair to transfer all of those errors to the scenario we are talking about here. HH won’t be called on to throw the ball anytime soon unless there is a gimmick attached to it. He’ll be practicing a tight set of scenarios and hopefully execute those pretty well. I see him as a wildcat with the added benefit that the backers will fear the jump pass or or any other kind of pass more so than if we have Nelson, Fidone, or Dowdell in that spot.
As i've been telling people all along, we have a running QB package for goalline, short yardage, and in case we need to get Raiola off the field for a play or series. We also have some packages of him at H-back/TE where he and Raiola are on the field at the same time.

He will get 10-15 snaps.
HH is not an actual runner. He showed zero ability to be an effective ballcarrier unless he was wide wide wide open.

He always hesitated right before contact and showed no vision.

Just no.

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