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Do you know a waterboy / insideher? (4 Viewers)


Heisman Winner
Correct. Literally all information starts at NCIU.
driving chris farley GIF


I don’t know anyone but my super smart brain could invent some juicy rumors.

For example, Dylan Raiola is pregnant.
He’s not pregnant. He was just seen hanging out around Tracey Morgan at the Walmart on 27th and Superior.

So at best he is LIKELY pregnant


100 & havin fun GBR !!
westernt NE 80 acres
I figured I would put this post out just in case there's any untapped sources out there that we could get some more information or nugs from this year. We do still have access to our waterboy(s) from last year and obviously still all of our usual sources, but the more the merrier. I think this year will be one where a lot of people are interested in what is going on at practice and behind the scenes with Dylan Raiola and all of the other big changes around the program.

So, if you know a "waterboy" or anyone that works within or close to the program - or have any other inside source that would be willing to give us some nugs, please let me know. I think most of you know but we get info from basically everywhere - "waterboys" on the team, referees at practice, mid-high level boosters, relatives of coaches, realtors, hotel employees, etc etc.

We are not an official "media" company, which can be good and bad. Bad that we aren't just handed access like Rivals, 247, Tater Island, etc are. But good in that we don't have to get approval to share any info that we get; and I think we have proven that our info is typically better than all of there's is as well. The University can dictate what those other companies can and cannot share. We just do whatever we want.

What we can offer you and/or your insideher:

-Money. We could set up a monthly amount for practice write-ups plus additional for any juicy random nugs.
-Free membership(s)
-Love and affection
-Free tax advice from @Jim14510

Anonymity would obviously be guaranteed

We have always gone out of the way to ensure that the identity of our sources are never compromised. I do not even know the names of any of the waterboys we have used. If there is ever info that would get back to the person who supplied it, we will not post it.

With all that said, if you know anyone please let one of us know.
<3 8—>

alt f4

So, @alt f4 are you back in this coming season?

Last fall was amazing with Saturdays off. I did miss the practices though. Was able to go to a few games with the boys and my dad, tailgate with wife and daughter.

Rhule doesn't have in season officials anyways. Just for scrimmages in spring and fall.


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Last fall was amazing with Saturdays off. I did miss the practices though. Was able to go to a few games with the boys and my dad, tailgate with wife and daughter.

Rhule doesn't have in season officials anyways. Just for scrimmages in spring and fall.
Sounds like it was a darn good year for you. I was just curious if you were doing the practice thing again. Thanks for the insight on how that works with Rhule now.

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