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And so it begins...(tracking Coach Prime decommits/transfers) (8 Viewers)


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
Steve Harvey Reaction GIF


Well this thread got interesting with only 2 months until the game.

I think everyone who's discussing CU needs to ask two big questions before you prop them up at all:

1. Can Pat Shurmur really become an upgrade to Sean Lewis?

2. Can Robert Livingston, who's never coordinated a defense before, suddenly come in and insert a brand new scheme at the college level, where he has zero coaching experience?

I think everyone should be respectful of Shadildo' s talent mixed with 4 legit receivers. That's their team. That's their strength. You hit on 3 or 4 vertical routes and Nebraska makes some mistakes, and that's the anatomy for a loss.

But they have some serious questions.

Pat Shurmur couldn't buy an nfl assistant job. He has been fired more than Billy Martin. The only reason he got the CU job was because he lived in the Denver area. His hiring was by default.

CU couldn't find a DC. They didn't even know what defense they were going to run until after they brought in most of their transfers. Let's think about that for a minute. They were recruiting personnel to a scheme that didn't exist. This is how you sign a 6'0 285 lb D-Tackle to be an interior linemen in the 4-2-5. Their projected interior defensive linemen will be the smaller than what Nebraska will face vs UTEP or Northern Cockeye.

If you're going to run a 4-2-5, your defensive tackles have to keep offensive linemen off your linebackers or teams are going to kill you in the run game. Mazzucca and Ben Scott are going to just absolutely feast on that interior.

As for Shadildo Sanders the draft pick, I think he needs to clean up his maturity act or he will FALL in the draft. No doubt he has top 5 talent. But I believe his entitlement act is going to really scare teams in the interview room. His antics have "last guy sitting in the draft room" written all over him.


Running Back
Elite Member
Well this thread got interesting with only 2 months until the game.

I think everyone who's discussing CU needs to ask two big questions before you prop them up at all:

1. Can Pat Shurmur really become an upgrade to Sean Lewis?

2. Can Robert Livingston, who's never coordinated a defense before, suddenly come in and insert a brand new scheme at the college level, where he has zero coaching experience?

I think everyone should be respectful of Shadildo' s talent mixed with 4 legit receivers. That's their team. That's their strength. You hit on 3 or 4 vertical routes and Nebraska makes some mistakes, and that's the anatomy for a loss.

But they have some serious questions.

Pat Shurmur couldn't buy an nfl assistant job. He has been fired more than Billy Martin. The only reason he got the CU job was because he lived in the Denver area. His hiring was by default.

CU couldn't find a DC. They didn't even know what defense they were going to run until after they brought in most of their transfers. Let's think about that for a minute. They were recruiting personnel to a scheme that didn't exist. This is how you sign a 6'0 285 lb D-Tackle to be an interior linemen in the 4-2-5. Their projected interior defensive linemen will be the smaller than what Nebraska will face vs UTEP or Northern Cockeye.

If you're going to run a 4-2-5, your defensive tackles have to keep offensive linemen off your linebackers or teams are going to kill you in the run game. Mazzucca and Ben Scott are going to just absolutely feast on that interior.

As for Shadildo Sanders the draft pick, I think he needs to clean up his maturity act or he will FALL in the draft. No doubt he has top 5 talent. But I believe his entitlement act is going to really scare teams in the interview room. His antics have "last guy sitting in the draft room" written all over him.
All great points. Your last paragraph is exactly what I was saying yesterday. Shadouche may have all the talent in the world. But his attitude and persona will bite him in ass with a lot of teams.

Until he proves he can play nice with others, his draft stock will fall.


Elite Member
All great points. Your last paragraph is exactly what I was saying yesterday. Shadouche may have all the talent in the world. But his attitude and persona will bite him in ass with a lot of teams.

Until he proves he can play nice with others, his draft stock will fall.
I fully believe he will either go in the first 5-7 picks or he will drop into the 3rd+ round based upon this. If he gets a REALLY good agent that can coach him to interview well then he might have a chance. The teams with good management should be able to see through an interview whether or not he’s truthful about answers and how well he will actually work with them and teammates.


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Shadildo is likely the 2nd QB off the board in next years draft unless the LSU, Texas or A&M QBs have giant years and he struggles. That being said I think he’s a middle of the first round QB

But there’s a reason Nebraska is favored in this game.

Stan Raymond

It's going to be hard for Sanders to drop out of the 1st round this draft. After Beck there just isn't much for QBs, Ewers and Milroe if they continue to improve and decide to turn pro, but there isn't much QB talent in the draft, so somebody is going to take Sanders.

I also agree that Sanders is showing some issues. He is acting as if he has arrived, just doesn't see that he is putting in the work:

- Worked on his horrible rap song
- Went modeling
- Slacked off during sprints
- Slacked off in workout with Cam Ward
- Brady said he should be studying film instead of buying cars

Now each one doesn't mean squat, but when you put them together, I wonder how dedicated he is to the team and if he's putting in the work for a QB that is facing new conference opponents in a new offense. He is still a talented QB, but the Sean Lewis offense was perfect for him, short quick accurate throws. Sanders doesn't have a great arm and struggles with deeper throws. I don't see how Shurmur's changes in offense is going to help Sanders or Colorado.

I think it could be a rough year for Sanders' ego, both coach and son.


Elite Member
Greg McDermott's plantation
Well this thread got interesting with only 2 months until the game.

I think everyone who's discussing CU needs to ask two big questions before you prop them up at all:

1. Can Pat Shurmur really become an upgrade to Sean Lewis?

2. Can Robert Livingston, who's never coordinated a defense before, suddenly come in and insert a brand new scheme at the college level, where he has zero coaching experience?

I think everyone should be respectful of Shadildo' s talent mixed with 4 legit receivers. That's their team. That's their strength. You hit on 3 or 4 vertical routes and Nebraska makes some mistakes, and that's the anatomy for a loss.

But they have some serious questions.

Pat Shurmur couldn't buy an nfl assistant job. He has been fired more than Billy Martin. The only reason he got the CU job was because he lived in the Denver area. His hiring was by default.

CU couldn't find a DC. They didn't even know what defense they were going to run until after they brought in most of their transfers. Let's think about that for a minute. They were recruiting personnel to a scheme that didn't exist. This is how you sign a 6'0 285 lb D-Tackle to be an interior linemen in the 4-2-5. Their projected interior defensive linemen will be the smaller than what Nebraska will face vs UTEP or Northern Cockeye.

If you're going to run a 4-2-5, your defensive tackles have to keep offensive linemen off your linebackers or teams are going to kill you in the run game. Mazzucca and Ben Scott are going to just absolutely feast on that interior.

As for Shadildo Sanders the draft pick, I think he needs to clean up his maturity act or he will FALL in the draft. No doubt he has top 5 talent. But I believe his entitlement act is going to really scare teams in the interview room. His antics have "last guy sitting in the draft room" written all over him.
I thought you were picking CU to win vs NU?


Offensive Lineman
It's going to be hard for Sanders to drop out of the 1st round this draft. After Beck there just isn't much for QBs, Ewers and Milroe if they continue to improve and decide to turn pro, but there isn't much QB talent in the draft, so somebody is going to take Sanders.

I also agree that Sanders is showing some issues. He is acting as if he has arrived, just doesn't see that he is putting in the work:

- Worked on his horrible rap song
- Went modeling
- Slacked off during sprints
- Slacked off in workout with Cam Ward
- Brady said he should be studying film instead of buying cars

Now each one doesn't mean squat, but when you put them together, I wonder how dedicated he is to the team and if he's putting in the work for a QB that is facing new conference opponents in a new offense. He is still a talented QB, but the Sean Lewis offense was perfect for him, short quick accurate throws. Sanders doesn't have a great arm and struggles with deeper throws. I don't see how Shurmur's changes in offense is going to help Sanders or Colorado.

I think it could be a rough year for Sanders' ego, both coach and son.
It's entirely possible after seeing Bronny James get drafted.🤦


Elite Member
Greg McDermott's plantation
Shadildo is likely the 2nd QB off the board in next years draft
Yeah, Shedeur is still a 1st rounder, which is hard for me to say since I hate his guts.

My read on him as a pro prospect is this (ranking 1-10 scale):

Arm - deep ball: 7
Arm - mid range: 8.5
Arm - short range: 9
Legs - escapability: 8
Legs - as a weapon: 3.5
Cognition/read defenses: 9
Attitude/maturity: 4

I would not take him if I were an NFL GM. I'm assuming his big selling point is his blinker speed. He does see the field incredibly well. He cycles through receivers well. If you gave Adrian Martinez his blinker speed, AM would have won 3 Heismans & Fraudst would still be here.

In the end, I don't think he has the maturity or humility to be a great pro QB. I might take him if he really slipped in the draft though.


That Dude
Elite Member
Omaha, NE
Shadouche is both cocky and arrogant fed by his fathers split personality of holier than thou and superficiality blended with his “blessed” approach to life until confronted with the reality that no one gives a shit about you but those who depend on you.

I hope we break that mother fucker in two

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