Breaking Tony White plays USC for what will likely be a big raise from Nebraska

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Seeing as how the polio case rate in the US is literally 0.0 and the death rate is somehow even less than that, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say his kids will probably be OK
Measles was declared "eradicated" in 2000 but we're dealing with an outbreak in NYC due to large religious communities avoiding vaccines.

Gonna follow my own post up with: TAKE IT TO THE PARKING LOT!!!

Who, us?

Someone send Juan after him
I tune in on page 19 of this thread, and people are talking about polio and measles vaccines. What in the world happened here?
It’s been quite the ride.

I didn’t mean to start a vaccination argument. But if what that Syracuse staffer told us is true it’s pretty easy to see why he would rather live in Nebraska than California. He’s a good coach and I’d like to keep him regardless of his feelings on vaccines.
Because there is no real info.

USC reached out to White. White turned them down.

USC reporters are terrible and began to grasp at straws, stirring shit up.

White has been solidly N this entire time.

Nothing to report.
Reporting that the coach everyone believes to be leaving N is not actually leave is nothing to report….