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Stock Market/Investing/Day Trading/Speculative Trading Thread

Seems like they should just rent a hotel room. Idk, seems like maybe a better deal.

If rented a hotel room in that market for the year it would be around $50,000

Food would be around $10,000 for the year.

The rest is attributed to administrative costs.

Feel the California wash over you baby
Really would like to upgrade our housing situation as well. Especially moving closer to one of the private golf courses in Lincoln.

But I'm going to hold some down payment cash and hope this market has a blip at some point and some of these people in big mortgages don't make it. Feels like a really bad time to buy right now.
As a Realtor I disagree. Interest rates are going up. Research to see how much a loan on a Million Dollar house would cost you right now compared to a loan after prices drop but you have an interest rate that is 1.5-4% higher. Plus add in Inflation. Cost of building materials will continue to skyrocket. During inflationary times traditionally Gold and Real Estate have been 2 of the best investments.
As a Realtor I disagree. Interest rates are going up. Research to see how much a loan on a Million Dollar house would cost you right now compared to a loan after prices drop but you have an interest rate that is 1.5-4% higher. Plus add in Inflation. Cost of building materials will continue to skyrocket. During inflationary times traditionally Gold and Real Estate have been 2 of the best investments.

I don't disagree with any of that but I don't need to move and I'd rather wait for the eventual downturn when we flush all this COVID cash out of the market. That may not happen anytime soon and I'll be ok with my current house.

Plus your equation doesn't factor in that I'm building more equity in my current home that will reduce the loan amount of my next home if I wait and what I am doing with the savings from my smaller payment now (mostly investing it).

Edit to add: It also doesn't help that the real estate fee around here is still 7% for such fast transactions.
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I don't disagree with any of that but I don't need to move and I'd rather wait for the eventual downturn when we flush all this COVID cash out of the market. That may not happen anytime soon and I'll be ok with my current house.

Plus your equation doesn't factor in that I'm building more equity in my current home that will reduce the loan amount of my next home if I wait and what I am doing with the savings from my smaller payment now (mostly investing it).

Edit to add: It also doesn't help that the real estate fee around here is still 7% for such fast transactions.
In either scenario you will be building up equity in a property so need to keep that out of your reasoning. We deal with this daily with clients and honestly I am looking to buy more rental property. I'm scrambling ASAP to buy stuff because my payments will be going up substantially from rate increases even if the market dips down.

Here are 3 examples. 1 showing current rate and a $1,000,000 loan and the other 2 based on a 20% Market dip so an $800,000 Loan:
$1,000,000 Loan at current rate 3.75% has a monthly payment of $4,631
$800,000 Loan at 6.25% has a monthly payment of $4,925
$800,000 Loan at 5.75% has a monthly payment of $4,668

If you can find the right property I think this is the time to buy. I've never been a fan of timing markets whether it is the Stock market or Real Estate. If you can afford it right now I feel it will be beneficial long term to purchase before the rates continue to climb. Some are projecting rates close to 7% within the next 2-3 years.

To Quote Dean's favorite Boy Band Nsync "Buy, Buy, Buy"
Rates are already 1% higher than they were two months ago. I agree with @MtnHusker. Never a bad time to buy and the more you try to time the market, the more you just lose out. I don't think we'll see much of a dip in housing prices but we will see more availability at some point. Right now there's just nothing out there so the bidding wars are insane. -I'm a lender
Rates are already 1% higher than they were two months ago. I agree with @MtnHusker. Never a bad time to buy and the more you try to time the market, the more you just lose out. I don't think we'll see much of a dip in housing prices but we will see more availability at some point. Right now there's just nothing out there so the bidding wars are insane. -I'm a lender
This is really the bigger problem. I agree the math is in favor of buying now but the buying experience is shit right now. I also don't want to get in a bidding war and then have a 2008 collapse and be stuck under water on a mortgage that I had to stretch on.

I'm ok with my current house. I can wait and be optimistically buying the next one if the conditions are right. It worked out pretty well for me after the 2008 collapse.
As a Realtor I disagree. Interest rates are going up. Research to see how much a loan on a Million Dollar house would cost you right now compared to a loan after prices drop but you have an interest rate that is 1.5-4% higher. Plus add in Inflation. Cost of building materials will continue to skyrocket. During inflationary times traditionally Gold and Real Estate have been 2 of the best investments.

You do any work in Benton county?

If so let’s talk some real estate baby
A majority of my work is in Camden, Miller and Morgan Counties but we do Benton County also. Who wouldn't want to say they sell property in Tightwad or Wisdom?

looking for in between Lincoln and Cole Camp

Also was wanting to ask you what’s the story with all the big mansions on hwy 7 between the Warsaw turn and where it hits hwy 5?

I understand big houses on the lake but these were all ranches with out buildings and fencing that all combined with the mansions make these multi million dollar properties.

Didn’t know if some of them were like former pro athletes or something.
Housing market seems nuts everywhere, but Chicago where we own two proprieties and ideally would just sell those for the right price. I don't have an interest in buying again until things correct.
This is the current problem that is manifesting… not many are willing to sell right now, especially as they are looking at capital gains taxes or re-investing. Upgrading is not worth it, but if you are looking at downsizing, it’s not bad at all.
I am scouring constantly in high-margin areas (typically low to moderate income housing with low taxes), but there just aren’t many opportunities even with significant rental price increases. The only saving grace is low rates, but even then, there is little that doesn’t need significant reno that essentially erodes the margin.
And there is NOTHING in the market for multi-family right now that isn’t significantly over-priced.
And may I ask why the fuck the real estate fund I own is down so much when home prices are soaring? 😡
REITs now are pricing in the rate hikes already, so many have been stagnant even though the market has been going wild. Also need to know specifically what they provide money for- commercial or residential. Although even several solid residential REITs have been shockingly bad (aside from nice dividends) for a while.
Commercial market has been torn to shreds by Covid.
Here is the bubble as of June 2021 and it’s only gone basically straight up since then.


Yep! There is value still, but it’s incredibly hard to find, and few and far between. But this level isn’t remotely sustainable. An interesting thing going on right now is Wall Street has been doing a lot of investing in actual properties, which they would never do without the rates being where they are. Of course, they are buying income producing properties, which is driving some of the massive rent increases. I know guys with well over 100 properties lamenting about how there is nothing they would touch right now. They have all the cash in the world, but nowhere to put it.

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