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random huskers who were bad but played (1 Viewer)


Graduate Assistant
It’s also the biggest misconception that Husker fans have, he was one player on an otherwise average team.

Eh… I don’t know. I think the 2010 team was an extremely talented team even without him. I do respect the idea that we did add some pretty salty juco talent for that team though.

I agree that we don’t have a chance at all to win the conference that year without him though. Once Zach Lee got hurt our offense was completely done and that side of the ball was painful to watch.


Graduate Assistant
Granted he was the best player in country but still. How many awesome players are there and they don’t translate to recruiting success? Johnny Manziel and A&M, Manti Teo and ND, LamarJackson and Louisville. Heck even Oregon with Mariota. Who did they get after? Vernon Adam’s a lower level transfer, another FCS transfer in Prokup and they fell into Herbert who was a 2 Star from Eugeon

I know what you’re saying and there’s always a drop off when an elite player leaves. But it’s a bit more understandable with QBs who were multiple year starters than it is for OL/DL.

What I’ll say is that signing Thad Randle, Jay Guy, Walker Ashburn, and Tobi Okeyumi in the 2010 class was really bad.


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member

Stan Raymond

Caleb Tannor

Holds the record for most games played in at 56 games. That's a lot of football games, yet he only had 126 tackles, 18 tackles for loss and 10 sacks. We have 8 players that had more tackles in one season that Tannor had in 56 games, 10 guys have more TFL in a season than he has in his career, 14 guys have the same or more sacks in a season than he has in a career. He was bad and he played a lot, more than anybody else. Not many LBs average 2.25 tackles per game and are allowed to play 56 games, starting 32.

Dude makes Dedrick Young look very productive (284 tackles over 48 games), Young had twice as many tackles over 8 fewer games.
Garrett Nelson had more tackles as a DE, 167 in fewer games.
Mo Barry crushes him with 244 tackles in fewer games.
Alex Davis was very unproductive and a good choice but he only started 16 games compared to Tannor's 32.


Elite Member
Caleb Tannor

Holds the record for most games played in at 56 games. That's a lot of football games, yet he only had 126 tackles, 18 tackles for loss and 10 sacks. We have 8 players that had more tackles in one season that Tannor had in 56 games, 10 guys have more TFL in a season than he has in his career, 14 guys have the same or more sacks in a season than he has in a career. He was bad and he played a lot, more than anybody else. Not many LBs average 2.25 tackles per game and are allowed to play 56 games, starting 32.

Dude makes Dedrick Young look very productive (284 tackles over 48 games), Young had twice as many tackles over 8 fewer games.
Garrett Nelson had more tackles as a DE, 167 in fewer games.
Mo Barry crushes him with 244 tackles in fewer games.
Alex Davis was very unproductive and a good choice but he only started 16 games compared to Tannor's 32.
Not really fair to compare Tannor to inside LBers or guys who played LB in the 4-3

Stan Raymond

Not really fair to compare Tannor to inside LBers or guys who played LB in the 4-3

That's fair. Compare Tannor's numbers to any OLB you like. Just remember Tannor started for 3 full years, 32 games and played in 56. Very unproductive for the amount of playing time he got.
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1. Thad Randle - at 6'0 290, Randle really exemplified the reasons why Bo's defenses struggled with the transition to the Big Ten.

2. Alex Davis - I know he's been mentioned a lot in this thread, but I wanted to highlight his 2018 season because its almost impossible. In 12 games played, which included 4 starts, Davis ended the season with 4 unassissted tackles, and 1 solo. That's it. He had 5 tackles in more than 200 defensive snaps. There was even a series of plays at Wisconsin where the whole replay of a 75 yard scoring drive involved the Badgers gaining big chunk yards with Davis getting blocked 10 to 15 yards downfield.

3. Mohammed Barry - I have mixed feelings about this one because he's a terrific person who will be an ambassador for the program forever. But he ran about a 4.9 forty and illustrated the significant talent defiencecies Nebraska had at Linebacker for basically their first 10 years in the Big Ten.

4. Dedrick Young - see Mo Barry.

5. Aaron Williams and Antonio Reed- Williams was too small in run support and almost completely useless in the Big Ten. Antonio Reed was very athletic and had a great frame but he was one of the dumbest players in Husker history. He never wrapped up. He always wanted big hits. He blew coverages and was a penalty machine.

The fact that 5 of these 6 players were on the field together for more than 40 games really explains a lot.


Elite Member
Benard Thomas. Huge hype coming into NU as a RE and couldn't back into a sack with all of the playing time he had.

Remember how pissed he was on the elevator with Stevie P. - ha ha! Didn't he have gold teeth?


This thread was made for Alex Davis. He started for 3 years at linebacker and accumulated zero sacks…and to the guy who said Benard Thomas, fuck right off

He was the first Bobot

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