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Potentially partnering with the new tMB

Nice response. It was a genuine question asking for facts, not opinions or feelings. That's the problem with the current political environment. People are willing to forgo facts for feelings.
Just my take (fwiw) -

There are likely a handful or more here that will continue to follow your Fraggle Rock thread on the Crootn board but a few more here just want a place where we can make fun of our home board posters, talk a little NU football, and shoot the shit about tits/booze/hunting/etc.

Obviously it’s up to HG but don’t be surprised or take offense to the hostility.
Nice response. It was a genuine question asking for facts, not opinions or feelings. That's the problem with the current political environment. People are willing to forgo facts for feelings.
A short man once said...facts don't care about your feelings. Organizing for what? That poster said for when poo hits the fan...what are these psychos planning to do with all this organizing? Don't be obtuse.
Absolutely not intersted, sorry @HuskerGarrett if it would've been helpful money-wise but I will not be a part of anything that allows right-wing violent fantasy garbage. Considering the Mainboard had thousands of pages of threads dedicated to QAnon all the way back in like 2017 I do not want to be affiliated with anybody who thinks it's a great idea to branch off and make a new board for the sole purpose of keeping that vibe going.

Seems like you already decided not to merge so I'll be happily sticking around but just wanted to throw my two cents in as well!
Some good suggestions ITT but just a couple of points of clarification. The Fraqqle Rock thread is one thread on the new board in one corner of the board. There are dozens of other threads mostly populated by former staples on tMB like Ole Ted, Esso Club, the usual cast of characters. The moderation and administration is about a million times more enlightened than tMB or RSS.

But having said that I think the motivation for the founding of the the Platinum Board was to have a place to discuss what used to be fun to discuss on RSS openly and freely. I am concerned that the character of this board would change if it's lumped in with the crootn board. So as much as I enjoy the new alternative to tMB for many reasons and as much as I respect the admin, I think we are better off staying put in order to preserve our autonomy.

Now if there are financial issues or motivations that I'm not aware of then that's a different kind of discussion that needs to take place.

It does suck to be spread over 4 boards, tMB, crootn, the Discord board which is pretty much the wild wild west and here. But hey, 1st world problems.
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Some good suggestions ITT but just a couple of points of clarification. The Fraqqle Rock thread is one thread on the new board in one corner of the board. There are dozens of other threads mostly populated by former staples on tMB like Ole Ted, Esso Club, the usual cast of characters. The moderation and administration is about a million times more enlightened than tMB or RSS.

But having said that I think the motivation for the founding of the the Platinum Board was to have a place to discuss what used to be fun to discuss on RSS openly and freely. I am concerned that the character of this board would change if it's lumped in with the crootn board. So as much as I enjoy the new alternative to tMB for many reasons and as much as I respect the admin, I think we are better off staying put in order to preserve our autonomy.

Now if there are financial issues or motivations that I'm not aware of then that's a different kind of discussion that needs to take place.

It does suck to be spread over 4 boards, tMB, crootn, the Discord board which is pretty much the wild wild west and here. But hey, 1st world problems.
Definitely get and respect this perspective. However, guilt by association is a thing, and this would be taking an active step to align with a place that hosts that garbage.

I honestly had troubles squaring it even with MLPFC on Rivals, but that thread germinated organically, was already on the same board, and also preceded all this nonsense.

Actively joining, and thus tacitly approving, a site that hosts Q bullshit, a few days after the inevitable finally manifested itself in DC, is a horse of a completely different color imo. To be frank, it saddens me that people who I respect quite deeply are even considering it.
Definitely get and respect this perspective. However, guilt by association is a thing, and this would be taking an active step to align with a place that hosts that garbage.

I honestly had troubles squaring it even with MLPFC on Rivals, but that thread germinated organically, was already on the same board, and also preceded all this nonsense.

Actively joining, and thus tacitly approving, a site that hosts Q bullshit, a few days after the inevitable finally manifested itself in DC, is a horse of a completely different color imo. To be frank, it saddens me that people who I respect quite deeply are even considering it.
You're a good and thoughtful guy and I appreciate and respect your opinion.
Dare I ask what The Free Speech Store is?
My man, where's your sense of style and irony?


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